Medical-Surgical Nursing: Chapter 72 - Care of Patients with Male Reproductive Problems Flashcards

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Chapter 72 - Care of Patients with Male Reproductive Problems
updated 6 years ago by mens05
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A client with benign prostatic hyperplasia is being discharged with alpha-adrenergic blockers. Which information is important for the nurse to include when teaching the client about this type of pharmacologic management? Select all that apply.

  1. Avoid drugs used to treat erection problems.
  2. Be careful when changing positions.
  3. Keep all appointments for follow-up laboratory testing.
  4. Hearing tests will need to be conducted periodically.
  5. Take the medication in the afternoon.

A. Avoid drugs used to treat erection problems.

B. Be careful when changing positions.

C. Keep all appointments for follow-up laboratory testing.


The nurse is caring for a client with erectile dysfunction who has not had success with common treatment modalities. The nurse anticipates that the primary health care provider will recommend which treatment for this client?

  1. Penile implants
  2. Penile injections
  3. Transurethral suppository
  4. Vacuum constriction device

A. Penile implants


A client receiving radiation therapy calls the nurse to report rectal urgency, cramping, and passing of mucus and blood. What is the nurse’s best response?

  1. “This is an emergency. Go directly to the emergency department.”
  2. “This is normal and will resolve as soon as the treatment stops.”
  3. “Avoid caffeine and continue drinking plenty of water and other fluids.”
  4. “Limit spicy or fatty foods, caffeine, and dairy products.”

D. “Limit spicy or fatty foods, caffeine, and dairy products.”


A young adult with testicular cancer is admitted for unilateral orchiectomy and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection. Which nursing action is best for the nurse to delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)?

  1. Encourage the client to cough and deep-breathe after surgery.
  2. Discuss reproductive options with the client and significant other.
  3. Teach about the availability of a gel-filled silicone testicular prosthesis.
  4. Evaluate the client’s understanding of chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

A. Encourage the client to cough and deep-breathe after surgery.


Which method is a common integrative health therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)?

  1. Acupuncture
  2. Calcium supplements
  3. Serenoa repens
  4. Yoga

C. Serenoa repens


When discussing care and treatment of prostate cancer with clients, it is important for the nurse to remember that the most common issue among men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer is the alteration of which factor?

  1. Comfort because of surgical pain
  2. Mobility after treatment
  3. Nutrition because of radiation side effects
  4. Sexual function after treatment

D. Sexual function after treatment


The potential problem of grief is most relevant to a client after which procedure?

  1. Cystoscopy
  2. Transurethral microwave therapy
  3. Radical prostatectomy
  4. Sperm banking

C. Radical prostatectomy


What will the nurse include in teaching to assist the client who has undergone open radical prostatectomy surgery to overcome urinary incontinence?

  1. Ask the primary health care provider about prescribing sildenafil (Viagra).
  2. Use analgesic medications as needed to maintain comfort
  3. Practice Kegel exercises to improve muscle control
  4. Practice routine self-catheterization and bladder retraining

C. Practice Kegel exercises to improve muscle control


After returning from transurethral resection of the prostate, the client’s urine in the continuous bladder irrigation system is a burgundy color. Which client needs does the nurse anticipate after the surgeon sees the client? Select all that apply.

  1. Antispasmodic drugs
  2. Emergency surgery
  3. Forced fluids
  4. Increased intermittent irrigation
  5. Monitoring for anemia

A. Antispasmodic drugs

E. Monitoring for anemia


A client with prostate cancer asks the nurse for more information and counseling. Which resources does the nurse suggest? Select all that apply.

  1. American Cancer Society’s Man to Man program
  2. Us TOO International
  3. Save My Prostate Society
  4. National Prostate Cancer Coalition
  5. Client’s church, synagogue, or place of worship

A. American Cancer Society’s Man to Man program

B. Us TOO International

D. National Prostate Cancer Coalition

E. Client’s church, synagogue, or place of worship


Hormone treatment for prostate cancer works by which action?

  1. Decreased blood flow to the tumor
  2. Destruction of the tumor
  3. Shrinkage of the tumor
  4. Suppression of the growth of the tumor

D. Suppression of the growth of the tumor


A client with testicular cancer is worried about sterility and the ability to conceive children later. Which resource does the nurse refer the client to before surgery takes place?

  1. American Cancer Society
  2. American Fertility Society
  3. RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association
  4. A sperm bank facility

D. A sperm bank facility


A client has undergone transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Which interventions does the nurse incorporate in this client’s postoperative care? Select all that apply.

  1. Administer antispasmodic medications.
  2. Encourage the client to urinate around the catheter if pressure is felt.
  3. Perform intermittent urinary catheterization every 4 to 6 hours.
  4. Place the client in a supine position with his knees flexed.
  5. Assist the client to mobilize as soon as permitted.

A. Administer antispasmodic medications.

E. Assist the client to mobilize as soon as permitted.


The nurse will conduct prostate screening and provide education about prostate cancer with which male client?

  1. A young adult with a history of urinary tract infections
  2. A client who has sustained an injury to the external genitalia
  3. An adult male who is older than 50 years
  4. A sexually active client

C. An adult male who is older than 50 years


A client with prostate cancer asks why he must have surgery instead of radiation, even if his cancer is the least-invasive type. What is the nurse’s best response?

  1. “It is because your cancer growth is large.”
  2. “Surgery is the most common intervention for a cure.”
  3. “Surgery slows the spread of cancer.”
  4. “The surgery is to promote urination.”

B. “Surgery is the most common intervention for a cure.”


Why is prostate cancer screening often emphasized to the African-American population in the United States?

  1. Metastasis of prostate cancer is higher.
  2. Prostate cancer occurs at an earlier age.
  3. There is no relation to having any first-degree relative with prostate cancer prior to age 65.
  4. Clinical presentation is different.

B. Prostate cancer occurs at an earlier age.


The nurse is educating a group of young men about testicular self-examination (TSE). Which statement by a member of the group indicates teaching has been effective?

  1. “I will examine my testicles right before taking a shower.”
  2. “I will squeeze each testicle in my hand to feel any lumps.”
  3. “I will only report any large lumps to my primary health care provider.”
  4. “I will look and feel for any lumps or changes to my testes.”

D. “I will look and feel for any lumps or changes to my testes.”


When is the best time for the nurse to begin discharge planning and a community-based plan of care for a client with prostate cancer?

  1. Before surgery
  2. After surgery
  3. 2 days before being discharged
  4. The day of discharge

A. Before surgery


The RN working in the hospital emergency department is assigned to care for these four clients. Which client does the nurse attend to first?

  1. Adolescent with an erection for “10 or 11 hours” who is reporting severe pain
  2. Young adult with a swollen, painful scrotum who has a recent history of mumps infection
  3. Middle-aged adult discharged 2 days ago after a transurethral resection of the prostate who has increased hematuria
  4. Older adult with a history of benign prostatic hyperplasia and palpable bladder distention

A. Adolescent with an erection for “10 or 11 hours” who is reporting severe pain


Which assessment finding causes the nurse to suspect that a client may have testicular cancer?

  1. Hematuria
  2. Penile discharge
  3. Painless testicular lump
  4. Sudden increase in libido

C. Painless testicular lump