Quiz 1 - Flashcards

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Which of the following states of matter is pictured below?

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C) gas


Which of the following states of matter is portrayed by the following description: assumes the shape of its container because it has a definite volume but no specific shape?

A) solid

B) liquid

C) gas

B) liquid


Which one of the following is an example of a heterogeneous mixture?

A) apple juice

B) tap water

C) air

D) Italian salad dressing

D) Italian salad dressing


Which one of the following is an example of a heterogenous mixture?

A) coffee

B) water

C) sand

D) tap water

C) sand


Which one of the following is an example of a homogenous mixture?A) coffee

B) salt

C) concrete

D) iron

A) coffee


Which one of the following is an example of an element?

A) brass

B) nickel

C) bronze

D) sterling silver

B) nickel


Which one of the following is NOT an example of a compound?

A) concrete

B) rust (iron oxide)

C) carbon dioxide

D) ammonia+

A) concrete


Which one of the following would be a chemical property of a sample of neon gas?

A) It is a gas at room temperature.

B) It is inert.

C) It is colorless.

D) It boils at -246 °C.

B) It is inert.


Which one of the following would be a physical property of glucose?

A) It is used by the body to generate energy.

B) When combined with sulfuric acid it forms carbon.

C) In its pure form, it is a white powder.

D) It can be fermented to form ethanol.

C) In its pure form, it is a white powder.


How many significant figures does the answer of 2.5 + 9.520 contain?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 5

C) 3


Which of the following is a chemical change?

A) cooking an egg

B) mixing oil and water

C) tearing a piece of paper

D) watching a DVD

A) cooking an egg


Which of the following is a physical change?

A) rusting of a nail

B) tearing a piece of paper

C) cooking an egg

D) burning wood

B) tearing a piece of paper


Which one of these represents a CHEMICAL change?

A) lard when heated changes to liquid

B) water disappears from a beaker in a few days at room temperature

C) sugar dissolving in water

D) milk turns sour after sitting at room temperature for a few days

E) water boils below 100°C on a mountain

D) milk turns sour after sitting at room temperature for a few days


In the process of making biofuel from corn, the corn is ground, mixed with water, and then enzymes are added to hydrolyze the starch into smaller sugar molecules. The fermentation produces ethanol and carbon dioxide. In a subsequent step, a microorganism ferments the sugars into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The ethanol is further distilled for use as a biofuel. In this process ______ is an example of a chemical change.

A) grinding the corn

B) fermenting the starch

C) distilling the ethanol

D) mixing the corn with water

B) fermenting the starch


What is the name of the SI unit for length?

A) kilogram

B) meter

C) second

D) Kelvin

B) meter


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10³?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

B) kilo-


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10⁻³?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

E) milli-


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10⁻⁶?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

D) micro-


Which of the following represents an exact quantity?

A) There are 2.54 cm in an inch.

B) A man is 5 feet 10 inches tall.

C) A man weighs 200 lb.

D) It takes 15 minutes to drive to the grocery store.

E) There are 80 grams of sugar in a serving of soda.

A) There are 2.54 cm in an inch.


Which one of the following is the largest mass?

A) 7.6 × 10⁴ mg

B) 7.6 × 10⁷ ng

C) 7.6 × 10⁻² kg

D) 7.6 × 10⁸ μg

D) 7.6 × 10⁸ μg


Which one of the following is the longest length?

A) 840 m

B) 0.084 km

C) 8.4 × 10⁹ nm

D) 8.4 × 10⁷ μm

A) 840 m


Which one of the following is the smallest mass?

A) 5.2 × 10⁻⁴ kg

B) 0.052 g

C) 5.2 mg

D) 5.2 cg

C) 5.2 mg


You have a 100 gram sample of each of the following metals. Which sample has the smallest volume?

A) Aluminum, d = 2.7 g/cm³

B) Gold, d = 19.3 g/cm³

C) Iron, d = 7.86 g/cm³

D) Magnesium, d = 1.74 g/cm³

E) Silver, d = 10.5 g/cm³

B) Gold, d = 19.3 g/cm³


The density of water is approximately 1 g/cm³. Which of these substances will sink in water?

A) Liquid hydrogen, d = 0.070 g/cm³

B) Lithium, d = 0.535 g/cm³

C) Potassium, d = 0.860 g/cm³

D) Polymer resin, d = 1.03 g/cm³

D) Polymer resin, d = 1.03 g/cm³


three blocks of the same shape and size are placed in front of you. Block A has a mass of 3.0 g, block B is 5.0 g, and block C is 10.0 g. Which has the higher density?

A) Block A

B) Block B

C) Block C

D) All blocks have the same density.

E) There is no way to determine without the volume.

C) Block C


Vegetable oil has a density of 0.92 g/cm³. Which of these substances would float on vegetable oil?

A) Corn syrup, d = 1.4 g/cm³

B) Mercury, d = 13.6 g/cm³

C) Aluminum, d = 2.7 g/cm³

D) Rubbing alcohol, d = 0.79 g/cm³

E) Water, d = 1.0 g/cm³

D) Rubbing alcohol, d = 0.79 g/cm³


You have a sample of each of the following five metals, with the mass and density of each sample given. Which sample has the smallest volume?

A) Aluminum, mass = 138 g, d = 2.7 g/cm³

B) Copper, mass = 225 g, d = 8.92 g/cm³

C) Iron, mass = 235 g, d = 7.86 g/cm³

D) Magnesium, mass = 105 g, d = 1.74 g/cm³

E) Silver, mass = 215 g, d = 10.5 g/cm³

E) Silver, mass = 215 g, d = 10.5 g/cm³


A chemist encounters an unknown solid. They drop the solid into a graduated cylinder containing water, and find the volume change is 3.20 mL. If the solid weighs 1.5 g, what is the density in g/mL of the metal?

0.47 g/mL

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The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is

A) 46.4

B) 46.37

C) 50

D) 46

D) 46

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The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is

A) 83.63

B) 83.6

C) 84

D) 83.628

B) 83.6

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The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is

A) 225

B) 230

C) 225.49

D) 225.5

D) 225.5

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The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is

A) 190


Which of the following numbers contains four significant figures?

A) 1561.0

B) 0.053

C) 0.761

D) 3.101

E) 1400

D) 3.101


How many significant figures does the number 23.070 have?



The number 0.01060 has ___ significant figures.



The number 4.0 × 10⁵ has ___ significant figures.



The number 350.2 has ___ significant figures.



The number 6.11 × 10⁻² when taken out of scientific notation would be

A) 0.00611

B) 0.0611

C) 611

D) 6110

B) 0.0611


The number 875000 written in scientific notation would be

A) 8.75 × 10⁵

B) 8.75 × 10⁻⁴

C) 8.75 × 10⁴

D) 8.75 × 10⁻⁵

A) 8.75 × 10⁵


The number 9.41 × 10⁵ when taken out of scientific notation would be

A) 9410000

B) 94100

C) 941000

D) 0.0000941

C) 941000


Jamel is to receive Cleocin 275 mg IV for 6.00 hr. The concentration of the solution is 5.00 mg/mL. What is the volume of the solution in milliliters that will need to be delivered?

55.0 mL


A particular medication dosage is 43.3 mg/kg of body weight. If 1.00 mL of the medication contains 50.0 mg, what is the volume in mL of the medication a child weighing 59.0 lb. should receive?

23.2 mL


Convert 2.87 kg to grams. Use only the metric system.

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2870 g.


Convert 32.1 into centimeters

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81.5 cm.


Convert 0.0134L to milliliters. Use only the metric system.

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13.4 mL.


Convert 5.32 × 10⁻⁷ s to microseconds. Use only the metric system.

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0.532 µs.


A person loses 2.70lb in two weeks. How many grams did they lose?

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1220 g.


A fuel tank holds 22.3 gallons of gasoline. If the density of gasoline is 0.8206g/mL, what is the mass in kilograms of gasoline in a full tank?

69.3 kg.


A liquid in the lab has a density of 1.17g/cm³. What is the volume in liters of 3.02kg of the liquid?

2.58 L.


A race car has a maximum speed of 0.104km/s. What is this speed in miles per hour?

233 mi / hr.


Convert 26.2 kilometers to centimeters.

2.62 × 10⁶ cm


Cam signed up to run a 15-kilometer running race. What distance in miles will she have ran when she finishes?

9.3 miles


How much money will it cost you to drive 165.0 miles if your car gets 25.70 miles per gallon and gas costs $3.309/gallon?

21.24 $


A barrel of crude oil has a volume of 42 gallons, only approximately 45% of which is processed into gasoline. If your car achieves 35 mi/gal, and you drive 36,000 miles in one year, how many barrels of crude oil are required to run your car for a year?

54 barrels


Which is not one of Dalton's hypotheses of atomic theory?

A) Elements are composed of atoms.

B) Compounds are composed of atoms of more than one element.

C) A chemical reaction involves the rearrangement of atoms.

D) All atoms of a given element are identical.

E) The atoms of one element are the same as atoms of another element.

E) The atoms of one element are the same as atoms of another element.


Rutherford's gold foil experiment determined that

A) neutrons are in the nucleus.

B) electrons have a negative charge.

C) most of the space in an atom is empty except for a concentrated area called the nucleus.

D) protons and neutrons have about the same mass.

E) neutrons have no charge.

C) most of the space in an atom is empty except for a concentrated area called the nucleus.


Which has a greater mass?

A) Electron

B) Proton

C) They have equal masses

D) Not enough information

B) Proton


The net charge on an atom of a given element changes as ______ are added or removed.

A) neutrons

B) protons

C) electrons

D) protons and electrons

C) electrons


The element symbol for nickel is _____

A) Ni

B) N

C) Nc

D) Ne

E) Nh

A) Ni


What is the element symbol for aluminum?

A) Au

B) Am

C) Al

D) A

E) An

C) Al


What is the element symbol for fluorine?

A) Fl

B) Fu

C) Fi

D) F

E) Fe

D) F


What is the element symbol for gold?

A) Au

B) Am

C) Al

D) A

E) An

A) Au


What is the element symbol for titanium?

A) Tm

B) Ti

C) Ta

D) Tn

E) T

B) Ti


Which of the following element symbols is NOT listed with the element it represents?

A) Co, copper

B) Sb, antimony

C) Bi, bismuth

D) K, potassium

E) Ne, neon

A) Co, copper


What element has the symbol Pb?

A) praseodymium

B) potassium

C) lead

D) phosphorus

E) polonium

C) lead


Which element has the symbol Sn?A) tin

B) scandium

C) samarium

D) lead

E) antimony

A) tin


Which of the following sets of elements and symbols is paired correctly?

A) beryllium, B

B) manganese, Mg

C) calcium, Cm

D) tungsten, W

E) lead, La

D) tungsten, W


Which of the following sets of elements and symbols is paired incorrectly?

A) lithium, Li

B) arsenic, As.

C) silver, Si

D) gallium, Ga

E) zinc, Zn

C) silver, Si


A mass spectrometer measures neon to have two masses: 20 and 22 atomic mass units. These are:

A) Isotopes

B) Ions

C) Compounds

D) None of the above

A) Isotopes


What is the mass number of zinc-69?



What is the atomic symbol and mass number for an atom containing 50 protons and 64 neutrons?

A) ⁵⁰Sn

B) ¹¹⁴Sn

C) ⁶⁴Sn

D) ⁶⁴GdE) ¹¹⁴Gd

B) ¹¹⁴Sn


Which of the following atoms has the same number of neutrons as ⁵⁹Ni?

A) ⁵⁷Co

B) ⁵⁸Fe

C) ⁵⁸Ni

D) ⁵⁹Co

E) ⁶⁰Cu

E) ⁶⁰Cu


What is the atomic number for an element whose mass number is 78, which contains 35 neutrons per atom?



There are two naturally occurring isotopes of europium, ¹⁵¹Eu (151.0 amu) and ¹⁵³Eu (153.0 amu). If the atomic mass of Eu is 151.96, what is the approximate natural abundance of ¹⁵¹Eu?

C) 50%


An unknown element X has the following isotopes: ⁵²X (91.00% abundant), ⁴⁹X (8.00% abundant), ⁵⁰X (1.00% abundant). What is the average atomic mass in amu of X?

51.7 amu


Chlorine exists in nature as a mixture of two stable isotopes, Cl-35 and Cl-37. If the atomic mass of chlorine is given as 35.45 amu, which of the following represents the percent abundance of Cl-37?

A) 23%

B) 77%

C) 50%

D) 0%

E) 100%

A) 23%


The ground state electron configuration of an Al atom is


B) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p¹

C) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²4p¹

D) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p²


B) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p¹


Which pair of elements have the same valence electronic configuration of np³?

A) O and Se

B) Ge and Pb

C) P and Sb

D) K and Mg

E) Al and Ga

C) P and Sb


Which of the following is the electron configuration of a neutral K atom?

A) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²

B) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s¹

C) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²

D) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁶5s¹

E) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s¹

E) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s¹


Which of the following electron configurations is incorrect?

A) S [Ne]3s³3p⁴

B) Sn [Kr]5s²4d¹⁰5p²

C) Rb [Kr]5s¹

D) V [Ar]4s²3d³

E) I [Kr]5s²4d¹⁰5p⁵

A) S [Ne]3s³3p⁴


What is the noble gas core in the electron configuration for Sb?

A) Ne

B) Ar

C) Kr

D) Xe

E) Rn

C) Kr


Which of the following is the electron configuration for Mn?

A) [Kr]4s²3d⁵

B) [Ar]4s²3d⁵

C) [Ar]3d⁷

D) [Ar]4s²3d⁷

E) [Kr]3d⁵

B) [Ar]4s²3d⁵