One- and two-family dwellings shall have which of the following characteristics?
- Be not more than three stories above grade plane in height
- have a separate means of egress
All emergency escape and recue openings shall have a minimum net clear opening height of _________ inches.
What is the minimum required depth for the firebox of a concrete or masonry fireplace?
20 inches
What is the minimum required clearance between combustible materials and the outside surface of a masonry heater?
36 inches
Any factory-built chimney used for a medium-heat appliance that produces flue gases with a temperature in excess of ____°F is required to comply with UL 959.
What is the minimum required clearance between combustibles and all parts of a duct within 5 feet of the duct outlet?
The total required width of the enclosing space for a furnace or air
handler is required to be _____ inches
wider than the furnace or
air handler.
Table M1306.2 ______ be used to reduce the clearance required for solid-fuel appliances listed for installation with minimum clearances of 12 inches or less.
May not
If piping is to be concealed and is installed through notches in studs of less than 1.5 inches from the nearest edge of the member, the pipe shall __________________.
- Be protected by shield plates having a minimum thickness of 0.0575-inch No. 16 gage
- Cover the area of the pipe where the member is notched or bored
- Extend a minimum of 4 inches above sole plates and below top plates
A minimum of ______ inches in front of combustion air openings shall remain unobstructed.
Electric heat pumps shall ________________.
Listed and labeled in accordance with UL1995
What is the maximum allowable operating temperature for a radiant heating system operating on a gypsum assembly?
A duct heater may only be installed within 4 feet of a heat pump or air conditioner if it is listed and labeled for such installations.
Location of floor furnaces shall conform to which of the following requirements?
- Floor registers of floor furnaces shall be installed not less than 6 inches from a wall
- Wall registers of floor furnaces shall be installed not less than 6 inches from the adjoining wall at inside corners
The door swing radius is prohibited to exceed _____ inches from the furnace air inlet or outlet when measured at right angles to the opening.
Room heaters shall be installed on _________.
Approved assemblies constructed of noncombustible materials that
extend at least 18 inches beyond the
appliance on all sides and
noncombustible floors
Where a cooling coil is located in the supply plenum of a warm-air
furnace, the furnace blower shall be
rated at a minimum of
__-inch water column static pressure.
Evaporative coolers are required to be installed ______________.
on a level platform
The air removed from bathrooms by mechanical exhaust system shall be
discharged to which of the
the outdoors
Exhaust ducts shall be supported at intervals not to exceed _____?
12 feet
A single-wall duct that serves a range hood shall be constructed of ______.
- galvanized steel
- stainless steel
- copper
Use of a domestic open-top broiler unit requires a metal exhaust hood
with which of the following
- a minimum thickness of 0.0157-inch, No. 28 gage
- 1/4 inch clearance between the hood and the underside of combustible material or cabinets
Underground duct systems shall be constructed of which of the following?
- approved concrete
- clay
- metal
The screens required to cover outdoor air inlets shall have openings that are a minimum of 1/4 inch and a maximum of ______ inch.
A solid-fuel-burning appliance will require which of the following?
combustion air
All emergency escape and recue openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of _________ square feet.
Any pressure difference between the air at the regulator and the combustion air supply is to be avoided by the use of draft regulators.
A flue collar for an appliance is required to be ________ than the connector.
Any vent for a natural draft appliance shall terminate a minimum of _____ feet above the highest connected appliance outlet.
A chimney connector is required to enter a masonry chimney a minimum
of ______ inches above the
bottom of the chimney.
What is the minimum vertical clearance required above the cook top of a freestanding or built-in range?
30 inches
The thermostat for a sauna heater is required to limit the room temperature to a maximum of ______°F.
The lowest piping that collects the discharge from all other drainage piping inside the house and extends 30 inches beyond the exterior walls is
building drain
A minimum vertical developed length of _____ feet, between a horizontal branch and a drainage stack is a branch interval.
Continuous waste is defined as a drain from two or more similar adjacent fixtures connected to _______ trap.
a single
A continuous passageway for the transmission of air is __________.
a duct system
Air, passing through the combustion chamber and the appliance flue,
that exceeds what is theoretically
required for complete
combustion, is excess air.
A foam plastic insulation will generally have a maximum density of ______ pounds per cubic foot.
A masonry heater is a solid fuel burning heating appliance that mainly consists of concrete or solid masonry having a mass of at least 1,100 pounds, ______ the chimney and foundation.
A shutoff valve __________ required in a system with a single low-pressure steam boiler.
is not
Boiler discharge shall be piped, by gravity, to _____.
- within 18 inches of the floor
- an open receptor
Expansion tanks are required for hot water boilers.
Storage closets are ______ for the operation of fuel- fired water heaters.
Hydronic piping shall be hydrostatically tested using a minimum
pressure of ______ pounds per square
inch for a duration of not
less than 15 minutes and not more than 20 minutes.
Piping embedded in concrete or gypsum materials, shall be _________ with a minimum rating of 100 psi at 180°F.
A. standard-weight steel pipe
B. chlorinated polyvinyl
C. polypropylene
Solder joints in a metal pipe are prohibited anywhere within ________ inches of a transition from such metal pipe to PE-RT pipe.
The assembled loop system shall be pressure tested with water at _____ psi for 15 minutes with no observed leaks before connection trenches are backfilled.
What is the maximum amount of fuel oil allowed in above ground storage or inside of a building?
Where window emergency escape and rescue openings are provided, they shall have a sill height of not more than _____________ above the floor.
Fill piping will be required to terminate a minimum of ______ feet outside of a building opening at the same or lower level.
What is the maximum allowable pressure at the oil supply inlet to an appliance?
3 pounds per square inch
Which of the following is governed by Chapter 24 of the Florida Building Code 2010, Residential.
- fuel-gas piping systems
- fuel-gas appliances
- combustion air configuration
53. An auxiliary drain pan ________ required for any appliance that automatically shuts down operation in the event of a stoppage in the condensate drainage system.
shall not be
Which of the following appliances shall not be located in a sleeping room?
None of the above
____________ require combustion, ventilation and dilution air.
- Direct-vent appliances
- Gas appliances
- Natural draft design and vented gas appliances
The source of ignition for equipment and appliances so equipped is required to be a minimum of _________ inches above the floor in hazardous locations.
Which of the following methods is required for the flashing for a vertical sidewall?
- step-flashing
- continuous "L"
Gas piping will be considered to be bonded where it is connected to an appliance that is connected to the equipment grounding conductor of the circuit supplying that appliance.
Exposed piping, other than steel pipe, shall be identified by a yellow label marked "Gas", in black letters, and spaced at maximum intervals of ______ feet.
What is the maximum design operating pressure for piping systems located inside buildings?
5 pounds per square inch gauge
Anodeless risers shall be ___________.
- factory-assembled
recommended by the manufacturer
leak-tested by the manufacturer
Piping systems, installed underground, are required to be a minimum of ____ inches below grade.
The radius of the inner curve of plastic pipe bends for gas piping shall be a minimum of ______ times the inside diameter of the pipe.
When pressure testing piping systems, the test duration shall be a minimum of ______ minutes.
To prevent traps, piping for other than dry gas conditions shall be sloped a minimum of 0.25 inch in ____ feet.
Anytime an appliance shutoff valve is installed at a manifold, it
shall be located within ______ feet of the
appliance served.
A pressure regulator that requires a vent shall be vented directly _________.
to the outdoors
What is the maximum allowable length for connectors, for gas appiances?
The connectors for a masonry chimney shall connect a minimum of ______ inches above the lowest portion of the interior of the chimney flue.
What is the minimum required thickness for an insulation shield?
26 gage
Venting systems are prohibited from passing through which of the following?
- fabricated air duct
- furnace plenum
The maximum common vent capacity listed in the venting tables are required to be reduced by _____ percent for each elbow up to and including 45 degrees in the common vent.
Ducts are _________ attached to wall furnaces.
prohibited from being
The lowest portion of the floor furnace shall have a minimum of a
______-inch clearance from the grade
What is the minimum required support interval for domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts?
4 ft
Any warning on a sauna heater notice shall ________________.
- be easily readable
- contrast with its background
- have wording a minimum of 0.25 inch high
For a forced-air warm-air furnace, the minimum unobstructed total area of the outside and return air ducts or openings shall be ______ square inches for each 1,000 Btu/h output rating capacity of the furnace.
What is the minimum required clearance to combustible materials at the side for a suspended-type unit heaters?
18 inches
79. What is the maximum Btu/h per cubic foot of volume allowed for all unvented appliances installed in a room or space?
The cook top of a household cooking appliance is required to have a vertical clearance of at least 30 inches to ___________.
- combustible materials
- metal cabinets
81. If an appliance pressure regulator is not supplied with an
illuminating appliance and the service line is notbequipped with a
service regulator, an appliance pressure regulator ______ installed in
the line to the
illuminating appliance.
shall be
An infrared radiant heater shall be fixed in a position separate from _______ supply lines.
- gas
- electric
Class _____ roofing shall be installed in areas designated by law as requiring their use or when the edge of the roof is less than 3 feet from a property line.
- A
- B
- C
In concealed locations, where piping other than ____________, is
installed through holes or notches in
studs, joists, rafters or
similar members less than 1 1/4 inches from the nearest edge of the
member, the pipe shall be protected by steel shield plates.
Cast-iron or galvanized steel
Footings ______ extend below the 45-degree bearing plane of the bottom edge of a wall or footing when trenching is installed parallel to the footings.
shall not
What is the minimum diameter for fixture tail pieces for sinks, dishwashers, laundry tubs, bathtubs and similar fixtures?
1 1/2 inches
What is the minimum utility space required for fixtures with concealed slip-joint connections?
12 inches
Standpipes shall extend not greater than _____ inches above the trap weir?
42 inches
What is the minimum required interior cross sectional area for a shower compartment? (Excluding exceptions)
900 square inches
Shower receptors are required to have a finished curb threshold a minimum of ______ inch below the sides and back of the receptor.
What is the maximum temperature a water temperature- limiting device?
What is the minimum required diameter of sink waste outlets?
1 1/2
Which of the following is required for floor drains with waste outlets?
- shall be a minimum of 2 inches in diameter
- shall have a removable strainer
What is the minimum required weight for sheet copper used for flush tank linings?
10 ounces per square foot
A pan drain shall ________________.
- extend full-size and terminate over a suitably located indirect waste receptor
- extend to the exterior of the building
Where heated water is discharges from a solar thermal system to a hot
water distribution system, a
thermostatic mixing valve is
required to be installed to temper the water to a temperature not exceeding
A temperature relief valve is required to be installed to allow the temperature-sensing element to monitor the water within the top ____ inches of the tank.
Flush tanks are required to be equipped with an anti-siphon fill
valve backflow preventer installed a
minimum of ____ inch(es)
above the full opening of the overflow pipe.
What is the maximum static pressure for a water supply system?
80 psi
Protection from exposure in the form of ____________ is required for nonmetallic pipe and tubing systems.
- 3/8 inch thick gypsum wallboard
- 1/2 inch thick plywood
- material having a 15 minute fire rating
Solders and fluxes used for joints in potable water- supply systems shall be required to have a maximum of ___ percent lead.
Buildings and structures, including all related parts, are required to be constructed to safely support which of the following?
- live/dead loads
- roof/wind loads
- flood/snow loads
If a roof surface adjacent to a wall or walls is at the same elevation, the parapet shall extend a minimum of ______ inches above the roof surfaces.
Mechanical and gravity outdoor air intake openings shall be located at least ______ feet from any hazardous or noxious contaminant. such as vents, chimneys, plumbing vents, streets, alleys, parking lots and loading docks, except as otherwise specified in this code.
What shall not be considered as contributing to the minimum required habitable area for a room?
- portions of a room with a sloping ceiling measuring less than 5 feet
- a furred ceiling measuring less than 7 feet from the finished floor to the finished ceiling
A basement that does not include habitable space, hallways, bathrooms, toilet rooms and laundry rooms is required to have a minimum ceiling height of ______.
6 feet 8 inches
Sloped glazing is defined as glass or other transparent or translucent glazing material installed at a minimum slope of ______ degrees from vertical.
Emergency and escape rescue openings shall have a net clear opening of not less than ______ square feet.
What is the minimum required headroom, in all parts of a stairway, measured vertically from the sloped line adjoining the tread nosing or from the floor surface of the landing or platform on that portion of the stairway? on that portion of the stairway.
6 feet 8 inches
Required guards shall be located along open-sided walking surfaces, including stairs, ramps and landings, if they are located more than ______ inches measured vertically to the floor or grade below at any point within 36 inches horizontally to the edge of the open side.
Foam plastics __________ permitted as interior finish.
shall be
The quality mark, required on each piece of pressure- preservative-treated lumber or plywood, shall include ____________.
identification of treating plant
An area that is considered to be subject to wave heights in excess of
______ feet or subject to high-
velocity wave action or
wave-induced erosion shall be designated as coastal high-hazard areas.
Water service pipe shall be installed _______.
- a minimum of 12 inches deep
- less than 6 inches below the frost line
What is the minimum required weight for sheet copper for general use?
12 ounces per square feet
Joints for hub and spigot pipe are required to be ________.
- be firmly packed with oakum or hemp
- have molten lead poured in one operation to a minimum depth of 1 inch
Cleanouts shall be installed a maximum of ______ feet apart in horizontal drainage lines when measured from the upstream entrance of the cleanout.
_______ that receive the discharge of water closets shall be capable
of handling spherical solids with a
diameter of up to and
including 2 inches.
- Pumps
- Ejectors
Plumbing systems, with a system of vent piping permitting the admission or emission of air that allows the seal of any fixture trap is required to be subjected to a pneumatic pressure differential of more than _____ inch(es) of water column.
Open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated a
minimum of __________, whichever is
- 6 inches above the roof
- 6 inches above the anticipated snow accumulation
Every dry vent shall rise vertically to at least _____ inches above the flood level rim of the highest trap or trapped fixture being vented.
A vent will be required to be installed at least ______ pipe diameters away from the trap weir.
A single horizontal wet vent may be used to vent any combination of fixtures within two bathroom groups and located on the same floor level.
A waste stack ______ used as a vent for all of the fixtures discharging to the stack.
may be
What is the maximum allowable slope of the vent section of a horizontal branch drain?
8-percent slope
If the size of the trap is 1 1⁄4 inches and the slope is 1⁄4 inches per foot, the maximum distance of the fixture trap from the vent must be ____________ feet.
A vent or branch vent for multiple island fixture vent should extend at least ______ inches above the highest island fixture being vented.
What is the maximum diameter for a vent pipe?
1 1/4
If an air admittance valve is installed in an attic, it shall be installed at least ______ inches above insulation materials.
Traps will be required to have a liquid seal of __________.
- not less than 2 inches
- not more than 4 inches
A subsoil drain shall be a minimum of ______ inches in diameter.
A sump pit shall be a minimum of 18 inches in diameter and ______
inches deep, unless otherwise
Lots shall be graded, to fall a minimum of 6 inches within the first
______ feet, to drain surface water
away from foundation walls.
A fastener that is used below grade to attach plywood to the exterior side of exterior basement wall studs shall be of Type ______ stainless steel.
- 304
- 316
What is the minimum required thickness for spread footings?
8 inches
Concrete and masonry foundation walls will be required to extend a minimum of __ inches above the finished grade adjacent to the foundation for a masonry veneer.
What is the minimum thickness of portland cement parging required to
be applied to the exterior of a
masonry foundation wall for dampproofing?
3/8 inch
What is the minimum required nominal size for structural wood columns?
4 x 4
Mechanical exhaust ventilation operating continuously at a rate equal to ______ cubic foot per minute for each 50 square feet of crawlspace floor area, including an air pathway to the common area, and perimeter walls, shall not require ventilation openings.
Hair and lint strainers are required in the pool circulating pumps when used with a pressure filter.
Structural glue-laminated members are prohibited, without exception.
______ shall be pressure preservative treated and dried after treatment.
- Sleepers
- Joists
- Plywood subflooring
Concrete slab-on-ground floors shall be at least ______ inches thick.
Which of the following shall not extend beneath walls, partitions or columns which are fastened to the floor?
- a compressible floor-covering that compresses more than 1/32 inch when subjected to 50 pounds applied over 1 inch square of material
- compressible floor-coverings that are greater than 1/8 inch in thickness in the uncompressed state
Mortar joint thickness for a load-bearing masonry wall shall be the same for which of the following?
head joints and collar joints
When bonding with wall ties, there shall be at least one metal tie for each ______ square feet of wall area.
The maximum spacing of reinforcement shall be inches provided that
the walls are solid
grouted and constructed of hollow open-end
units, hollow units laid with full head joints or two wythes of solid units.
If design wind pressure is ______ psf, the maximum area of each individual standard-unit glass panel shall be 144 square feet.
A construction joints, in a plain concrete wall, including a wall that is required to have a minimum of No.4 bars at _____ inches on center, shall be located at points of lateral support.
The bottom surface of footings shall not have a slope exceeding one unit vertical in units horizontal.
What is the maximum side dimension, centered in the panel core, for
the maximum vertical chase
penetration in SIPs?
2 inches
Exterior sheathing shall be _______ before applying an exterior cover.
The finish coat for two-coat cement plaster shall not be applied sooner than ______ hours after application of the first coat.
What is the maximum nominal air space allowed between a masonry veneer and the sheathing?
4 1/2
Anytime expansive or collapsible soils are known to exist, dwellings
are required to have a means of
discharging water from a roof to
a minimum of _______ feet away from the foundation walls.
Wood structural panel used as roof sheathing shall be installed with joints ____________.
Insulation shall not block the free flow of air when eave or cornice vents are installed and a minimum of a ______-inch space is required between the insulation and the roof sheathing and at the location of the vent.
If a building is constructed with a combustible ceiling or roof, what is the required maximum attic access opening to attic areas?
30 square feet