Garages designed and built to accommodate heavy vehicles shall be able to handle weights that exceed
10,000 pounds
What is the net cross-sectional area of a rectangular chimney flue that is 12” x 16”?
Non-bearing walls and partitions in conventional light-frame construction shall have a MAXIMUM stud spacing of
24” o.c.
What is the MINIMUM required width of a pedestrian walkway in front of a construction or demolition site?
4 feet
What is the MINIMUM height of a protective barrier or fence enclosing a residential swimming pool?
When excavating a hole within 5 feet of the street lot line, the hole
shall have a protective barrier with
a MINIMUM height of______
6 feet.
In a building that only has one elevator, how long before the elevator shall automatically transfer to standby power after the failure of the normal power supply?
Within 60 seconds
Air supported and air inflated structures larger than 1,500 square feet shall have an auxiliary inflation system that is powered by a standby power system. What is the MINIMUM amount of time the standby power system must operate independently?
4 hours
Handrails and guards shall be designed to resist a linear load. What is the load amount?
50 linear pounds per foot
When vinyl siding is installed horizontally, what is the MAXIMUM fastener spacing?
What is the MINIMUM thickness of exterior poured concrete basement
and foundation walls with a
MAXIMUM height of 8 feet and assigned
to Seismic Design Category D or E?
Platform lifts used as a component of an accessible route for
wheelchairs shall comply with what
ICC Standard?
Each dwelling unit shall have at least one room that has a MINIMUM square footage of___________
120 sq. feet.
When constructing an artificial barricade in the form of a mound or
revetment, what is the
MINIMUM required thickness?
3 feet
When installing a foundation drain, the drain pipe shall be placed around the exterior of the perimeter and extend what MINIMUM distance beyond the edge of the foundation?
What is the MAXIMUM allowed travel distance from a tenant space on an
accessible route to
a drinking fountain in a covered mall building?
300 feet
What is the MINIMUM design live load for the entire length of a pedestrian covered walkway?
150 psf
In a building that contains commercial cooking equipment, what is the MAXIMUM distance that a portable fire extinguisher can be installed from the cooking equipment?
30 feet
A residential aircraft hanger building shall have a MAXIMUM height of 20 feet with a MAXIMUM allowed square footage of
2,000 sq. ft.
What is the MAXIMUM distance between fasteners on 1/2” gypsum board used for a horizontal diaphragm ceiling?
7” on center
In a building that requires a fire command center, the walls shall be of 1-hour fire barrier construction with a MINIMUM dimension of 10 feet and a MINIMUM square footage of______________________
200 with a minimum dimension of 10 feet.
What is the MINIMUM size wood column used to support roof and ceiling loads only?
6” x 8”
Which of the two following types of mortar which conform to ASTM C270 can be used on glass unit masonry construction?
S and N
What MAXIMUM amount of time delay is allowed before a smoke actuated door must close when activated by smoke detectors?
10 seconds
In what type of construction are timber footings allowed to be used?
Type V
A commercial cooking fire extinguishing system shall have a manual actuation switch located what
What is the MINIMUM thickness required for a lightweight, cast-in-place concrete wall to achieve a 1.5 hour-fire- resistance rating?
What is the MINIMUM compressive strength of concrete after 28 days?
3,000 psi
What is the MINIMUM size covered mall building that is required to have a standby power system?
Greater than 50,000 sq. feet
What is the MAXIMUM number of elevator cars that can be located in one hoist way enclosure?
4 cars
Unless otherwise indicated, what size area shall a concentrated load be considered uniformly distributed over?
2-1/2 feet by 2-1/2 feet
What distance above the public right-of-way can an encroachment be mounted and not be limited in size?
15 feet
In a building that is classified as an F-1 occupancy, how many water closets are required?
1 per 100 people
Family or assisted-use toilet and bathing rooms count toward the required fixtures in an assembly occupancy. In what other type of occupancy do these facilities count toward fixture totals?
What is the MINIMUM ceiling height is required for a means of egress?
7’ 6” feet
What MINIMUM dimension column would be required to achieve a 4 hour fire-resistance rating using carbonate concrete?
What is the MAXIMUM exit access travel distance in a building that is
an S-1 occupancy that is with
automatic sprinkler system?
400 feet
What is the MAXIMUM height of a penthouse built on a building (other than a Type I building) to contain air conditioning equipment and piping?
18 feet
What is the MINIMUM distance above the plane of a roof that sloped glazing or skylights can be mounted on a curb?
When a preconstruction load test is conducted, what is the required amount of time the test shall be left in place?
When a preconstruction load test is conducted, what is the required
amount of time the test shall be left in
What size and type of nails should be used to secure 2” planks?
16d common
What is the MAXIMUM size reinforcement bar that can be used with shotcrete?
No. 5
What is the MINIMUM number of fasteners that shall be used per wood shake?
2 fasteners
What is the MAXIMUM area of a Group U building that is a Type IIA construction?
19,000 sq. feet
What MAXIMUM thickness insulating boards can be installed under approved finish flooring when installed using permitted conditions?
Footings used for a masonry fireplace shall be constructed of cement or solid masonry with a MINIMUM thickness of
What is the MAXIMUM size of a tire warehouse before an automatic sprinkler system throughout the building is required?
20,000 cubic fee
What is the MINIMUM nominal thickness in at least one direction for wood framing supporting gypsum board or lath?
What is the MINIMUM width for an exit passageway or corridor from a mall?
Foam plastic spray insulation applied to a sill plate and header in a Type V construction shall have a MAXIMUM thickness of
What MINIMUM size sawn or glued-laminated wood beams and girders shall be used for floor framing?
6” x 10”
When a pedestrian barrier is required at a construction site, what is the MINIMUM height that the barrier shall be built extending the entire length of the site?
8 feet
Buildings that are over 4 stories in height shall have at least one elevator capable of carrying an ambulance stretcher in the horizontal position. What MINIMUM length will the elevator have to be to accommodate the stretcher?
Bearing and exterior walls shall have a double top plate. How much offset is required for the end joints of the double top plate?
Interior spaces intended for human occupancy shall have a heating system capable of maintaining what level of temperature measured 3 feet off the floor?
A bowling alley shall be designed for a MINIMUM uniformly distributed live floor load of________
75 psf.
What is the MINIMUM clear width of each door opening in a commercial building?
What is the MAXIMUM allowed number of stories in height for a Group
H-4 occupancy in Type IIB
What is the MAXIMUM allowed travel distance to toilet facilities in an office building for employees and the public?
500 feet
What is the MINIMUM size access opening to a building attic?
20” x 30”
What MINIMUM height above a public right-of-way must the lowest part of an awning, including the valance, maintain?
7’ 0”
A temporary structure is required to have a permit when it is designed to hold at least 10 occupants and have a square footage in excess of
120 sq. feet.
An incinerator room is classified as an incidental accessory occupancy. What is the required separation and/or protection?
1 hour separation or a fire extinguishing system
What two types of mortar are approved for laying masonry unit footings?
Type M or S
When cement exterior plaster is being applied to a building, the temperature must be above what temperature?
An automatic sprinkler system is required throughout the building in
a Group E occupancy when the
fire area exceeds_________________
12,000 sq. feet.
Bearing and exterior wall studs shall have a double top plate. How
many nails and what size shall be
used on each side of the end
joint on the double top plate?
8 - 16d face nails
Concrete used for building foundations included in Seismic Design
Category A, B or C shall have what
MINIMUM specified compressive strength?
2,500 psi
What is the MAXIMUM height for an aircraft control tower built with Type IB construction?
240 feet
What is the MAXIMUM thickness of a masonry bed joint for the starting course of block placed over a foundation?
What MINIMUM lap is required when installing horizontal fiber-cement siding?
What is the MAXIMUM exit access travel distance on a pedestrian
walkway that has both sides at least 50%
open and has an
automatic sprinkler system through the entire distance of the walkway installed?
400 feet
Glazing in an individual window, either fixed or operable, shall be considered a hazardous location if the exposed area of an individual pane is more than
9 square feet.
Manual fire alarm boxes shall be located not more than 5 feet from
entry to each exit with a MAXIMUM
distance between additional
manual fire alarm boxes of
200 feet.
What is the MINIMUM thickness of the concrete footings required for a masonry chimney?
The stability of interior finish products shall be applied or fastened in a manner to prevent the product from becoming detached when subjected to room temperatures of _______________.
200oF for a minimum of 30 minutes.
What MAXIMUM distance are steps allowed to project into the public right-of-way?
What shall be the MINIMUM fire-resistance rating for interior bearing walls in a Type IIA construction?
1 hour
Walk-in coolers in un sprinkled buildings shall have a MAXIMUM foam
plastic wall thickness of 4” and shall
not exceed an aggregate
floor area of___________
400 sq. feet.
What is the MAXIMUM flame spread index allowed for fire-retardant-treated wood?
What is the MINIMUM separation between skylights when measured in a horizontal plane?
4 feet
Open web steel joists must be manufactured to specifications from the Steel Joist Institute. Which of the following is NOT a specification from SJI?
What type of construction is classified as heavy timber?
Type IV
What is the MINIMUM width of a walkway for pedestrians passing a construction site?
Which of the following buildings would be classified as an A-2 occupancy?
What is the MINIMUM fire barrier assembly resistance between fire areas for an S-2 occupancy group?
2 hours
What is the MAXIMUM size of a mezzanine compared to the total floor area of the room where the mezzanine is located?
What is the MAXIMUM listed flame spread index for wood that has been
impregnated with fire retardant
chemicals through the pressure process?
All of the following products can be stored in an S-2 occupancy EXCEPT
What is the MINIMUM period of moist curing time required for the second coat of cement plaster?
48 hours
What is the MINIMUM clear width of an escalator that provides service to a below-grade transportation station?
What is the MAXIMUM flame spread index for foam plastic insulation greater than 4 inches?
When fiber-cement siding is installed on a building with wood studs, the siding shall be fastened with corrosion-resistant round head smooth shank nails that will penetrate the studs a MINIMUM of_____
Interior wall and ceiling finishes are classified with ASTM E 84. What is the flame spread rating for a Class C finish?
What is the MINIMUM height of a parapet from the point it insects with the roof’s surface to the top of the parapet?
Beginning the construction of a new building requires an excavation be dug. The owners of the adjacent buildings must be notified of the upcoming excavation not less than
10 days prior to the scheduled starting date.
What MINIMUM amount of glazing is required to give a room natural light?
8% of the floor area of the room served
In order to avoid aerodynamic lift, concrete and clay roof tiles
shall be single lapped interlocking with a
MINIMUM head lap of
not less than_______.
Door hardware shall be mounted what distance MINIMUM and MAXIMUM distance off the finished floor in a public building?
34” minimum and 48” maximum
Concrete or masonry walls below grade shall have waterproofing installed from the bottom of the wall to how far above the MAXIMUM height of the ground-water table?
What is stamped on construction documents after they have been reviewed by the building department?
“Reviewed for Code Compliance”
What is the MAXIMUM thickness of stone veneer that can be anchored directly to masonry, concrete or stud construction?
What is the MAXIMUM length of glass sections used in louvered windows or jalousies?
Which of the following hazard categories requires barricade construction for explosion control?
Organic peroxides
What is the MINIMUM nominal thickness of a chimney wall made with solid masonry units?
In what Residential Group R would a residential board and care/assisted living facility be categorized?
Several different types of glazing can be used in handrails and guards. What is the MINIMUM thickness of the glass (no matter what type of glass is used)?
What is the MINIMUM thickness concrete floor slab when supported directly on the ground?
Which of the following mechanical systems DOES require a permit?
Replacement of a complete boiler
What is the MINIMUM thickness of interior load-bearing walls made of adobe masonry for a one-story building?
Micropiles are reinforced with steel or steel casing. What is the largest size micropile available?