Anatomy and physiology lab practical 2 Flashcards

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Thin, wide, four-sided muscle located at the forehead.

Function: Elevating eyebrows



Function: Moves the eyebrows and scalp up and back, and wrinkle the forehead



Function: Powerful muscle in your neck that allows you to bend your neck, turn and tilt your head.



Fan-shaped Muscle located at each side of the head/skull near the area of the temples

Function: Moves the mandible up, back, and side to side



Function: Helps us chew


Orbicularis oris

Definition: Multi-layered muscle which attaches through a thin, superficial musculoaponeurotic system to the upper and lower lip.

Function: Swallowing, sucking, whistling, chewing, vowel pronunciation, and kissing


Orbicularis oculi

Muscle in the eyelids

Function: Closes the eyelids and pumps tears



Definition: Paired muscle that covers the dorsum of the nose

Function: Compress nasal cartilage


Zygomaticus minor

Definition: Thin paired facial muscle extending horizontally over the cheeks

Function: Draws the upper lip back, up, and out, and is used for smiling


Zygomaticus major

Definition: Muscle that controls facial expressions, drawing the mouth's angle upward and outward

Function: Pulls the angle of the mouth


Levator scapulae

Large superficial muscle that stretches along the outside of the neck from the cervical vertebrae to the scapula.

Function: Elevates the scapula and tilts the glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating the scapula downward


Splenius capitis

Thick, flat muscle at the posterior aspect of the neck arising from the midline and extending superolaterally to the cervical vertebrae

Function: Flexes and rotates the neck


Pectoralis minor

Small, flat, triangular-shaped muscle located in your chest

Function: Stabalization, depression, abduction or protraction, internal and downward rotation of the scapula


Pectoralis major

Largest muscle of the anterior chest

Function: Moves the arm


Serratus anterior

Fan-shaped muscle that is on the superolateral surfaces of the first to eighth ribs

Function: Lifts the ribs assisting with respiration


Internal oblique

On the lateral side of the abdomen

Function: Flexes and bends the trunk, assists forced expiration by depressing lower ribs, and helps to maintain intra-abdominal pressure in defecation, micturition, and childbirth.


External oblique

Located on the outer surface of the sides of the abdomen, and on each side of the rectus abdominis

Function: Pulls the chest downwards and compresses the abdominal cavity


Rectus abdominis

Between the ribs and the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis

Function: Moves the body between the ribcage and the pelvis



Definition: Large superficial back muscle that resembles a trapezoid

Function: Stabalize and move the scapula


Rhomboideus minor

Definition: Cylindrical muscle that originates at the ligamentum nuchae and C7 and T1 vertebra

Function: Retracts the scapula when trapeaius is contracted


Rhomboideus major

Quadrangular muscle located inferior to the rhomboid minor

Function: Holds the scapula on the ribcage



Definition: The most superior of the four rotator cuff muscles

Function: Abduction of the arm, and pulls the head of the humerus medially towards the glenoid cavity.



Definition: Thick triangular muscle that occupies much of the infraspinous fossa of the scapula

Function: Assisting in external rotation of the shoulder joint, scaption, and lateral rotation of the humerus


Teres minor

Definition: Deep to the deltoid muscle

Function: Stabalizes ball and socket glenohumeral joint by helping hold the humeral head into the glenoid cavity of the scapula


Teres major

Definition: Thick but flattened, rectangular muscle that extends from the inferior posterior scapula to the medial lip of the intertubercular groove of the humerus

Function: Extend, adduct, and internally rotate the humerus


Latissimus dorsi

Definition: One of the largest muscles of the back, stretching across the lower posterior thorax

Function: Pulls the inferior angle of the scapula in various directions producing movements on the shoulder joint


Lumbodorsal fascia

Definition: Multilayer arrangement of the fascial and aponeurotic layers forming a separation between the paraspinal muscles on one side and the muscles of the posterior abdominal wall on the other side

Function: Acts as an attachment site for the trapezius muscle, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and the hamstrings group of muscles



Definition: Each of the three parts of a deltoid muscle, attached at the front, side, and rear of the shoulder

Function: Prime mover of shoulder abduction


Biceps brachii

A large, thick muscle on the ventral portion of the upper arm

Function: Flex the elbow and rotate the forearm



Definition: Elbow flexor that originates from the distal anterior humerus and inserts onto the ulnar tuberosity

Function: Provides pure flexion of the forearm at the elbow


Triceps brachii

Definition: Large thick muscle on the dorsal part of the upper arm

Function: Extension of the elbow joint


Extensor carpi radialis

Muscle found in the posterior compartment of the forearm

Function: Produce wrist extension and abduction


Pronator teres

Fusiform forearm muscle found in the superficial layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm

Function: Pronates the forearm and assists in flexion of the elbow joint


Flexor carpi radialis

Muscle in the forearm that acts to flex and abduct the hand

Function: Providing flexion of the wrist and assisting in abduction of the hand and wrist


Extensor digitorum

Muscle of the posterior forearm present in humans and other animals

Function: Extends the phalanges, then the wrist, then the elbows



Muscle in the forearm that flexes the forearm at the elbow

Function: Bends the elbow



Definition: Largest and most superficial muscle of the calf of the leg that arises by two heads from the condyles of the femur and has its tendon of insertion incorporated as part of the Achilles tendon

Function: Plantar flexing the foot at the ankle joint and flexing the leg at the knee joint


Calcaneal tendon

Definition: Large and strong bone that forms the back of the foot and transfers most of the body weight from the lower extremity to the ground

Function: Attaches the plantaris, gastrocnemuis and soleus muscles to the calcaneus bone


Tibialis anterior

Definition: Largest of the four muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg

Function: Dorsiflexes the foot at the talocrural joint and inverts it at the subtalar joint


Peroneus longus

Definition: Superficial muscle in the lateral compartment of the leg

Function: Tilt the sole of the foot away from the midline of the body and extends the foot downward away from the body at the ankle


Tensor fasciae latae

Definition: A muscle of the proximal anterolateral thigh that lies between the superficial and deep fibers of the iliotibial band

Function: Assists in the movement and stabilization of both the hip and the knee



Definition: Flat Quadrangular muscle of the upper front and inner aspect of the thigh that arises from the iliopectineal line of the pubis and is inserted along the pectineal line of the femur

Function: Aids in flexion and adduction of the thigh at the hip joint


Adductor longus

Definition: A muscle of the medial compartment of the thigh

Function: Adduct the thigh at the hip joint



Definition: A long, narrow muscle running obliquely across the front of each thigh from the hip bone to the inside of the leg below the knee

Function: Flexion, external rotation and abduction of the leg


Vastus Lateralis

Definition: Unipennate muscle and member of the anterior compartment of the thigh

Function: Extend the knee joint, moving the lower leg forward


Vastus medialis

Definition: A muscle present in the anterior compartment of thigh, and is one of the four muscles that make up the quadriceps muscle

Function: involved in knee extension


Rectus femoris

Definition: makes up the top layer of your abdominal muscles, commonly referred to as your six-pack

Function: Move the body between the ribcage and the pelvis


Gluteus maximus

Definition: The most superficial and largest of the three muscles and makes up the bulk of the shape and form the buttock and hip area

Function: Controls flexion of the trunk on the stance-side and to decelerate the swing leg



Definition: Long and superficial muscle in the back of the thigh

Function: Extend at the hip and flex at the knee



Definition: the most medial of the three hamstring muscles in the thigh

Function: Extends the hip joint, flexes the knee joint, and helps medially rotate the knee


Biceps femoris

Definition: A long muscle in the posterior compartment of the thigh responsible for movement at both the hip and knee joints

Function: Movement at both the hip and knee joints



Definition: A broad muscle in the lower calf, below the gastrocnemius, that flexes the foot to point the toes downward

Function: Act as a skeletal muscle


Patellar ligament

Definition: The central portion of the common tendon of the quadriceps femoris, which is continued from the patella to the tuberosity of the tibia

Function: Connects the bottom of your patella to your tibia


Extensor digitorum longus

Definition: Pennate muscle on the lateral part of the front of the leg that extends the four small toes and dorsally flexes and pronates the foot

Function: Allows you to extend your toes and dorsiflex your feet