Mountain Landscapes Flashcards

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How are mountains formed?

The movement of the tectonic plates that push the land upwards


What are tectonic plates?

Large slabs broken up from the Earth's crust. They fit like a jigsaw puzzle.


How do tectonic plates move?

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Convection currents in the mantle. Hot material near the Earth's core rises, and colder mantle rock sinks and this repeats.


What is the plate theory?

That the Earth's lithosphere is divided into large slabs called plates that are always moving


What is the structure of the Earth?

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In the centre of the Earth is the inner core which is the hottest and most dense ball of mostly solid iron due to the amount of pressure from the rest of the layers. Outside of the inner core is the outer core which is made from liquid iron and nickel. Outside of the outer core is the mantle which is the thickest layer and where magma lies in, although it is mainly made from solid material. Outside of the mantle is the crust which is the outermost shell of a terrestrial planet and broken into plates.


What is the lithosphere?

The solid outer part of earth consisting of upper mantle and crust.


What is athenosphere

the upper zone of the Earth's mantle, located below the lithosphere. It is formed of solid and semi-fused materials that allow continental drift. On it, tectonic plates move.


What are plate boundaries?

Plate margins or where two plates meet.


What are the types of movement of tectonic plates?

Contructive/divergent, conservative/transform, destructive/collision/convergent


What is the constructive/divergent movement of tectonic plates?

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When the plates move apart from each other. Along these boundaries, earthquakes are common and magma (molten rock) rises from the Earth’s mantle to the surface, solidifying to create new crust.


What is the conservative/transform plates?

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When plates move past each other or are side by side moving at different speeds. As the plates move, friction occurs and plates become stuck. Pressure builds up because the plates are still trying to move. When the pressure is released, it sends out huge amounts of energy, causing an earthquake. They are very destructive because they are close to earth's surface


What is destructive/collision/ convergent movement of plates?

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When the plates move towards each other and this destructs land.


What are the types of mountains?





What are fold mountains?

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Fold mountains are created where two or more of Earth’s tectonic plates are pushed together. At these colliding boundaries, rocks and debris are folded into rocky outcrops, hills, mountains, and entire mountain ranges.


What are block mountains?

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when a slab of land breaks off and is forced up as two of Earth’s tectonic plates pull apart or push together.


What are volcanic mountains?

Volcanic mountains are formed as a result of volcanic eruptions, which occur when hot liquid rock is forced out suddenly and with a lot of pressure from the earth's crust. There are two catergories: shield and cone.


What are cone volcanic mountains?

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hill-shaped landform that forms around a volcano formed as material from volcanic eruptions piles up around the volcanic vent, or opening in Earth’s crust.


What are shield volcanic mountains?

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When lava covers rocks from previous eruptions and builds up as land over time


What are mountain ranges?

A series of connected mountains


What are the mountain ranges located in..Asia?

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Himalayas, Tian Shan, Kunlun, Ural


What are the mountain ranges located in Europe?

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Carpathian Mountains, Alps, Caucaus, Tauras,


What are the mountain ranges located in South America?

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What are the Mountain ranges located in North America?

Rocky, Mackenzie, Appalachian


What are the mountain ranges located in Australia?

Great Dividing range


What are the mountain ranges located in Africa?

Drakensburg and Atlas


What are the mountain ranges located in Antartica?

Transantarctic mountains


What is the highest mountain in the world?

Mt Everest in Himalayas


What is the highest mountain in Australia?

Mt Kosciuszko in Great Dividing Range


What is sea-flood spreading?

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when plates in the ocean move apart and create new land due to magma rising into that crack formed by the plates moving apart.


What is subduction zone?

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a spot where two of the planet's tectonic plates collide and one goes beneath the other. The oceanic plate and continental plate collide and since the oceanic plate is more dense, it sinks under the continental and melts in the mantle to form magma. This forms oceanic trenches.


What is oceanic plate

water on top of the plate. it is made out of denser, heavier rock than continental, but is much less thick.


What is continental plate?

land on top of the plate. it is thicker than oceanic plate


What is the link between subduction and sea floor spreading.

Seafloor spreading creates new crust. Subduction destroys old crust. The two forces roughly balance each other, so the shape and diameter of the Earth remain constant.


What is the mid-ocean ridge and Great Rift Valley in Africa?

Two famous examples of seafloor spreading.


What is the continental drift?

The gradual movement of continents across the Earth's surface through geological time


What is pangea?

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A supercontinent that had all continents joined together. It existed 335 million years ago


How did we know that there was once a large land mass called pangea?

Alfred Wegner developed this theory because all the continents fit together like a giant puzzle. There is also some evidence from fossil correlation, mountain correlation and glacial striations.


What is fossil correlation?

Appearance of same fossils of animals in two separate continents that were likely once together as a continent but got seperated


What is rock and mountain correlation?

Same rocks types were found in different locations meaning that continents must have been torn with rock structures still on them.


What is glacial striations?

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When glaciars leave marks on rocks, but those marks appear in hot areas so the location must have once been cold.


What are some uses for mountains?

For tourism, farming, sports, hydroelectricity, mining


What is the connection between the Aboriginal people of Australia and the land and how it impacts the way in which indigenous people use mountain landscapes?

Aboriginal people see themselves responsible for looking after stories, places, resources and cultures of the land and so they live sustainably and feel as though they have a cultural and spiritual connection to mountains.


How do aboriginal people use mountains?

As a food source of Bogong which is found in mountains, as plants which have special medical capabilities and as a gathering place.


What is the world heritage list?

A list of the world's most important natural and human features. Individual countries can nominate their most special places and if met the certain criteria, the nominating country can preserve their site


What are some mountain areas that are includes in the World Heritage list?

Blue Mountains, Mount Everest, Yosemite National park, Virugna Mountains,


Who is responcible for the world heritage list?

United nations


Where do changes in the Earth happen in?

The lithosphere


What is the hot spot theory?

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Volcanoes can also form in the middle of a plate where magma rises upward until it erupts on the seafloor