The process of learning the cultural norms and values of one's own home culture; can be done via observation, formal observation, or direct personal experience.
- we are not born with a culture, so in turn we learn cultural norms by interacting with our gatekeepers
- .enculturation is important because in order to belong to a group, we need to understand and adopt their cultural norms
- if enculturation is successful, people become more competent in language, values, riuals, etc of their own culture.
Enculturation processes
Direct learning, observational learning, active learning
Direct learning
parents, teachers, or other members of society explicitly teaching certain beliefs, values, or expected norms of behaviors
Observational learning
observing members of a culture perform a norm/ behavior without participating in the cultural activity directly.
- supported by social cognitive theory; observing and then imitating others
Active learning
actively participating in activities that are meant to instill certain values, beliefs, and expectations of a culture.
The process of interacting with a new culture and adjusting to life in that culture.
- when we learn other cultures, we may choose to adopt or reject them
- when different cultures come into contact, there will be changes in both the original, home culture as well as the newly adopted host culture.
Berry's Model of Acculturation (2004)
Posits four acculturative strategies individuals use when faced with a new culture.
- assimilation, separation, marginalization, integration
when an individual abandons their own culture and adopts the values and norms of the host culture
when an individual is interested in maintaining their own culture and has no desire to adopt the new host culture and norms
individuals who reject both their culture of origin and the new host culture
when an individual is interested in adopting some of the values and norms of the new host culture while still maintaining some values of their own culture.