Aristotle (thoughts on evolution)
- Pre-300 BCE
- Aristotle describes species as fixed
- scale of nature arranges species in order of lower to higher complexity
James Hutton (thoughts on evolution)
- 1785
- proposes gradualism
- earth is shaped by small slow changes
Thomas Ribert Malthus (thoughts on evolution)
- 1798
- publishes "essay on the principle of population"
- human population growth is limited by resources
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (thoughts on evolution)
- 1809
- proposes organisms change due to the environment
- species drives towards increased complexity
- traits that are used improve and are inherited by offspring
Describe August Weismann's test on Lamarckian inheritance
- 5 generations of rat breeding, cut off their tails and then bred
- no offspring had short tails
Georges cuvier (thoughts on evolution)
- 1812
- publishes studies on fossils
- fossils as evidence of extinction
Charles Lyell (thoughts on evolution)
- processes that shape the earth have been uniform over time
- published principles of geology
Charles Darwin (thoughts on evolution)
- 1831-1836, voyage of the beagle
- 1844, writes his essay of decent with modification
- observations of geology, fossils, plants and animals led Darwin to think about how species arise
Alfred Russell Wallace (thoughts on evolution)
- 1858, sends Darwin his hypothesis of natural selection
- proposes evolution via natural selection
On the origin of species
- decent with modification
- species diversity due to branching from common ancestor in response to environment
- describes natural selection as the mechanism for evolution
5 characteristics of natural selection
- many offspring are produced, not all survive
- traits vary among individuals within a population and may be heritable
- some heritable traits hive individuals an advantage in their environment
- advantageous traits, conferring higher fitness, become more common
what experiences selection and evolution?
individuals experience selection; but population evolve
Evolution by natural selection
- evolution is a change in the heritable traits of a population from generation to generation
- natural selection is a mechanism of evolution
Threespine sticklebacks
- small, drab fish found in coastal waters or inland lakes in the northern hemisphere
- a model system for study evolution and speciation:
- variation in morphology
- recent changes in environment
Variation in Sticklebacks
- stickles have different phenotypes in marine and freshwater environments
- lateral plates vary between individuals within populations
- traits is heritable
- spines and lateral plates protect against predators
Producing lateral plates is costly
- lakes havee lower ion concentrations
- fish with reduced lateral plates in lakes: grow larger, have higher overwinter survival, breed sooner
evolution of mammals
- animals with mammals-like trait appear 300 MYA
- true mammals appear 200-145 MYA
- co-occurred with dinosaurs
- 3 major lineages arose 140 MYA
- adaptive radiation at the end of cretaceous
- similarity die to common ancestry
- anatomical, molecular
- form and function may be very different
similarity of form/function due to similar environments
Phenotypic Plasticity
- a genotype that produces different phenotypes in response to the environment
- not heritable
Genetic Variation
- difference among individuals in the composition of their genes or DNA sequences
- does not always lead to phenotypic differences
- not all phenotypic differences indicate genetic variation
What are the sources of genetic variation?
- point mutations
- chromosomal mutations
- crossing over during meiosis
Heitability: Mendel
- observed 3:1 patterns of inheritance of phenotypic traits
- two alleles at a locus: dominant (determines phenotype) and recessive (masked in phenotype)
groups of individuals of the same species that live in the same area and interbreed, leaving viable offspring
different variants of a gene
gene pool
all copies of all alleles at every locus in all members of the population
change in the gene frequencies of a population from generation to generation
Hardy-Weinberg principle
- if alleles are transmitted by meiosis and random mating, frequencies do not change over time
- frequencies of alleles A1 and A2 is given by p and q
parental allele frequencies formula for HW
p + q =1
Offspring allele frequencies
p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1
what are the five assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?
1. no selection
2. no mutation
3. no migration
4. large population
5. random mating
How is Hardy Weinberg a null hypothesis?
- shows the frequencies of alleles in genotypes IN THE ABSENCE of evolution
- deviation from H-W equilibrium indicates one of the assumptions has been violated
observed genotype
measured from population
allele frequencies
calculated from observed data
expected (HW)
predicted frequency of genotypes IF population is in H-W equilibrium
difference (HW)
tested with statistics
what are the mechanisms of evolution?
- mutation
- gene flow
- natural selection
- genetic drift
directional selection
natural selection in which individuals at one end of the phenotypic range survive or reproduce more successfully than do other individuals
stabilizing selection
natural selection in which intermediate phenotypes survive or reproduce more successfully than do extreme phenotypes
disruptive selection
natural selection in which intermediate phenotypes survive or reproduce more successfully than do extreme phenotypes
genetic drift
- change in allele frequency due to chance
- has a larger effect on smaller population
- can cause random change sin allele frequencies
- can cause alleles to become fixed
bottleneck effect
Genetic drift that occurs when the size of a population is reduced, as by a natural disaster or human actions. Typically, the surviving population is no longer genetically representative of the original population.
The founder effect
- small number of individuals establish a new population
- daughter populations have lower genetic diversity than source populations
intrasexual selection
selection within a sex to compete for mates
intersexual selection
selection by one sex for mates; mate choice
heterozygote advantage
heterozygotes have greater fitness than either homozygotes
frequency dependent selection
- fitness depends on how common the phenotype is in the populatin
what are benefits and costs of endotherms?
- remain active in spite of poor environmental
- efficient to have optimized enzymes
- efficient to have optimized enzymes
- expend A LOT energy to maintain temperature
Biological Species Concept
groups of actually or potentially interbreeding populations, which are reproductively isolated from other such groups
What are the difficulties in defining a species
- local variation
- asexual reproducers
- hybrids
what are prezygotic reproductive isolation types?
habitat isolation, temporal isolation, behavioral isolation, mechanical isolation, gametic isolation
habitat isolation
species mate in different places
temporal isolation
species mate at different times
behavioral isolation
unique behaviors attract different species
mechanical isolation
morphological differences prevent mating
gametic isolation
sperm cannot fertilize eggs
what postzygotic reproductive isolation types?
reduced hybrid viability, reduced hybrid fertility, hybrid breakdown,
reduced hybrid viability
hybrids do not live to maturity
reduced hybrid fertility
hybrids do not produce viable offspring
hybrid breakdown
offspring viability is reduced after several generations
Allopatric speciation
Occurs when you have an interbreeding population and something
happens to physically separate the mates
- populations are
geographically isolated from one another
geographic separation
-> selection and/or drift -> speciation
sympatric speciation
The formation of new species in populations that live in the same
geographic area
polymorphism appears -> assortative mating
sympatric speciation: auto polyploidy
- cell division error within a species leads to increase in chromosome number
- in a diploid, error leads to diploid gametes and tetraploid species
- new species likely established through self-fertilization
sympatric speciation: allopolyploidy
- hybridization between species, chromosomes can't pair up
- error doubles chromosomes, hybrids can now interbreed
- new species likely established through self-fertilization
Polyploidy as a speciation mechanism
- polyploidy is an incredibly successful speciation mechanism in plants:
it happens nearly instantaneously, it provides higher genetic diversity, it leads to reduced interbreeding depression
selection due to environment leads to increased frequency of phenotype over time
physiological response to environment to change in individual phenotype
local adaption
species exhibit phenotypes that differ due to local conditions (could lead to speciation over time)
when reproductive isolation between two species breaks down
if hybrids are less fit is it reinforcement, fusion, or stability?
- individuals that hybridize have fewer offspring
- reproductive isolation increases
if hybrids are more fit is it reinforcement, fusion, or stability?
- individual that hybridize have an equal number or more offspring
- reproductive isolation decreases
if hybrids are less fit in a specific time/place is it reinforcement, fusion, or stability?
- hybridization limited
- small hybrid zones or variable conditions
- hybrid production continues
what is speciation a result of?
reproductive isolation
what are evolutionary processes that lead to reproductive isolation?
natural selection, genetic drift, and muutataion
what reduces reproductive isolation
gene flow
punctuated model of rate of speciation
- came about in the 70s
- a rapid shift in phenotype that would
be sustained overtime
gradual model of rate of speciation
- traditional view of speciation
- we would see a small change
that would lead to mutation then a shift in some of the population's
phenotype with eventual speciation
punctuated equilibrium
A species undergoes little or no morphological change, interrupted by relatively brief periods of sudden change.
how old is earth
4.6 Billion years old
How long ago was the cambrain explosion?
535-525 MYA
how long ago of the oldest multicellular eukaryotes?
1.2 BYA
how long ago was the oldest eukaryotic cell?
1.8 BYA
how long ago was the oldest prokaryotic cell?
3.5 BYA
how long ago was the origin of the solar system?
4.6 BYA
Hadean Eon characteristics
- 4.6-3.85 BYA
- differentiation of earth into mantle, crust, core
- formation of the atmosphere from volcanic gasses
- water vapor condensed to acidic lakes
- no evidence of life on earth
long term memory
- more secure info retention
- connections in cerebral cortex
Archean Eon characteristics
- 3.85 - 2.5 BYA
- earliest conclusive evidence of prokaryotes about 3.5 BYA
- recent study reports fossils from 3.77 BYA
- appearance of photosynthesis before 2.7 BYA
- O2 producing prokaryotes (cyanobacteria)
- O2 initially dissolves in water
- when water is saturated, OO2 increases in atmosphere
- mats of cyanobacteria living on sea surface covered with sediment
- new cells grow on layers of old cells, old layers fossilize
- date to 3.5 BYA, but there are living examples
Proterozoic Eon characteristics
- sharp rise in atmospheric O2 about 2.5 BYA
- fragmentary fossil record (organisms are small, soft-bodied)
- first eukaryote about 1.8 BYA (cells with nuclear envelopes, organelles)
- first multicellular eukaryotes about 1.2 BYA
The origin of eukaryotes
- endosymbiosis first proposed in 1960s, but highly controversial
- now strongly supported by data
- key innovation leading to eukaryotes
evidence for endosymbiosis
mitochondria and chloroplasts have:
- outer membrane similar to eukaryotic plasma membrane
- inner membrane similar to bacterial precursor
Mitochondria, chloroplasts, and bacteria:
- divide by binary fission
- have smaller ribosomes than eukaryotes
- have circular DNA (usually)
- have genomic similarities that suggest close relationships
transition to multicellularity
done through segregation of function, much more efficient
- first major diversification 670-550 MYA: Ediacaran biota - the oldest macroscopic eukaryotes
The Cambrian explosion
- multicellularity evolved in the Proterozoic eon
- extensive radiation occurred int he Cambrian period (phanerozoic eon)
- most extant phyla appear in this period
When did early land animals occur?
500 MYA
when did the first land plants appear?
470 MYA
when did arthropods appear?
450 MYA
when did vascular plants appear?
425 MYA
when did tetrapods appear?
365 MYA
how many major extinction events have occured?
the 6th extinction?
- current rates of extinction are 100-1000x higher than the background extinction rate
- more than 99% of modern extinction due to human activity (defaunation, habitat loss, climate change)
- predicted to reach 6th mass extinction in 240-540 years
species radiations
major diversification events can happen globally or locally
what are the mechanisms for species radiations?
- changes int he environment
- availability of new habitat
- new innovations in morphology, development or behavior
- new species interactions
what fueled the cambrian explosion?
- rise in O2 levels
- receding glaciers
- appearance of diverse body plans
- emergence of predators
reciprocal evolution of 2 interacting species
- each species responds to selection from the other
- leads to diversification within groups
red queen hypothesis
interacting species must repeatedly adapt to each other to maintain their relationship
what is the signature of coevolution?
high levels of genetic diversity
changes in allele frequency from generation to generation in a population
broad patterns of evolution above the species level
a visual hypothesis of the evolutionary history of a group of species, populations or genes
who do phylogenetic trees show?
ancestral trait
trait originated from the ancestor of the taxon
derived trait
trait is an evolutionary novelty to the clade
trait is shred by all clade members
similar environment pressure can lead to similar adaption in different organism s
- using clades to build a phylogenetic tree
- grouping taxa based on shared ancestry
- smaller clades are nested in larger clades
monophyletic group
an ancestor and all of its descendants
paraphyletic group
an ancestor but only some of its descendants
polyphyletic group
group does not include most recent common ancestor
why do we need to define groups on trees?
- clades are groups of taxa with a common ancestor and shared derived characteristics
- phylogenetic trees are built using a nested clade approach
- poly- or paraphyletic groups provide incomplete (or misleading) information about evolutionary relationships
what are the steps to tree building?
- select the evidence you will use o group the taxa
- collect data: measure characters of your taxa
- organize data into a character matrix
- draw a tree
- find the simplest explanation
- the fewest evolutionary events
orthologous genes
- genes found in different species with a common ancestor
- genes diverge after speciation
paralogous genes
- gene duplication within a species
- more than one copy, genes diverge over time
the variability among living organisms from all sources and the ecological complexes of which they are part; includes diversity within and among species
Why study biodiversity?
- to understand the evolution of life
- to appreciate nature
- to assess its economic value
- to see the larger impact of human on the earth
what are the parts of the external prokaryote structure?
- cell wall: bacteria - peptidoglycan and archaea - polysaccharides, proteins
- fimbriae and capsule: stick to capsule
- pili: pulls cells together for conjugation
- flagella: mobility
What are the parts of the internal prokaryote structure?
Aerobic prokaryotes: respiratory membrane (like mitochondria)
photosynthetic prokaryotes: thylakoid membrane (like chloroplasts)
chromosomes (circular contain less DNA than eukaryotes)
plasmids (small rings of DNA that replicate independently
form in response to hostile conditions; dormant until conditions improve
how genetic diversity generated in prokaryotes?
mutation and recombination
*Reproduction by binary fission does not lead to diversity
transformation (genetic recombination)
- foreign DNA from the environment transported into cells
- proteins recognize DNA from closely related species
transduction (genetic recombination)
- phage (virus) infect bacteria
- phage replicates it DNA within host cell
- as new phages form, may gain fragments of donor cell DNA
- phage carriers fragmented DNA from donor to recipient cell
- crossing over leads to recombination of DNA
conjugation (genetic recombination)
- one strand of F+ cell plasmid DNA break at arrowhead
- broken strand peels off and enters F- cell
- donor and recipient cells synthesize complementary DNA strands
- recipient cell is now a recombinant F+ cell
Why do prokaryotes evolve quickly?
- short generation times -> accumulation of mutations -> opportunity for selection
- horizontal gene transfer -> recombination between different species -> novel genes
- plasmids -> mobile DNA with high genetic variation -> useful for adapting to new environments
evolution of antibiotic resistance
- overuse, misuse, exposure led to resistance
- rapid evolution due to short generation times
- once resistant genes have emerged, can be widely transferred via plasmids
Protists in the environment
- heterotrophic bacteria
- break down dead organic material
Oxygen production
- autotrophic cyanobacteria
- photosynthesis
Nitrogen Fixation
- cyanobacteria, methanogens (archaea)
- atmospheric nitrogen (N2) -> useable nitrogen (NH3)
what does the ectoderm form?
skin, nervous system
get their energy from chemicals
use inorganic carbon (CO2)
use organic carbon (glucose)
can use different sources of energy and carbon
what are the key innovations of eukaryotes?
- diverse protection and support structures:
flexible cell walls and cytoskeletons for mobility, and rigid cell walls or shells for protection
- nuclear envelope:
likely formed from infolding of plasma membrane, and separate transcription and translation
- endosymbiosis
- multicellularity
what did primary endosymbiosis lead to? secondary symbiosis?
red and green algae
secondary led to other photosynthetic protists
what is the evidence for secondary endosymbiosis?
- chloroplasts have 3-4 membranes
- photosynthetic pigments shared by lands plants and distantly related protists
- nucleus now vestigial
How are protists divers?
- live in many different habitats
- acquire resources in different ways
- different mobility strategies
- different cell surfaces
protists and human health (parasites)
- cause malaria
- multiple hosts
- live mainly inside host cells
- chaga's disease
- multiple hosts
- prevent host immunity with protein switches
Protists and human welfare (food sources and plant pathogens)
food sources:
red algae
- agar, nori, dulse
- marine seaweed
- mostly multicellular
Plant pathogens
water molds
- pathogens and parasites
- economic impact
- phytophthora infestans caused potato famine
Protists and healthy ecosystems (primary producers, global carbon cycle, decomposers, and critical habitat)
green algae
- freshwater and marine
- unicellular, filamentous multicellular
- freshwater and marine
- unique cell walls with silicon dioxide
- after blooms, bodies sink to ocean floor, sequesters carbon
- promoting blooms may reduce CO2
Slime Molds
- terrestrial
- unicellular with thousands of nuclei
- break down dead plants
Brown algae
- multicellular marine seaweed (kelp)
- home to sea otters, fish and diverse marine invertebrates
- loss of sea otters caused trophic cascade in kelp forests
Protists and unhealthy ecosystems (algal bloom)
- freshwater and marine
- bloom cause toxic red tides
- deplete oxygen
- can lead to fish kills
what are plants closest living relatives?
charophytes (green algae)
What adaptions to plants have for land?
- prevent water loss
waxy cuticle, stomata and desiccation-resistant spores
- UV protection
flavonoids to provide "sunscreen"
- access nutrients efficiently
Plant reproduction
When was the origin of land plants?
470 MYA
Bryophytes characteristics
- lack specialized cells to transport water and nutrients
- this limits height/size
- also lack roots (rhizoids as anchors)
- gametophytes are dominant life stage
- gametangia can be male/female/bisexual
- sperm travel through water
- sporophytes can't live independently (attached to gametophyte, which supplies water/nutrients
- millions of spores (dispersed by wind)
Bryophyte ecology: sphagnum
- peat
- antibiotic properties
- stores 30% of the world's carbon
- harvested for fuel
- anoxic conditions can preserve tissue
when was the origin of vascular plants?
425 MYA
what do seedless vascular plants have that bryophytes do not?
- a larger, more complex sporophytes generation
- a sporophyte that is independent of the gametophyte
- resources transported through vascular system
- roots and leaves
- increased growth die to vascularization
Organs in the vascular system (plants)
xylem, phloem, and lignin
- water conducting cells
- lignin in cell walls
distributes sugars, amino acids, products synthesized by the plant
- structural support
- helps plants grow tall!
what are other derived traits of vascular plants?
- absorb water and nutrients from soild
- increased photosynthesis
are seedless plants homosporous or heterosporous?
homosporous; bisexual gametophytes have organs to make sperm and eggs
are seeded plants homosporous or heterosporous?
heterosporous; male gametophytes have organs to make sperm and female gametophytes have organs to make eggs
- seedless vascular plant
- club moss, spike moss
- most ancient rooted lineage
- were tree-sized during carboniferous
- seedless vascular plant
- ferns very speciose and common in moist humid habitats
- horsetail and whisk fern are "living fossils"
- whisk fern has branching stem, no leaves
what is the legacy of seedless vascular plants?
- in the carboniferous (360-300 MYA), giant seedless vascular plants converted CO2 to organic carbon, then died
- microbes that could break down cellulose and lignin had not yet evolved
- tree did not fully decay, turned into coal
- 90% of coal burned today formed
what were the derived traits from seedless to seeded plants?
- embryos with food supplies and a protective coat
- disperse long distances and survive harsh conditions
- male gametophytes surrounded by pollen wall
- does not require water to travel to female gametophyte
what do megasporangia produce?
1 megaspore (female gametophyte)
what do microsporangia produce?
makes many microspores (male gametophyte)
Do all plants have sperm and spores?
yes, but they do not all have seeds and pollen
Gymnosperms characteristics
- conifers are the most speciose gymnosperms
- generally evergreen
- small or needle-like leaves
- some of the largest and oldest organism on earth
- gymnosperms
- 300 million years old
- only gymnosperms with compound leaves
- gymnosperm
- only 1 extant species
- males plants ornamentally (Seeds smell rancid when decaying)
- gymnosperm
- closely related angiosperms
- welwitschia only lives in namib desert, plants can be up to 2000 years old
when was the origin of extant seed plants?
360 MYA
When did seedless vascular plants become dominant?
in the carboniferous, 360-300 MYA
when did gymnosperms become dominant?
in the Permian, 300-250 MYA
when did angiosperms become dominant in milder climates?
in the mid-cretaceous, 145-65 MYA
What are the key innovations of angiosperms?
- flowers
specialized shoots with up 4 types of modified leaves: sepals, petals, stamens, carpels
provide more species-specific breeding systems
- fruits
ovules housed within the ovary
as seeds develop, ovary walls thicken
ovary matures into a fruit (protects seeds, aids in dispersal, fleshy or dry)
derived traits in angiosperm life cycle
- microspores become male gametophytes with 2 cells (generative cells forms 2 sperm, tube cell forms pollen tube)
- megaspore becomes female gametophyte with about 7 cells
- double fertilization
2 sperm released in ovule, 1 sperm fertilizes egg, 1 sperm nuclei fuses with 2 nuclei in embryo sac -> endosperm (3n)
plant-animal interactions
- emergence of flowers and fruit led to stunning diversity of interactions
- pollination
movement of pollen by animals increases likelihood of mating
- seed dispersal
movement of embryos by animals increase range and habitat diversity
- color scent serves as long-distance signals
- pollinator visit flowers to collect nectar and pollen
- floral traits have co-evolved with different pollinators
angiosperm diversity
- approximately 370,000 species
- 4 lineages: basal angiosperms, magnoliids, monocots, eudicots
- 60,000 species
- floral organs usually found in multiples of 3
- plants include: grasses, orchid, palms
- 280,000 species
- pollen grains have 3 openings
- plant include: legumes, common ornamental flower, fruit trees, cacti
- unicellular or multicellular
- not motile
- heterotrophs
- absorb food from the environment
- secrete hydrolytic enzymes to break down food
- can consume living or dead
fungal structure
- multicellularity fungi us hyphae for growth and nutrient Acquistion
- cell walls strengthened by chitin
- hyphae form mycelium: belowground - nutrients and aboveground - reproduction
female reproduction
- fungi can have both sexual and asexual reproduction
- formation of diploid zygote is a multi-step process
- clonal reproduction through budding and spores
fungal evolution
- more closely related to animals than plants
- heterotroph
- chitin to strengthen cell walls
- store carbohydrates a glycogen
- DNA evidence
- diverged 1-1.5 BYA
- multicellularity evolved independently in fungi and animals
- symbiotic relationship between fungi and 90% of plant species
- fungi increase nutrient uptake for plants
- plants provide fungi with carbohydrates
what are the ecological benefits off fungi?
- break down cellulose
- increase defense or stress tolerance
- fungus-farming ants
- lichens
what are negative effects of fungi?
plant pathogens
- rust, smut, blights
- ecological and economic impact
Animal pathogens
- chytrid fungus and amphibians
- Ophiocordyceps and ants
what are general traits of animals?
- multicellular eukaryotes without cell walls
- proteins outside cell membrane provide structural support, cell-cell adhesion and communication
- heterotrophs that ingest their food
- mobile
- nerves and muscles
what are the general patterns across animals?
- patterns of development
- body plan (symmetry, tissue, body cavities)
Animal development
- 2 haploid gametes produced by meiosis from diploid zygote
- zygote undergoes mitotic division (cleavage)
- blastula: multicellular stage, hollow ball of cells
- gastrulation: one end of embryos folds inward, fills blastocoel, producing layers of embryonic tissue, outer layer = ectoderm, inner layer = endotherm
- "pouch" called archenteron
- opening called blastospore
when do germ layers form?
during gastrulation
what does the ectotherm form?
skin, nervous system
what does endotherm form?
digestive tract
what does the mesoderm from?
circulatory system, muscle, bone, organs
- cell divides diagonally
- goes through spiral cleavage
- determinate development
coelom formation
- solid mesoderm masses that split and form coelom
fate of blastospore
- mouths develop from blastospore
- first pore is turned into the mouth
- cells divide linearly
- go through radial cleavage
- indeterminate development
coelom formation
- Fold of archenteron fold in and form coelom
fate of blastophore
- anus develops from blastospore
- first pore is turned into the anus
when did animals appear?
about 710 MYA
what are the first animals closest living relatives?
when did animals arrive on land?
450 MYA
when did tetrapods (terrestrial vertebrates) appear?
365 MYA
when was the age of dinosaurs?
2522-66 MYA
when was the diversification of mammals?
66 MYA - present
what are the traits that drive diversity in animals
- sensory organs
- modes of feeding
- modes of movement
- reproductive strategies
- have a body cavity
- lined on both sides with tissue (specifically mesoderm)
- do not have a body cavity
- do not have organs
- have a body cavity
- structured differently
- lined only on one side with mesoderm
sponges (porifera)
- asymmetric
- sessile as adults
- lack true tissue
- gas exchange/waste removal by diffusion
- filter feeders
- closely related to choanoflagellates
Anemones, jellies, and coral (cnidarians)
- radially symmetric
- 2 germ layers
- sac with central digestive compartment
- 2 phenotypes: polyps and medusas
- can have sexual and asexual life stages, which alternate
what is lophotrochozoans defined by?
a clade defined by DNA
- protostomes
- 3 germ layers
- body cavities vary
- some have lophophores, ciliated tentacles for feeding
- some have trochophore larva
flatworms (platyhelminthes)
- dorsoventrally flattened bodies
- acoelomate
- metabolic processes by diffusion
- most have a gastrovascular cavity with only one opening
- no circulatory system
- can be free-living or parasitic
segmented worms (annelida)
- coelomates
- aquatic, most terrestrial habitats
- range from 1mm-3m
- earthworms (tilla and aerate soil, decomposers)
molluscs (mollusca)
- over 100,000 species
- marine, freshwater or terrestrial
- soft-bodied, most have calcium carbonate shell
- coelomates
- most have separate sexes (some hermaphrodites)
what does mantle do in the mollusc?
secretes shell
what does the visceral mass do in the mollusc?
contains internal organs
what does the foot do in the mollusc?
what does the radula do in the mollusc?
for feeding (is not in all molluscs)
living on your food: gastropods
- terrestrial or aquatic
- radula can graze, scrape, chew
- most have a single spiral shell
- head with eyes in tentacles
two shells for protection: bivalves
- aquatic filter feeders (gills in mantle cavity)
- no distinct head, no radula, some have eyes
- most sedentary
adaptions for predation: cephalopods
- marine hunters
- well-developed sensory organs
- jet propulsion by water expelled from mantle cavity
- shell reduced/internal
- closed circulatory system
what are the general characteristics of arthopods?
- paired jointed appendages
- exoskeleton: chitin +protein/calcium carbonate (grow by molting)
- well-developed sensory organs (eyes, olfactory receptors, antennae)
- coelomates with reduced coelom (main body cavity is the hemocoel)
- open circulatory system (hemolymph pumped through hemocoel)
- gas exchange (aquatic species have gills, terrestrial species have trachea)
what are examples of non-insect arthpods?
spiders and ticks (chelicerates)
- predators and parasites
- 6 pair appendages (8 legs)
Myriapods (many feet)
- millipedes -> 2 pairs legs/segments
- centipedes -> 1 pair legs/segments
- specialized appendages
- exoskeleton of calcium carbonate
- 6 legs
- flight (not all groups)
- metamorphosis
incomplete: young resemble adults, smaller, wingless
complete: larvae distinct in phenotype, diet, habitat from adults
insect reproductive strategies
- sexual reproduction is common
- some insects have asexual reproduction
flight in insects
most insects can fly, but wings vary in shape, size, and number
flight increases: dispersal, foraging, mating
mouthparts in insects
diverse mouthparts increase access to different food types
benefits of insects
- insect pollinators are critical for producing fruits and vegetables
- annual value is >$2200 billion US
Pest Controllers
- predatory and parasitic insects can control herbivores in crops
- nutrient cycling
Pest and disease
voracious herbivores
- insect pests can decimate crops
- increased resistance to pesticides
Vectors of disease
- mosquitoes -> malaria, zika, yellow fever, west nile, chikungunya
- kissing bugs -> chagas disease
- tstese flies -> african sleeping sickness
- invertebrate deuterostomes
- larvae have clear bilateral symmetry
What are the characteristics of chordates?
notochords, dorsal hollow nerve chord, pharyngal cleft and slits, muscular post anal tail
- present in all chordate embryos, some adults
- longitudinal, flexible rod between digestive tube and nerve cord
- derived from mesoderm
- provides skeletal support
dorsal hollow nerve cord
- hollo tube that develops into the central nervous system
- derived from ectoderm
Muscular, post anal tail
- in non-chordates, digestive tract runs body length
- reduced in some adult chordates
pharyngeal clefts and slits
- arches along pharynx develop into slits that open into the pharynx
- invertebrates -> suspension feeding
- aquatic vertebrates -> gills
- tetrapods -> no slits (arches become part of ears, head, and back)
what are examples of basal chordates?
Lancelets ad tunicates
- notochord protects dorsal hallow nerve cord
- filter feed using pharyngeal slits
- larvae reflect chordate characters
- adults lose characters after metamorphosis
- siphons used for filter feeding , waste removal
what are the characteristics of vertebrates?
- cartilaginous or bony
Developed nervous system
- cranium protecting brain
- spinal cord
63,000 vertebrates species
evolution of vertebrates
- transitional fossils from 530 MYA
- earliest vertebrates 500 MYA
- mineralization
started with teeth like structures
- earliest gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) from 440 MYA
Hagfish and Lamprey characteristics
- jawless, no backbone
- rudimentary vertebrate
- notochord persists in adults
- reduced sensory structures
- produces slime as defense
- cartilaginous teeth lack collagen
- adults parasitize fish
The evolution of jaws
- rapid radiation of jawed fish after jaws appear
- hypothesis: jaws originated from the skeletal rods that support gill slits
- jaws and rods have similar morphology
- both jaws and rods derived form the same cells in the embryo (other skeletal elements are not)
- no fossil evidence to corroborate
- skeleton of cartilage (derived trait)
- mineralized teeth
- streamlined bodies for hunting
sharp vision, olfactory bulbs, can detect fields of animals
- swim nearly continuously
keep from sinking, gas exchange
Ray-finned fish
- over 27,000 extant species
- bony fish with rays in fins
- gills for gas exchange
- swim bladder maintains buoyancy (derived from lungs)
- lateral lines - detects pressure/vibrations
- thought extinct, found alive in 1938
- bone in fins that resemble
- breathe air but also have gills
- fleshy fins, walk short distances under water
- closest living to tetrapods
transition to land: Tiktakklik
- long-limbed bones
- more derived wrist bones
- large pelvis, making it a strong swimmer, able to walk on sea floor
- no strong connection between pelvis and spine, did not live on land
what adaptions did vertebrates need to succeed on land?
- a new way to move
- increased skeletal support
- new gas exchanges support
- strategies to prevent water loss
when did tetrapods appear in the fossil record?
365 MYA
what are the derived traits of tetrapods?
- limbs with digits
- head separated from body via neck
- bones of pelvic girdle fused to backbone
- adults lack gills
Amphibians characteristics
- larvae aquatic
metamorphosis leads to legs, lungs, more complex organs
- moist skin facilitates gas exchange
some species lack lungs altogether
- external fertilization in water or moist environments
eggs lack shell
salamanders characteristics
- 550 species
- some entirely aquatic, some terrestrial as adults, some fully terrestrial
- some terrestrial species lack lungs
- capable of limb regeneration
- 10% of global salamander diversity found in Appalachians
frog characteristics
- >7,000 species
- aquatic larvae distinct from adults
- hop instead of walk
- toads are warty frogs, but not monophyletic
- males vocalize to attract mates or defend territory
- some produce deadly toxins advertised with bright colors
what are the parts of the amniotic egg?
allantois, chorion, amnion, yolk sac
metabolic waste
gas exchange
fluid-filled cavity protects embryo
yolk sac
holds nutrients
derived traits off amniotes
- amniotic egg
- eggs with shells or internal gestation
reduces water loss of developing embryo
- less permeable skin
reduced water loss of adults
- rib cage used for ventilation
efficient gas exchange
Dinosaurs chracteristics
- earliest reptiles 310 MYA
- dinosaurs originated around 245 MYA
- dominant animals for 135 MY
- all non-avian species extinct 66 MYA
reptiles charcateristics
- scales/feather containing keratin
prevent desiccation
- lay shelled eggs on land
internal fertilization prior to shell secretion
- snake/lizards are ectotherms
regulate temperature with behavior
- birds are endotherms
internal temperature regulation
turtles characteristics
- 307 species
- upper and lower shells fused to vertebrate, collarbones and ribs
- found in many different habitats: on land, in ponds, rivers, oceans
- divided into two groups based on neck retraction
Lizards characteristics
- from a few cm to >3m
- territorial (habitat, food, mates)
snakes characteristics
- lizards -> snakes (leg lost)
- ancestors were burrowing or aquatic lizards
- carnivores with adaptions for hunting and capturing prey
bird characteristics
- 10,000 species
- modification for flight
- evolved from dinosaurs 160 MYA
- extant species emerged 66 MYA
- live in divers habitats and lifestyles
large brain, more acute senses than other reptiles and amphibians
wings for dispersal
beak morphology - diet breadth
what are the modifications for flight?
honeycombed bones, reduced organs (no bladder, 1 ovary, small gonads), no teeth, feathers, large pectoral muscles
what are the derived traits of mammals?
mammary glands, hair, fat layer under skin, endotherms, larger brains, extended parental care, diverse teeth
- animals with mammals-like trait appear 300 MYA
- true mammals appear 200-145 MYA
- co-occurred with dinosaurs
- 3 major lineages arose 140 MYA
- adaptive radiation at the end of cretaceous
- platypus and echidna
- lay egg
- have mammary glands but lack nipples
- opossums, kangaroos, koalas
- early development in uterus includes a placenta
- complete embryonic development outside uterus while nursing
- more complex placentas
- development completely in uterus
- lack epipubic bone - allows expansion of abdomen during pregnancy
- divergence of groups fuzzy (between 100-60 MYA)
rodents (characteristics)
- 2277 species (40% mammals)
- continuously growing incisors in both jaws
- live on land, in trees, underground, in water
- keystone species in many ecosystems
soil aeration and nutrient distribution and hydrology
- human disease vectors
- split into odd toed and even toed
- hooves made of keratin
- herbivores and omnivores
- diverse cranial appendages
- domesticated for food, clothing, transportation
- 89 species found in freshwater and marine habitats
- originated from land mammals
(sister taxa to hippos)
- forelimbs are flippers, hindlimbs are vestigial
- 2 sub orders: toothed, baleen
- intelligent, social animal s
- 280 species
- split into feliforma, "cat-like" and caniforma, "dog-like"
- sharp teeth and claws
- mostly terrestrial (except walruses and seals)
- skull shape associated with predatory lifestyle (some herbivore)
- 190-448 species depending on classification system
- arose 85-55 million years
- name means "first-ranked"
Linnaeus saw primates as the highest order of animals
derived traits of primates
- hands and feet adapted for grasping
- flat nails instead claws
- large brains, short jaws
- eye look - hand/eye coordination
- flexible or opposable thumb (monkeys/apes)
primates lineages
- apes diverged from old world monkey 25-30 MYA
- non-human apes now found only in old world tropics
derived traits of hominins
- upright and bipedal
- larger brain, complex thought, tool use
- reduced jawbones and teeth
- shorter digestive tract
homo sapiens characteristics
- lighter skeletons
- "modern" skull is thin-walled with a vertical forehead
- smaller teeth
- hunting and fishing with specialized tools
- developed sophisticated societies and cultural practices
dispersal of homo sapiens
- originate from Afica aboout 200,000 years ago
- migrated to middle east
- from middle eat to europe, asia, australia
- from asia to the americas
why are we the only hominins?
early homo sapiens coexisted with other homo species
- interbreeding occured between several groups
changes in lifestyle around 50,000 years ago
- more advanced tools
- elaborate shelter
- social, cultural development
genetic diversity
heterozygosity within a population
species diveristy
species richness and abundance
ecosystem diversity
interactions between species and environment
how does biodiversity have inherent value?
- nature for nature's sake
- inspires art, poetry
- tied to spirituality
- enjoyed and appreciated in many ways
what is the ecological value of biodiversity?
- biodiversity is correlated with ecosystem
primary production, nutrient cycling
- supports diversity at higher trophic levels
more plants = more herbivores = more predators
ecosystem services
functions provided by nature that support humans
- products extracted from ecosystems
- processes that maintain healthy ecosystems
- cultural benefits from ecosystems
what is the economic value off biodiversity?
- estimating the monetary value of ecosystem services can be easy or difficult
easy: value of lumber harvested from a forest
difficult: aesthetic of a forest
- many species contribute to multiple ecosystem services
what is the globally, ecosystem services are valued at?
$33-125 trillion US per year
value of ecosystem services often only recognized when they are lost
epithelial tissue
- sheet of cells, shape related to location in body
- cover the outside, line the inside of the body
- interact with environment: barriers for threats and exchange of materials
connective tissue
- cells scattered in an extracellular matrix
- found between other tissues
- examples: bone, cartilage, fat, blood
muscle tissue
- cells made of filaments containing actin and myosin
3 types:
skeletal - attached to bone and tendon
smooth - involuntary body activities
cardiac - heart walls
nerve tissue
- reciept, processing and transmission of information
- neurons transmit impulses
- gila support neurons
how does the body respond to external environments?
- requires communication annd feedback between cells, tissues, organs and environment
- endocrine system - hormones
gradual changes affect whole body
- nervous system - nerve impulses
immediate changes, may be localized
- physiological adjustment in response to change in environment
- type of phenotypic plasticity
- not heritable
- changes in phenotype increasing survival and reproduction
- heritable
- maintains internal environment when external environment changes
internal environment changes as external environment changes
- maintaining internal environment at relatively constant conditions
- temperature, pH, blood glucose, salinity
- regulated by feedback
what is homeostasis?
- enzyme function
- metabolic efficiency
- structural integrity of cells, proteins
circadian rhythm
- daily cycle of physiological patterns
temperature, blood pressure, sleep/wake cycles
- can be maintained with minimal cues
blind mole rate exhibit daily cycles
- disruption cause problems
- all chemical reactions within an organism
energy to fuel cellular processes, to build proteins, lipids, nucleic acids
- metabolic rate -> energy used over a period of time
heat loss, oxygen used, calories consumed
Comparing basal metabolic rates
- larger animals have proportionally less surface area to support metabolic needs
- as body size increases, total BMR increases due to increased overall consumption
- mass-specific BMR decreases due to reduced surface area to volume ratio of tissues
use external sources of energy to control body temperature
rely on internal energy (metabolic heat) to control body temperature
body temperature varies with the environment
body temperature is relatively stable regardless of environment
what are the costs and benefits of eectotherms?
- expend less energy to maintain temperature
- enzymes function under a range of internal conditions
- inactive under poor environment conditions
- costly to maintain multiple enzymes
what are benefits of endotherms?
- remain active in spite of poor environmental
- efficient to have optimized enzymes
- efficient to have optimized enzymes
- expend A LOT energy to maintain temperature
loss of heat by evaporation of water
emission of electromagnetic radiation
direct transfer by contact
moving air removes radiated heat or water
How to we manage heat loss and gain?
- the conversion of liquid sweat to vapor results in heat loss, cooling the body
- vasodilation increases heat transfer from the body to the environment
- fat, fur, feathers keep birds and mammals warm
- mammals raise fur and birds raise feathers when cold to trap warm air
the number of molecules of solute per liter solution
have the same osmolarity as its environment
controls osmolarity independently from its environment
water is organism is equal to water in environment
water, salts continuously diffuse
- water in organism is less than water in environment
- water moves in and salt move out
- gain water by osmosis, excrete large amounts of highly dilute urine
- water in organism is greater than water in environment
- water moves out and salt move in
- can become strongly dehydrated, compensate by drinking large amounts of seawater
water balance on land
- animals obtain water through eating and drinking
- animals lose water through secretions and excretion
- water loss is a major challenge
Nitrogenous waste
- type of metabolic waste to be excreted
- waste product from breaking down protein, nucleic acids
- must balance toxicity of waste with cost of waste production (energy/water loss)
uric acid
- relatively non-toxic
- does not dissolve in water, reduces excretory water loss
- VERY energetically costly
- reptiles/birds, insects
- low toxicity
- moderate water loss
- energetically costly
- many land animals
- toxic
- no internal water loss, but must be diluted in water
- aquatic animals
what are the four basic steps to excretion?
1. filtration
- excretory tubule collects water, small solutes from blood (called filtrate)
2. reabsorption
- water, essential solutes recovered from filtrate
3. secretion
- solutes (toxins, excess ions) added by selective secretion
4. Excretion
- filtrate released as urine
Mammalian Nephron
1. Proximal Tube
- resorption of water, salt, ions, nutrients
- waste start concentrating
- toxins actively secreted into filtrate
2. descending loop of henle
- more water reorption
- epithelium only permeable to water (aquaporins)
3. Ascending loop of henle
- no water transport
- salt moves out to maintain osmolarity of interstitial fluid
- waste low in volume, but more dilute
4. Distal tubule
- regulates salt (K+)
5. Collecting duct
- formation of urine
water conservation in mammals
- mammals produce hyperosmotic urine to reduce water loss
- steep osmotic gradient created in part by countercurrent system
- gradient also requires active transport of NaCl
- reducing water loss is energetically costly
how do you fuel your body?
ingestion -> digestion -> absorption -> elimination
filter feeding
straining small food from surroundings
substrate feeding
live in or on food
fluid feeding
suck fluid with nutrients from living host
bulk feeding
eat relatively large pieces of food
gastrovascular cavity
digestion and distribution of nutrients in same place
single location for ingestion and excretion
alimentary canal
complete digestive tract
organized into compartments for digestion, storage, absorption
Human digestion: the oral cavity
- ingestion, initial digestion of carbohydrates
- chewing -> mechanical digestion
- saliva -> chemical digestion
- food moves down the pharnyx and esophagus
Human Digestion: the stomach
- storage and digestion of proteins
- gastric juices -> chemical digestion
- stomach churns to aid digestion (creates chyme)
Why doesn't the stomach digest itself?
- gastric juices are inactive until released into lumen
- mucus from gastric glands protects stomach lining
- new layer of epithelial cells every 3 days
- gastric juices restricted to stomach by sphincters
Human digestion: Small intestine
- digestion and absorption of nutrients
- small in diameter
- duodenum -> digestion complete
- Jejunum and ileum -> absorption and digestion of fat
Human digestion: large intestine
- colon -> completes water resorption
- cecum -> fermentation
- rectum -> storage of feces
- anus -> anus
How does digestion differ with diet?
- different combination of teeth for different food sources
- different sizes and lengths of alimentary canal components to process different food
Differences between the carnivore and herbivore digestive tract?
- expandable stomachs for large meals
- relatively short alimentary canal
- relatively long alimentary canal
- bacterial or protist symbionts to break down cellulose
- symbionts often housed in specialized structures
what determines an annimals's sex?
- in birds, mammals, and most insects sex is determined by chromosomes
- in many fish and reptiles, sex is determined by temperature during development
- some are hermaphrodites
sexual in reproduction
- fusion of haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote
- gametes formed by meiosis
- reproduction is primarily or exclusively sexual for most animals
Asexual reproduction
- fragments can become new individuals
- parthenogenesis/haplodiploidy
pros and cons of asexual reproduction
- great for sessile organism
- great in stable environments
- may be less costly
- reduces genetic variation
- accumulation of deleterious mutations
The two fold cost of sex
- in a population of females that reproduce asexually, every individual can produce young
- in a sexual population only females have young
- the asexual population can produce offspring at twice the rate of the sexual population
- selection should favor population with more efficient reproduction
disease and asexual reproduction
- parasites selectively infect the most common host genotype, causing common genotypes to crash
- sexually reproducing hosts experience new gene combinations-can evolve resistance
- asexual hosts must rely on random mutation
- disease vulnerability is a big potential fitness cost
what causes daphina to switch from asexual to sexual reproduction?
- stressful conditions
- day length
- food availability
- density
external fertilization
- female releases eggs into the environment male fertilizes them with sperm
- this usually requires a moist habitat
internal fertilization
- sperm deposited in or near female reproductive tract
- often preceded by courtship behavior
- requires compatible reproductive systems
- embryo develops in egg or is internally gestated
- increased parental care
why is the circulatory system adaptive?
- directed and efficient distribution of O2 and nutrients and collection of CO2 and waste
- found in most animals
open circulatory system
- heart pumps hemolymph through circulatory vessels to hemocoel
- hemolymph exchanges resources directly with tissues
- heart relaxes, hemolymph pulled through pores that close when heart contracts
pros and cons of the open circulatory system
- less energetically costly
- direct delivery of nutrients and waste between hemolymph and tissues
- lower pressure and flow rate
- resource delivery not directed at specific tissues
closed circulatory system
- blood confined to vessels
- heart pumps blood through vessels that branch and infiltrate tissues and organs
- exchange between blood, interstitial fluid and body cells
- efficiency delivery of CO2 and nutrients to specific tissues
Single Circulation
- blood through heart once
- 1 atrium, 1 ventricle
- moves from heart -> gills -> body -> heart
- lower blood pressure through body
double circulation
- blood through heart twice
- pulmonary and systemic circuit
- higher blood pressure
pulmonary circuit
start at R side of heart -> O2 poor blood to lungs/skin -> O2 rich blood back to L side of heart
systemic circuit
start at L side of heart -> O2/nutriennt rich blood to body -> CO2 rich blood back to R side of heart
double circulation in amphibians
- 2 atria, 1 ventricle with a central ridge
- gas exchange using both lungs and skin
- can adjust circulation when lungs are not in use
double circulation in turtles, snakes, and lizard
- 2 atria, 1 ventricle with incomplete septum
- can bypass pulmonary circuit when necessary
double circulation in birds and mammals
- 2 atria, 2ventricles
- as endotherms, require high rate of O2 delivery
- also create more CO2 and waste
how does the heart beat?
- rhythm from regular contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole) - 0.8 sec cycle in humans
- valves keep blood flowing in the right direction
- beat originates in the heart
endothelium surrounded by thick walls
- smooth muscle (flexible) that dilates or constricts to control blood flow
- connective tissue (strong) supports the high pressure of blood flow from the heart
walls about 1/3 thickness of arteries
- same tissue composition as arteries
- blood flowing back to heart as much lower pressure
- valves maintain unidirectional blood flow
- slightly wider than a red blood cell
- thin walls: just endothelium and basal lamina (exchange between blood and interstitial fluid)
- flow varies depending on organ/structure
- flow regulated by arterioles sphincters
Blow flow
- blood flow velocity drops when blood enters arterioles, capillaries
- large vessels branch into many smaller vessels
- increase in total cross-sectional area decrease velocity
- blood flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure
Blood Pressure
- ventricular contraction generates pressure
- systolic pressure: highest pressure, ventricles contract
- diastolic pressure: lower pressure, arteries bounce back
- mean pressure decreases as blood moves away from the heart (narrowing of blood vessel increases resistance
- 55%
- liquid matrix where nutrients, wastes, gases, and hormones travel
- dissolved ions: buffer blood and maintain osmotic balance and affect muscle and nerve activity
- plasmas proteins: buffer blood, defense (antibodies), clotting factors
red blood cells
- 44%
- erythrocytes
- most numerous blood cells
- biconcave shape increases surface area
- hemoglobin: iron-containing protein transports O2
- lack nuclei and mitochondria (More hemoglobin)
- each cell transports 1 billion molecules of O2
White blood cells
- <1%
- leukocytes
- 5 major types
- fights infections
- increase in numbers when you are ill
- <1%
- fragments of specialized bone marrow cells
- clotting
Production of blood cells
- from multipotent stem cells located in bone marrow
- blood cells replaced regularly
- O2 delivery low, kidneys secrete a hormone that stimulates red blood cell production
Gas exchange
- uptake of molecular O2 from the environment and the discharge CO2 to the environment
- gases move from areas of high partial pressure to areas of low partial pressure
- gases diffuse across a moist respiratory surface
- rate of diffusion related to surface area and distance
gas exchange in insects
tracheae: air tubes branch throughout body
- connected to environment by pores
- branches found close to every cell
O2/CO2 transfer complete by tracheae
- separate from circulatory system
- hemolymph distributes nutrients, collects waste
Gas exchange in fish
- water contains less O2 than air
- gills have surface area for gas exchange
- gas exchange maximized by counter current flow
- gradient increases diffusion rate of gases between blood and gills
Gas exchange in tetrapods
- lungs provide localized gas exchange in one part of the body
- linked with the circulatory system
- partial or sole means of gas exchange for most tetrapods
The Mammalian respiratory system
- air travels from larynx to trachea to bronchi, entering lungs
- air filtered in bronchioles which are covered by cilia, mucus
- gas exchange in alveoli at tip of bronchioles
Breathing in amphibians
- lower lung surface area than amniotes
- use positive pressure breathing
lowers floor of throat, contrasts throat muscles
push sir from oral cavity into their lung
breathing in birds
- air sacs act as bellows to keep air flowing
- 2 cycles of inhalation/exhalation for air to complete circuit
- air flow is unidirectional (fresh air and O2 reduced air do not mix)
breathing in mammals
negative pressure breathing
- muscular contractions expand thoracic cavity
- lower cavity in lungs
- air rushes in - inhalation
- muscles relax
- volume of thoracic cavity reduced
- air forced out - exhalation
distributing oxygen: hemoglobin
- hemoglobin has 4 subunits; each has a heme group with an iron atom (each iron atom binds 1 O2 molecule)
- binding of O2 increases affinity of hemoglobin for more O2
- CO2 production promotes O2 unloading (change in blood pH decreases affinity for O2)
removing carbon dioxide
- CO2 is a waste product of cellular respiration
- most is converted to bicarbonate in erythrocytes, then travels in plasma to lungs
- converted back to CO2 in lungs, then diffuses out of blood and into alveoli to be removed
regulating gas exchange in mammals
- breathing controlled by medulla oblongata
- pH of cerebrospinal fluid indicates CO2 level (H+ from bicarbonate reaction lowers pH)
- as metabolic activity increases, decrease in pH leads to signal to increase breathing
receive signals from other neurons
cell body
contains most organelles
axon hillock
where signal is generated
transmits signals to other neurons
presynaptic cell
send signals
chemical messenger
synaptic terminals
branches that form the synapse
postsynaptic cell
receive signals
what are the stages of information processing?
1. sensory input: sensory neurons transmit information about stimuli
2. integration: brain integrates information and considers immediate context and experience; mostly interneurons
3. motor output: trigger output such as muscle or gland activity; motor neurons
resting potential
difference in charge across a membrane when cells are not communicating
graded potential
shift in membrane potential that varies in magnitude and direction
action potential
rapid, massive change in membrane potential resulting in communication between cells
active transport: sodium-potassium pump (resting potential)
- uses ATP to move Na+ out and K+ in
- for every 2 K+ in, 3 Na+ move out
- ensures that K+ concentration higher inside neuron
- establishes electrical gradient
Passive transport: leak channels (resting potential)
- K+ leak channels lead to K+ diffusion out of cell
- buildup of negative charge due to loss of K+
- too much negative charge opposes flow of K+
- Na+ leak channels exist, but in smaller numbers
how does resting potential reflect balncee of chemical/electrical gradient?
- alone, K+ moves out along chemical gradient, electrical gradient favors diffusion
- alone, Na+ moves in along a chemical gradient, electrical gradients favors diffusion out
Action potential in 3 steps
1. depolarization
change in membrane potential from highly negative to zero to positive
2. repolarization
return to negative membrane potential
3. hyperpolarization
undershoot before return to resting potential
action potential
- stimulus depolarizes membrane, voltage-gated Na+ channels open (Na+ ions ENTER cell)
- more voltage gated Na+ channels open (depolarization reaches threshold, Na+ moves toward Ena)
- voltage-gated Na+ channels inactivate (eventually close)
- voltage gated K+ channels open (K+ ions LEAVE cell, K+ move towards K+ equilibrium potential)
- voltage-gated K+ channel close (caused undershoot and eventual return to resting potential)
- communication between neurons and other cells
- can be electrical or chemical
chemical synapses process
- action potential depolarizes terminal membrane
- prompts vessels release neurotransmitter
- neurotransmitter binds to ligand-gated channel
- ions diffuse across membrane
- create graded potential
if ligand gated channel is permeable to K+ and Na+ =
excitatory postsynaptic potential
if ligand gated channel is permeable to K+ or Cl- =
inhibitory postsynaptic potential
adding together postsynaptic potential
- leads to action potential or prevents action potential
when did sensory cells appear?
they appeared billions of years, but more organized nervous systems date back to the cambrian explosion
how can nervous systems be relatively simple?
- nerve net controls gastrovascular cavity
- specific routes for information in sea star, but limited central processing
how do nervous systems become more specialized in bilaterians?
- cephalization: clustering of sensory neurons and interneurons in front of body
- simple CNS: brain and nerve cords
- more complex CNS: includes ganglia (clusters of neurons), regional specialization
central nervous system
- neurons for integration
- brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
- neurons carrying information into CNS
- nerves and ganglia
cells that support neurons
- nourish neurons and regulate extracellular fluid
- insulating axons
different cells have different functions
- produce myelin sheath
- restrict transport of substances form blood to CNS
- protect against pathogens
parts of vertebrate central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
- develop from dorsal hollow nerve chord
grey matter: neuron body cells
white matter: bundled axons
cerebrospinal fluid
- supplies CNS with nutrients, hormones, removes wastes
peripheral nervous system
- transmits information to and from CNS
- regulates movement, internal environment
- afferent neurons: PNS gives info to CNS
- efferent neurons: PNS gives info to muscles glands, endocrine cells, broken into motor system and autonomic nervous system
motor system
- neurons carry info to skeletal muscles
- voluntary or involuntary (Reflex)
autonomic nervous system
- 3 divisions: sympathetic, parasympathetic, enteric
- generally involuntary
- control digestive, cardiovascular, excretory and endocrine organs
sympathetic division
fight or flight
parasympathetic division
rest and digest
what are the 3 major regions of the brain
forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
complex processing, smell, sleep, learning
routing of sensory info
involuntary activities, motor activities
- forebrain
- center for learning, emotion, memory, perception
- voluntary motor function
- hindbrain
- movement, motor skills, visual and auditory input
- forebrain
- thalamus: sensory input to cerebrum
- hypothalamus: internal regulation
- midbrain and hindbrain
- integrates hearing, visual reflexes
- medulla and pons: automatic functions, coordinated movement
frontal lobe
- decision-making
- speech
- skeletal muscles
- motor cortex - control on skeletal muscles
parietal lobe
- touch
- sensory info
- somatosensory cortex - sense of touch
occipital lobe
temporal lobe
hearing and language
the cerebral cortex
- motor cortex and somatosensory cortex neurons arranged by the body part producing or receiving signals
- areas correlate with numbers of sensory neurons, not size of body part
- the limbic system, made up of many different parts of the brain, is associated with emotions
- generation and experience of emotion from interactions between limbic system and other parts of the brain
- emotional memories stored in amygdala
lasting change in behavior due to experience
retention of learned information
short term memory
- holds info briefly, lost if not important
- temporary links in hippocampus
long term
- more secure info retention
- connections in cerebral cortex
neuronal plasticity
- associated with learning
- useful synapses stay active, useless ones lost
- synapses added o removed
- existing synapses strengthened or weakened
Memory and learning
different ways to learn different things
- motor skills learned by repetition, become unconscious tasks
- more complex skills lead to the production of new synapses
- memorization may rely on changes in strength of existing synapses