Trail of Tears:
The Cherokees
Trail of Tears:
This harsh, long journey the Cherokees took to move from their homeland to Indian Territory
Trail of Tears:
Northwest Georgia to Indian Territory
Trail of Tears:
They were kicked out of their homes by Scott’s troops
Which Indian nations were forced west of the Mississippi by the Indian Removal Act?
Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole
To reject federal law
to leave a union
What is the role nullification played in South Carolina’s nearly breaking away from the US?
Before South Carolina almost seceded from the union, they nullified the tariff acts of 1828 and 1832 and voted to build its own army.
What is the role secession played in South Carolina’s nearly breaking away from the US?
South Carolinian leaders threatened to secede from the America if the federal government started to collect tariffs
What are some causes of the Texas war for independence from Mexico?
- Tensions rose between the tejanos and texans when more and more americans came to Texas
- They found each other hard to work with
- The Texans had to follow certain rules they didn’t like
What are some effects of the Texas war for independence from Mexico?
- Texas won their independence
- Texas wanted to join back to the US but they declined
What are some key events in the Texas vs Mexico war?
- Santa Anna jailed Austin
- Battle of the Alamo
- Battle of San Jacinto
- Santa Anna was forced to sign a treaty (of Velasco) giving Texas its freedom.
Manifest Destiny
It said that expansion is bad but it will probably happen (even if they have to push Mexicans and Native Americans out of the way)
How did manifest destiny shape out country and history from the American Indians perspective?
It helped land expansion and it forced the Native Americans off our land. They thought it was being used to violate their rights
What were causes of the conflict between America and Mexico?
- No one knew the correct boundaries
- They eventually met each other and realized one of them was in the wrong territory so they had to figure out what the real boundary was
- US and Mexican army units met in disputed territory and began shooting. A few Americans died.
What did America gain and Mexico lose?
- New Mexico, California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, a part of Colorado, small part of Wyoming