front 1 Trail of Tears: Who? | back 1 The Cherokees |
front 2 Trail of Tears: What? | back 2 This harsh, long journey the Cherokees took to move from their homeland to Indian Territory |
front 3 Trail of Tears: Where? | back 3 Northwest Georgia to Indian Territory |
front 4 Trail of Tears: Why? | back 4 They were kicked out of their homes by Scott’s troops |
front 5 Which Indian nations were forced west of the Mississippi by the Indian Removal Act? | back 5 Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminole |
front 6 Nullification | back 6 To reject federal law |
front 7 Secession | back 7 to leave a union |
front 8 What is the role nullification played in South Carolina’s nearly breaking away from the US? | back 8 Before South Carolina almost seceded from the union, they nullified the tariff acts of 1828 and 1832 and voted to build its own army. |
front 9 What is the role secession played in South Carolina’s nearly breaking away from the US? | back 9 South Carolinian leaders threatened to secede from the America if the federal government started to collect tariffs |
front 10 What are some causes of the Texas war for independence from Mexico? | back 10
front 11 What are some effects of the Texas war for independence from Mexico? | back 11
front 12 What are some key events in the Texas vs Mexico war? | back 12
front 13 Manifest Destiny | back 13 It said that expansion is bad but it will probably happen (even if they have to push Mexicans and Native Americans out of the way) |
front 14 How did manifest destiny shape out country and history from the American Indians perspective? | back 14 It helped land expansion and it forced the Native Americans off our land. They thought it was being used to violate their rights |
front 15 What were causes of the conflict between America and Mexico? | back 15
front 16 What did America gain and Mexico lose? | back 16