PCB3063 Ch 2 Flashcards

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created 2 years ago by c_mylinh
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What is the name of the scientist shown in the image who is considered the father of genetics?

Multiple choice question.

Gregor Mendel


The offspring of a pea plant with purple flowers and a pea plant with white flowers would be called ______.



A cross between a true breeding tall plant and a true breeding short plant is an example of ______.

a hybridization experiment


Why was the common garden pea, Pisum sativum, that Mendel used in his genetic experiments an ideal specimen to study genetic crosses?

He used true breeding Pisum sativum plants with two distinct genotypes and phenotypes.


The Pisum sativum plants were true breeding with two distinct genotypes and phenotypes. Crosses between tall plants produced tall plants. Crosses between short plants produced short plants. Crosses between tall and short plants produced a combination of tall and short plants which was the basis of Mendel's statistical analysis.


The Pisum sativum plants were true breeding with two distinct genotypes and phenotypes. Crosses between tall plants produced tall plants. Crosses between short plants produced short plants. Crosses between tall and short plants produced a combination of tall and short plants which was the basis of Mendel's statistical analysis.

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Identify the reproductive structures of a pollinated pea plant.


  • A Pollen grain
  • B Pollen tube
  • C Sperm
  • D Ovary
  • E Ovule
  • F Egg


Select all of the true statements regarding Gregor Johann Mendel.

Mendel is regarded as a pioneer of genetics.

Mendel initially failed the licensing exam to continue teaching.

Mendel was an Augustinian priest/monk.


List the events of pollination in the correct order, putting the first event at the top.

InstructionsChoice 1 of 5. Second sperm fuses with central cell containing polar nuclei to create the endosperm toggle button

Second sperm fuses with central cell containing polar nuclei to create the endosperm

Choice 2 of 5. Sperm travel to egg where fertilization occurs toggle button

Sperm travel to egg where fertilization occurs

Choice 3 of 5. Pollen grain lands on stigma toggle button

Pollen grain lands on stigma

Choice 4 of 5. Pollen tube forms toggle button

Pollen tube forms

Choice 5 of 5. Sperm are produced in pollen grains and eggs are formed in the ovules toggle button

Sperm are produced in pollen grains and eggs are formed in the ovules
