Microbiology: A Systems Approach Flashcards

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Marjorie Kelly Cowan - 2011 - 880 pages

ISBN: 007352252X, 9780073522524

Microbiology: A Systems Approach is a microbiology text for non-science/allied health majors with a body systems approach to the disease chapters. It has become known for its engaging writing style, instructional art program and focus on active learning. We are so excited to offer a robust learning ...program with student-focused learning activities, allowing the student to manage their learning while you easily manage their assessment. Detailed reports show how your assignments measure various learning objectives from the book (or input your own!), levels of Bloom's Taxonomy or other categories, and how your students are doing. The Cowan Learning program will save you time and improve your students' success in this course. Users who purchase Connect Plus receive access to the full online ebook version of the textbook.

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Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education


science, life sciences, microbiology

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