effective communication Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by Alissa_Bourgoyne
updated 8 years ago by Alissa_Bourgoyne
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The most frequently cited factors in aiding graduating college students to both obtain and sustain employment are:

a. computer skills

b. job-specific skills

c. knowledge of any content area or major

d. basic oral and written communication skills

d. basic oral and written communication skills


Which was NOT one of the three factors that made the author of your book switch from a pre-med major to speech?

a. the importance of speech in leadership

b. that it is the ultimate people-oriented discipline

c. the importance of communication skills in all areas of life

d. that it offers specific instructions on how to approach all ambiguous and confusing situations

d. that it offers specific instructions on how to approach all ambiguous and confusing situations


When communication is defined as a process, this means

a. its always changing

b. it involves more than one person

c. it occurs in a setting or environment

d. when there is communication, there is always feedbacl

a. its always changing


The ideas and feelings that a sender-receover wants to share are known as

a. noise

b. setting

c. channel

d. messages

d. messages


A symbol that represents an object is known of symbol?

a. genuine

b. concrete

c. abstract

d. conclusive

b. concrete


which types of symbols were defined as those that stand for ideas rather than objects?

a.verbal symbols

b. abstract symbols

c. concrete symbols

d. nonverbal symbols

b. abstract symbols


What percent of messages sent and received by Americans did Albert Mehrrabian claim are nonverbal?

a. 10 percent

b. 50 percent

c. 75 percent

d. 90 percent

d. 90 percent


That kind of noise caused by people’s emotional reactions to words is known as

A. psychic noise.

B. internal noise.

C. external noise.

D. semantic noise.

D. semantic noise.


Which of the following is true with respect to the roles all communicators play?

A. They do not always stay the same in a relationship.

B. They are established only by you and the choices you make.

C. They are determined primarily by your word choices and body language.

D. They complicate the communication situation to such a degree that it is impossible to

understand what goes on in communication. Roles have no place in communication.

A. They do not always stay the same in a relationship.


Which of the following was not mentioned as a justification for strategic flexibility?

A. The world is too complex.

B. Problems are too complicated.

C. Circumstances are too intricate and involved.

D. Leaders must be able to apply exactly the same set of solutions to every problem.

D. Leaders must be able to apply exactly the same set of solutions to every problem.


Creativity, as presented in this book, is defined as:

a. a rare and special power.

b. the ability to devise ideas unthought about before.

c. a trait restricted to artistic, inspired, visionary people.

d. the capacity to synthesize vast amounts of information and wrestle with complex problems.

the capacity to synthesize vast amounts of information and wrestle with complex problems.


Communication that is honest, fair, and considerate of others' rights is known as:

a. public communication.

b. ethical communication.

c. intercultural communication.

d. interpersonal communication.

ethical communication.


Communication that occurs within you is known as:

a. public communication.

b. small-group communication.

c. interpersonal communication.

d. intrapersonal communication.

intrapersonal communication.


Messages are typically most highly structured in which of the following types of communication?

a. Intrapersonal communication

b. Interpersonal communication

c. Small-group communication

d. Public communication

Public communication


Which of the following is NOT one of the three components of competence?

a. Skill

b. Control

c. Knowledge

d. Motivation



When you focus on communication as a transaction, you are focusing on the:



physical act only

physical act and psychological act.

physical act and psychological act.


The Internet is represented in the communication model by the word(s):





→ channel.


Which of the following was NOT mentioned as one of the three factors that influenced how you acquired your ability to use words?

a. inheritance

b. native architecture

c. cognitive development

d. environmental influences



Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

a,. your thoughts are influenced by your language

b. the more words you have at your command, the better you can think abiyut and view the world around you

c. there is a critical relationship between making proper language connections and your success in social relationships

d.when you want to talk about how you feel, or when you are thinking about something you have perceived, your linguistic habits predispose certain choices of interpretation

c. there is a critical relationship between making proper language connections and your success in social relationships


The purpose of the semantic triangle is to:

a. show how words work

b. show how we abstract through language

c. help us avoid spontaneuois conclusions

d. distinguish words from random sounds

a. show how words work


The dictionary defition of a word is its

a. abstract menaing

b. symbolic meaning

c. denotative meaning

d. connotative meaning

c. denotative meaning


According to Albert Mehrabian, how much communication is nonverbal?

a. 23 percent

b. 48 percent

c. 72 percent

d. 93 percent

d. 93 percent


When you examine the model of communication labeled "The Elements of Communication" in Chapter 1, which of the following "elements" is missing?

a. setting

b. channel

c. listening

d. message feedback

c. listening


The process of selective attention, as discussed in this textbook, is part of the ____ step in the listening process.

a. receobomg

b. responding

c. remembering

d. constructing meaning

d. constructing ,eaming


The key to remembering information is

a, motivation

b. assoctation

c. organization

d. visualization

a, motiviation


That listening style in which the listener prefers complex and challenging information is labeled the

a. time- style listening

b. action listening style

c. people listening style

d. content listening style

d. content listening style


The key to resolving intercultural communication problems lies in your willingness to:

a. adjust how you approach fundamental aspects of communication

b. use your own cultural rules

c. avoid all languages errors and difficulties

d. demonsteate your difficulty and confusion

a. adjust how you approach fundamental aspects of communication


The greatest percentage of our time in using commuinication skills is devoted to ___

a. writing

b. reading

c. listening

d. speaking

c. listening


Which kind of listening has the listener seeking answers to the questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how

a. active

b. critical

c. empathic

d. enjoyment

b. critical


Generally, people can give full attention to a message for no longer than

a. 10 seconds

b. 20 seconds

c. 40 seconds

d. 60 seconds

a. 10 seconds


Which of the following is true of the difference between the listening styles of mren and women?

a. women are more likely to be people listeners than menn

b. men listen better than woman

c. there is no difference in the way men and women listen

d. women, unlike men, will jump into a converstation if they have something to say

a. women are more likely to be people listeners than menn


Which of the following listening problems occurs when listeners always look for a way to talk about themselves and their experiences?

a. anxiety

b. passiveness

c. cognitive dissonance

d. control

d. control


If your friend comes to you in great agitation and tells you she has just been criticized by her boyfriend an empathic listening response would be

a. "you sound like you are really feeling upset.'

b. "men are always gibing women a hard time.'

c. "this is the third time this week I've heard someone complain about a boyfriend.'

d. " I remember the time a guy did that to me. it took over two months before I got over it."

a. "you sound like you are really feeling upset.'


Which of the following is a fritst suggestion given for talking so others will listen?

a. be more assertive

b. put your most important idea at the end

c. make a plan and don't stray from it

d. maintain a constant vocal style

a. be more assertive


To keep your mind focused and centered, you should creatre a mental outline when you are using __ listening

a. empathic

b. appreciative

c. discriminative

d. informative

d. informative


Which of the following is NOT true of nonverbal communication?

a. it is continuous

b. it uses a single channel

c. it usually can be controlled

d. it is unstructed and follows few rules

b. it uses a single channel


a mixed message is one that

a, is unconsicious

b. is contradictory

c. is made up of verbal and nonverbal communication

d. cannot be understood by someone from another culture


b. is contadictry


Expectancy violation theory

a. explains nonverbal communication

b. permits ujs to see inside others
(what makes them tick)

c. show exactly what happens when communication breaks down

d. proposes that it is your expectations that will influence the outcome of a communication as postitive or negative

d. proposes that it is your expectations that will influence the outcome of a communication as postitive or negative


The way we say something is called:

a. paralanguage

b. metalanguage

c. abstract language

d. symbolic language

a. paralanguage


If you caught a fish and described its size by holding your hand, you used a(n)

a. emblem

b. adapter

c. illustratior

d. display pf feelings

c. illustratior


Research on attractiveness indicated that:

a. attraiveness in women is defined by face

b/. attraiveness in males is defined by face and body

c. peope who are attravtive get more positive responses

d. attractiveness makes little difference in how people respond to you

c. peope who are attravtive get more positive responses


which of the following was defined as a form of highly individualized fress?

a. leisure clothing

b. costume

c. business clothing

d. occupational dress

b. costume


if you are in a job interview, what kind of distance zone are you likely to keep?

a. social distance

b. public distance

c. intimate distance

d. personal distance

a. social distance


Which of the following categories touch was defined as that in which parents will stroke their children?

a. social-polite

b. love-intimacy

c. friendship- warmth

d. functional- professional

b. love-intimacy


When you meet someone for the first time and say "im glad to meet you" and shake his hand, nonverbal communication works to

a. accent your message

b. regulate your message

c. complement your message

d. substitute for your message

c. complement your message


When iot comes to judging hjonestly by nonverbal communication, which of the following is true?

a. liars prepare a tight scropt that lacks detail

b. liars produce distint, fleeting changes in expression

c. polygraphs test successfully detect lies by tracking changes in physiology

d. liars avert their eyes in an interview or fidget, sweat, or slumb in their chair more than people telling the truth

a. liars prepare a tight scropt that lacks detao


S.I. Kayakawa's ladder of abstraction:

a. helps clarify the distinction between connotative and denotative words

b. demonstrates that the higher you go on the ladder, the better you will be understood

c. encourages you to begin to respond more conditionally to what happens in your life because things are not always what they seem to be

d. proves that those unwilling to make the climb up the ladder are likely to have difficulty making moral decisions, controlling anger, and even feeling emotions

c. encourages you to begin to respond more conditionally to what happens in your life because things are not always what they seem to be


Which of the following is one of the important messages the text book offers on the topic of ethics?

a. never lie

b. change your perception of others

c. choose only the right words when speaking to others

d. how you speak determines how you are perceived and received

d. how you speak determines how you are perceived and received


Report-talk is:

a. intimate

b. a match of experience

c. a chance to form an intimate network

d. a chance to keep the center stage position

d. a chance to keep the center stage position


we can make our speech and writing more powerful when we use more

a. statments

b. questions

c. disclaimers

d. qualifers

a. statments


dialect is

a. substandard english

b. the language spoken by non native speakers

c. the habitual language of a community

d. the free language of a community

c. the habitual language of a community


when comparing speaking and writing which of the following is not true?

a. we use more words in speaking than in writing

b. in writing we can predict the future impact of our words.

c. we will get greater understanding in speaking if we use simpler words

d. we must understand the spoken message in speaking; in writing we can go over it again

a. we use more words in speaking than in writing


the property of style which a thought is so presented that it evokes lifelike imagery or suggestions is known as

a. clarity

b. vividness

c. simplicity

d. powerful talk

b. vividness


When we say " stop by and see me sometimes," but really mean "call me to see if its convenient before you come," we are using:

a. metamessage

b. paralanguage

c. ritual language

d. imitate language

a. metamessage


together the people their purpose the rules of communication by which they achieve their purpose and the actual talk used in the situation are the four elements in the

a. ladder of abstraction

b. semantic triangle

c. language environment

d. communication model

c. language environment


a child who says thank you after receiving a piece of candy is using

a. ritual language

b. abstract language

c. expressive language

d. instrumental language

a. ritual language


When we speak of the rules of language environment , we mean the

a. grammatical rules of english

b. appropriate language for the situation

c. courtesies we observe i conversation

d. opportunità that each person has to speak

b. appropriate language for the situation


of the following the best definition for euphemism is the words:

a. deliberately constructed for political purposes

b. used by a group that are not intended to be understood by outsiders

c. used in an environment where a conventionalized response is expected

d. that are substituted for others words that might be perceived as unpleasant or offensive

d. that are substituted for others words that might be perceived as unpleasant or offensive


Language that implies that a person with a disability is as a whole is disabled is called

a. racist language

b. sexist language

c. ableist language

d. euphemistic language

c. ableist language


Which of the following best describes style?

a. using the correct dictionary definition

b. adapting words to the language situation

c. selecting and arranging words in sentences

d. using habitual language of a particular community

c. selecting and arranging words in sentences


Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in Deborah Wieder-Hatfield's model for resolving conflict

a. shared goal

b. possible solutions

c. third-party intervention

d. weighing goals against solutions

c. third-party intervention


John Gottman, based on his research on couples, says that happy couples have a different way of relating to each other during disputes. which of the following is the essential "different way" of relating to each other?

a. talking

b. using wieder-hatfirled model

c. making frequent repair attempts

d. telling each other how much they love each other

c. making frequent repair attempts


According to the institute for American values research on unhappily married couples, which of the following is considered the bottom line to improving relationship happiness?

a. endurance

b. work ethic

c. commitment

d. personal happiness

c. commitment


Which of the following is NOT one of the textbook's tips for handing conflict online?

a. dont respond right away

b. use strictly feeling statements

c. verbalize what you want to accomplish

d. deal with it first, directly, up front, and without any delay

d. deal with it first, directly, up front, and without any delay


Which of the following is the goal of productive conflict =?

a. to win the argument

b. to defeat the opponent

c. to resolve the disagreement

d. to avoid disagreement

c. to resolve the disagreement


According to the Blake and Mouton model for managing conflict, which of the following is the approach used when members on one side care more about winning than about the others members feeling?

a. avoidance

b. compromise

c. competition

d. accommodation

c. competition


Your textbook says "assertively state the message" when dealing with conflict at work. the assertiveness advocated can be characterized as being __

a. aggressive

b. confrontational

c. open and straightforward

d. pushy

c. open and straightforward


Some of the factors listed as potential generators of conflict in groups are labeled perceptual differences. which of the following would fall within that "perceptual difference" category?

a. power

b. knowledge

c. procedure

d. work distribution

b. knowledge


The most important personality characteristic of those best at managing conflict is ____

a. maturity

b. tolerance

c. flexibility

d. a postive attutide toward conflit and its benefits

a. maturity


The overall difference between productive and destructive conflict can be seen in their _______

a. arguments

b. focus

c. coercion

d. inflexibility

b. focus


When someone uses defensive communication, he or she is focused on _____.

a. future behavior

b. past behavior

c. future solutions

d. past solutions

b. past behavior


The ability to recongnize and identify with another persons feeling is called ___.

a. neutrality

b. provisionalism

c. empathy

d. equality

c. empathy


Which of the following is the supportive communication strategy that counters or offesets the defensive communication of certainty

a. empathy

b. equality

c. description

d. provisionalism

d. provisionalism


Which of the following is a technique for successfully coping with rejection?

a. forget about it

b. don't magnify its impact

c. create a self fulfilling prophecy

d. compromise your dreams

b. don't magnify its impact


The textbook suggest that the key to keeping control when dealing with conflict at work is to

a. talk

b.find solutions

c. adopt a critical attitude

d. emotionally disengage

d. emotionally disengage