Anatomy Exam 3 Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by srigot55
updated 11 years ago by srigot55
Grade levels:
College: Second year, College: Third year, College: Fourth year
human anatomy
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label the anterior surface features of the heart

1. base of the heart
2. auricle of right atrium
3. coronary sulcus
4. right ventricle
5. auricle of the left atrium
6. anterior interventricular sulcus
7. left ventricle
8. apex of heart

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label the posterior surface features of the heart

9. left auricle
10. coronary sulcus
11. left ventricle
12. adipose tissue
13. posterior interventricular sulcus
14. right atrium
15. right ventricle

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label the anterior great vessels of the heart

1. superior vena cava
2. right pulmonary artery
3. ascending aorta
4. pulmonary trunk
5. right puqlmonary veins
6. inferior vena cava
7. aortic arch
8. ligamentum arteriosum
9. left pulmonary artery
10. descending aorta
11. left pulmonary veins

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label the posterior great vessels of the heart

12. aortic arch
13. ligamentum arteriosum
14. left pulmonary artery
15. left pulmonary veins
16. coronary sinus
17. superior vena cava
18. ascending aorta
19. right pulmonary artery
20. right pulmonary veins
21. inferior vena cava

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label the internal features of the heart

1. superior vena cava opening
2. pulmonary (semilunar) valve
3. right atrium
4. coronary sinus opening
5. inferior vena cava opening
6. tricuspid valve
7. right ventricle
8.trabeculae carneae
9. pulmonary vein openings
10. left atrium
11. aortic (semilunar) valve
12. bicuspid valve (mitral)
13. chordae tendineae
14. interventricular septum
15. papillary muscle
16. left ventricle

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label the the organs of the digestive system

1. salivary glands
2. pharynx
3. esophagus
4. liver
5. gall bladder
6. large intestine
7. mouth
8. stomach
9. pancreas
10. small intestine
11. anus

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label the layers of the gastrointestinal tract

1. mucosa
2. submucosa
3. serosa
4. muscularis

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label the peritoneal folds

1. retroperitoneal organs
2. lesser omentum
3. Mesentery
4. greater omentum
5. mesocolon
6. parietal peritoneum
7. visceral peritoneum
8. peritoneal cavity

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label the inner parts of the peritoneal folds

12. greater omentum (reflected)
13. Mesocolon
14. Mesentery

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label the oral cavities and components

1. nasopharynx
2.soft palate
3. uvula
4. fauces
5. oropharynx
6. laryngopharynx
7. esophagus
8. hard palate
9. oral cavity
10. tongue

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label the female urinary organs (specify right or left)

1. right kidney
2. right renal vein
3. right renal artery
4. right ureter
5. urinary bladder
6. urethra
7. esophagus
8. left adrenal (suprarenal) gland
9. abdominal aorta
10. interior vena cava
11. rectum
12. uterus

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label the coverings of the kidney

1. peritoneum
2. right kidney
3. renal capsule
4. adipose capsule
5. renal fascia
6. renal hilum
7. left kidney

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label the internal structures of the kidney

1. renal medulla
2. renal cortex
3. renal column
4. renal capsule
5. renal pyramid
6. renal papilla
7. minor calyx
8. major calyx
9. renal artery
10. renal vein
11. renal hilum
12, renal pelvis in renal sinus

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label the parts of the urinary organs

1. internal urethral sphincter
2. ureters
3. detrusor muscle of urinary bladder
4. ureteral openings
5. trigone
6. internal urethral orifice
7. urethra
8. external urethral sphincter
9. external urethral oriface

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label the sagittal section of the male pelvis

1. rectum
2. anus
3. ureter
4. urinary bladder
5. ureteral opening
6. internal urethral orifice
7. prostatic urethra
8. membranous urethra
9. spongy urethra
10. external urethral orifice

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label the sagittal section of the female pelvis

11. urogenital diaphragm
12. rectum
13. anus
14. uterus
15. urinary bladder
16. internal urethral orifice
17. urethra
18. urogenitial diaphragm
19. external urethral orifice
20. vagina

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label the parts of the nephron

1. glomerular capsule
2. proximal convoluted tubule
3. ascending limb of loop of henle
4. descending limb of loop of henle
5. distal convoluted tubule
6. collecting duct
7. papillary duct
8. glomerulus
9. glomerular capsule
10. renal corpuscle
11. peritubular capillary
12. efferent arteriole
13. afferent arteriole

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label the blood supply of the kidney

1. afferent arteriole
2. efferent arteriole
3. vasa recta
4. peritubular capillaries
5. interlobular artery
6. arcuate artery
7. interlobar artery
8. segmental artery
9. renal artery
10. renal vein
11. interlobar vein
12. arcuate vein
13. interlobular vein

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label the structure and parts

1. proximal and distal convoluted tubules (outer cortex)
2. glomerulus
3. loop of henle and collecting ducts

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label the major endocrine glands

1. pineal gland
2. parathyroid gland
3. adrenal glands
4. pancreas
5. hypothalamus
6. pituitary gland
7. thyroid gland
8. thymus gland
9. ovaries
10. testes

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name the structure and label its parts

pituitary gland

1. posterior pituitary
2. hypothalamus
3. infundibulum
4. anterior pituitary

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name the structure and label its parts

pituitary gland

5. hypothalamus
6. infundibulum
7. anterior pituitary
8. posterior pituitary
9. posterior pituitary
10. anterior pituitary

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Label the parts of the anterior thyroid and parathyroid glands

1. right lobe of thyroid gland
2. thyroid cartilage of larynx
3. isthmus of thyroid gland
4. trachea
5. left lobe of thyroid gland

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label the parts of the posterior thyroid and parathyroid glands

6. left lobe of thyroid gland
7. left parathyroid gland
8. right parathyroid glands
9. trachea

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label the glands

1. parathyroid gland
2. thyroid gland

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name the gland and label the parts

3. follicular cell
4. parafollicular cell
5. colloid-filled follicle

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label the structures

1. right adrenal gland
2. left adrenal gland
3. left kidney

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label the structures

1. head of pancreas
2. body of pancreas
3. tail of pancreas

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name the structure and label its parts

4. exocrine or acinar cells
5. pancreatic islet


label the white blood cells

a. neutrophils
b. eosinophils
c. basophils
d. lymphocytes
e. monocytes


trace a drop of blood through the heart
and lung by listing in order all vessels, heart chambers, and valves through which the blood passes, starting and ending with the right atrium:

1. right atrium
2. tricuspid valve
3. right ventricle
4. pulmonary (semilunar) valve
5. pulmonary trunk
6. pulmonary arteries
7. pulmonary capillaries
8. pulmonary veins
9. left atrium
10. bicuspid (mitral) valve
11. left ventricle
12. aortic (semilunar) valve
13. aorta
14. systemic arteries
15. systemic capillaries
16. systemic veins
17. venae cavae and coronary sinus
18. right atrium

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label the elements of coronary circulaion

1. marginal branch
2. small cardiac vein
3. right coronary artery
4. left coronary artery
5. circumflex branch
6. anterior interventricular branch (LAD)
7. great cardiac vein
8. middle cardiac vein
9. coronary sinus
10. posterior interventricular branch

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label the layers of the pericardium and heart wall

1. fibrous pericardium
2. diaphragm
3. fibrous pericardium
4. parietal layer of serous pericardium
5. pericardial cavity
6. visceral layer of serous pericardium (epicardium)
7. endocardium
8. myocardium

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name the tissue and label the components

cardiac muscle fibers

1. cardiac muscle fiber
2. intercalated discs
3. branching fiber
4. nucleus

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label the components of the cardiac conduction system

1. Purkinje (conduction) fibers in right ventricle
2. right bundle branch
3. AV bundle (of His)
4. Atrioventricular (AV) node
5. Sinoatrial (SA) node
6. Left bundle branch
7. Purkinje (conduction) fibers in left ventricle

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name and describe each part of the wave

1. P wave- atrial depolarization
2. P-Q Interval: time it takes for the electrical conduction (excitation) to travel through the atria and AV node to the purkinje fibers
3. QRS Complex: ventricular depolarization that spreads from the AV node, AV Bundle, right and left bundle branches, and to the purkinje (conduction) fibers just before the ventricles contract. Atrial repolarization
4. S-T Segment: time the ventricular fibers are fully depolarized
5. T wave: ventricular repolarization (just before ventricles relax)
6. Q-T interval:beginning of ventricular depolarization until the end of ventricular repolarization

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label the arterial branches and label them as ascending or descenting

1. right common carotid
2. right subclavian
3. brachiocephalic trunk
4. ascending aorta
5. right coronary
6. celiac trunk
7. right suprarenal
8. right renal
9. right gonadal
10. internal iliac
11. external iliac
12. femoral
13. left common carotid
14. left subclavian
15. aortic arch
16. left coronary
17. superior mesenteric
18. left renal
19. left gonadal
20. abdominal aorta
21. inferior mesenteric
22. left common iliac

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label the major arteries of the head and neck from the lateral view

1. basilar
2. internal carotid
3. vertebral
4. middle cerebral
5. anterior cerebral
6. posterior communicating
7. posterior cerebral
8. external carotid
9. common carotid
10. brachiocephalic trunk

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label the major arteries of the brain from the inferior view

6. anterior cerebral
7. middle cerebral
8. internal carotid
9. posterior communicating
10. posterior cerebral
11. basilar
12. vertebral
13. anterior communicating

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Label the arteries of the upper extremity

1. subclavian
2. axillary
3. brachial
4. radial
5. ulnar

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label the arteries

1. left gastric
2. celiac trunk
3. common hepatic
4. splenic

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label the arteries of the lower extremity

1. common iliac
2. external iliac
3. internal iliac
4. femoral
5. popliteal
6. anterior tibial
7. posterior tibial
8. fibular
9. dorsal artery of the foot

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label the veins

1. superior vena cava
2. coronary sinus
3. inferior vena cava

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label the veins of the head and neck

1. vertebral
2. internal jugular
3. external jugular
4. subclavian
5. brachiocephalic

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label the veins of the upper extremity

1. basilic
2. cephalic
3. median cubital
4. subclavian
5. axillary
6. brachial veins
7. radial
8. ulnar veins

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label the major veins of the abdomen, thorax, and pelvis

1. right brachiocephalic
2. left brachiocephalic
3. superior vena cava
4. azygos
5. hepatic veins
6. right suprarenal
7. right renal
8. right gonadal
9. inferior vena cava
10. right common iliac
11. right internal iliac
12. right external iliac
13. accessory hemiazygos
14. hemiazygos
15. left suprarenal
16. left renal
17. left gonadal
18. left common iliac
19. left internal iliac
20. left external iliac

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label the parts

1. hepatic
2. hepatic portal
3. superior mesenteric
4. splenic
5. inferior mesenteric

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label the veins of the lower limb

1. external iliac
2. femoral
3. anterior tibial
4. small saphenous
5. great saphenous
6. femoral
7. popliteal
8. great saphenous
9. posterior tibial
10. small saphenous
11. fibular
12. great saphenous

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label the veins of pulmonary circulation

1. right pulmonary artery
2. right pulmonary vein
3. left pulmonary vein
4. pulmonary trunk
5. left pulmonary vein

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label the organs of the respiratory system

1. pharynx
2. right pulmonary bronchus
3. lungs
4. nose
5. nasal cavity
6. larynx
7. trachea

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label the structures of the nasal cavity

1. internal naris
2. superior nasal concha
3. middle nasal concha
4. inferior nasal concha
5. superior nasal meatus
6. middle nasal meatus
7. inferior nasal meatus
8. external naris
9. hard palate

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label the structures of the nasal cavities

10. middle meatus
11. nasal septum
12. inferior meatus
13. middle concha
14. inferior concha

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label the divisions of the pharynx

1. nasopharynx
2. oropharynx
3. laryngopharynx

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label the pharyngeal structures

1. pharyngeal tonsil
2. orifice of auditory tube
3. uvula
4. internal naris
5. soft palate
6. palatine tonsils
7. lingual tonsils

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label the larynx and structures

1. epiglottis
2. thyroid cartilage
3. cricoid cartilage
4. epiglottis
5. thyroid cartilage
6. cricoid cartilage

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label the larynx structures

7. arytenoid cartilage
8. cricoid cartilage
9. epiglottis
10. ventricular fold
11. vocal fold
12. thyroid cartilage

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label the bronchial tree

1. trachea
2. right primary bronchus
3. carina
4. right secondary bronchus
5. diaphragm
6. larynx
7. tracheal cartilage
8. left primary bronchus
9. left tertiary bronchus
10. bronchiole

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label the bronchial branching

11. primary bronchus
12. secondary bronchus
13. tertiary bronchus
14. terminal bronchus
15. respiratory bronchiole
16. alveolar sac

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label the lung lobule

1. respiratory bronchiole
2. alveolar ducts
3. alveolar sac
4. alveoli

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label the anterior side of the lungs

1. apex of right lung
2. superior lobe of right lung
3. middle lobe of right lung
4. inferior lobe of right lung
5. base of right lung
6. apex of left lung
7. superior lobe of left lung
8. cardiac notch of left lung
9. inferior lobe of left lung
10. base of left lung

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label the medial view of the lungs

11. superior lobe of right lung
12. hilus lobe of right lung
13. middle lobe lobe of right lung
14. inferior lobe lobe of right lung
15. superior lobe of left lung
16. inferior lobe of left lung
17. hilus of left lung
18. cardiac notch of left lung

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label the pleura

1. visceral pleura
2. parietal pleura
3. pleural cavity
14. diaphragm

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label the parts of the structures

1 is esophagus, 3 is trachea

1. lumen of the esophagus
2. trachealis muscle
3. lumen of trachea
4. epithelial lining of trachea
5. tracheal cartilage

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label the structure and its parts


6. respiratory bronchiole
7. alveolar ducts
8. simple squamous epithelium
9. alveoli
10. alveolar sac

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name the organs and label its parts

1. lesser curvature
2. body
3. cardia
4. lower esophageal sphincter
5. esophagus
6. fundus
7. longitudinal muscle layer
8. circular muscle layer
9. oblique muscle layer
10. greater curvature
11. rugae
12. pyloric antrum
13. pyloric canal
14. pyloric sphincter
15. pylorus

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label the parts of the organs

1. duodenum
2. ascending colon
3. jejunum
4. ileum
5. stomach
6. transverse colon
7. descending colon
8. rectum

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label the parts

9. right colic flexure
10. ascending colon
11. ileum
12. ileocecal sphincter
13. cecum
14. appendix
15. rectum
16. transverse colon
17. left colic flexure
18. descending colon
19. teniae coli
20. epiploic appendages
21. haustra
22. sigmoid colon
23. anal canal
24. anus

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label the structure and its parts

25. rectum
26. anal column
27. internal anal sphincter
28. external anal sphincter
29. anal canal
30. anus

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label the structures

1. parotid gland
2. parotid duct
3. opening of parotid duct
4. opening of sublingual duct
5. sublingual gland
6. submandibular duct
7. submandibular gland

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label the anterior view of the structures

1. right hepatic duct
2. cystic duct
3. gallbladder
4. duodenum
5. hepatopancreatic ampulla
6. faliciform ligament
7. left lobe of liver
8. left hepatic duct
9. common hepatic duct
10. common bile duct
11. accessory pancreatic duct
12. tail of pancreas
13. body of pancreas
14. pancreatic duct
15. head of pancreas
16. jejunum

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label the structures

17. duodenal papilla
18. hepatopancreatic ampulla
19. common bile duct
20. pancreatic duct

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label the posterior view of the structures

21. quadrate lobe
22. left lobe
23. caudate lobe
24. right lobe
25. gall bladder

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name the organ and label its parts


1. stratified squamous epithelium
2. lamina propria
3. circular layer of smooth muscle fibers
4. longitudinal layer of smooth muscle fibers
5. mucosa
6. submucosa
7. muscularis
8. serosa

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name the organ and label its parts


9. gastric pit
10. simple columnar epithelium
11. lamina propria
12. gastric glands

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name the organ and label its parts

duodenum of small intestine

13. simple columnar epithelium
14. goblet cell
15. villus
16. lamina propria
17. intestinal gland
18. duodenal gland in submucosa

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name the organ and label its parts


19. acini
20. pancreatic islet

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name the organ and label its parts

liver lobule

21. hepatocytes
22. sinusoids
23. central vein

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label the structures

1. bile canaliculus
2. hepatic vein
3. central vein
4. sinusoids
5. portal triad
6. bile ducts
7. hepatocytes
8. branch of hepatic portal vein
9. branch of hepatic artery

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label the structures

1. cremaster muscle
2. dartos muscle
3. scrotum
4. tunica albuginea

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label the structures

1. efferent duct
2. seminiferous tubules
3. straight tubules
4. rete testis
5. tunica albuginea
6. lobule
7. septum

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label the structures

1. ductus deferens
2. epididymis
3. spermatic cord
4. blood vessels and nerves

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label the male reproductive organs

1. ampulla of ductus deferens
2. ejaculatory duct
3. prostate gland
4. membranous urethra
5. epididymis
6. testis
7. scrotum
8. ductus deferens
9. prostatic urethra
10. spongy urethra
11. penis
12. external urethral orifice

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label the structures (posterior view)

1. seminal vesicle
2. prostate gland
3. prostatic urethra
4. membranous urethra
5. ductus deferens
6. ampulla of ductus deferens
7. ejaculatory duct
8. bulbourethral gland
9. spongy urethra

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label the sagittal section of the male accessory sex glands

1. seminal vesicle
2. prostate gland
3. bulbourethral gland

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name and label the organ

1. prostate gland
2. prostate urethra
3. membranous urethra
4. corpus spongiosum penis
5. corpus cavernosa penis
6. spongy urethra
7. glans penis
8. bulbourethral gland
9. prepuce
10. external urethral orifice
11. corpora cavernosa
12. corpora spongiosum
13. spongy urethra

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name and label the structures

seminiferous tubules

1. lumen
2. tails of sperm
3. basement membrane
4. leydig cell
5. interstitial space

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name the structure and label the parts


1. acrosome
2. nucleus
3. mitochondria
4. head
5. midpiece
6. tail

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label the structures

1. uterine tube
2. infundibulum
3. ampulla
4. isthmus
5. fimbriae
6. suspensory ligament
7. ovary
8. ovarian ligament
9. broad ligament

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label the structures

1. uterine cavity
2. myometrium of uterus
3. vaginal canal
4. ovary
5. round ligament
6. cervix
7. urinary bladder

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label the posterior structures

1. uterine cavity
2. endometrium
3. myometrium
4. perimetrium
5. round ligament
6. internal os
7. cervical canal
8. cervix
9. rugae of vagina
10. fundus of uterus
11. broad ligament
12. body of uterus
13. external os
14. vagina

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label the structures

1. anus
2. vaginal orifice
3. pubic symphysis
4. mons pubis
5. clitoris
6. external urethral orifice
7. labium minus
8. labium majus

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label the structures

1. labia majora
2. labia minora
3. hymen
4. anus
5. mons pubis
6. prepuce
7. clitoris
8. external urethral orifice
9. vaginal orifice

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label the structures

1. lobule with alveoli
2. mammary duct
3. lactiferous sinus
4. lactiferous duct
5. adipose tissue
6. areola
7. nipple

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name the structure and label its parts


1. follicles
2. graafian (mature) follicle
3. ovulated oocyte
4. corpus luteum
5. corpus albicans

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label the organ and its parts


1. endometrium
2. endometrial glands
3. stratum functionalis
4. stratum basalis
5. myometrium

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name the organ and Identify the structure the red arrow is pointing towards

organ: endocrine pancreas
arrow pointed towards: islet stained with different stains

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name the structure

inactive thyroid gland

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name the structure

active thyroid gland

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name and label the structures

pituitary gland

A= pars distalis
B= pars nervosa
C= pars tuberalis
C= pars intermedia

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name and label the structures

adrenal glad
1- cortex
2- medulla

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name and label the structures

small intestine

1. Villus in mucosa
2. submucosa
3. muscularis externa: inner circular layer
4. muscularis externa: outer longitudinal layer
5. serosa

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name the tissue and the structure that the green arrow is pointing towards

tissue: adipose
green arrow: capillary

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name the structure


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name the tissue and what the arrow is pointing to

tissue: kidney (cortex)
arrow: renal corpuscles

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name the tissue


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name the tissue


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name the tissue


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name the tissue


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name the structures (category) and label each type

white blood cells
a. monocytes
b. platelets
c. neutrophils
d. eosinophils
e. lymphocytes
f. basophils

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name the structures (category) and label each type

white blood cells
a. neutrophilic granulocyte
b. eosinophilic granulocyte
c. basophilic granulocytes
d. lymphocyte
e. monocyte
f. monocyte