Fundamentals ATI Unit 4 Pharmacology: IV Therapy *REVIEWED* Flashcards

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updated 5 years ago by buck1365
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Equipment need for continuous infusion

  • primary tubing
  • extension tubing
  • IV solution
  • time tape
  • tubing label
  • "medication-added" label (if you plan to add any medications or vitamins to the solution.


A nurse is discontinuing an IV infusion. For which of the following reasons is it important to verify and document the integrity and condition of the IV catheter?

A broken-off catheter tip indicates the risk for an embolus.

The tip of the catheter can break off, thus creating an embolus. To limit the movement of the embolus, the nurse should apply a tourniquet high on the extremity where the IV line was located and notify the provider immediately.


A nurse is removing an IV catheter from a patient whose IV infusion has been discontinued. Which of the following actions is appropriate?

Pull the catheter straight back from the insertion site.

With the catheter stabilized and using a slow, steady movement, the nurse should withdraw the catheter straight back and away from the insertion site, making sure to keep the hub parallel to the skin.


A patient in early stage renal failure is prescribed an infusion of 0.45% NaCl. This type of solution is appropriate because it

dilutes extracellular fluid and rehydrates the cells.

Infusing a hypotonic solution such as 0.45% sodium chloride moves fluid into the cells, thus enlarging and rehydrating them.


A nurse initiating a peripheral IV infusion punctures the skin and selected vein and observes blood return in the flashback chamber of the IV catheter. Which of the following actions should the nurse preform next?

Lower the catheter until it is almost flush with the skin.

Lowering the angle and then advancing the catheter slightly facilitates full penetration of the wall of the vein, thus placing the catheter within the vein’s lumen and making it easy to advance the catheter off the stylet.


A patient is to receive 1,000 mL of 5% dextrose in lactated Ringer's over 8 hours. Using tubing with a drop factor of 15 gtt/mL, the nurse should regulate the fluid to infuse at how many drops per minute?

31 gtt/min


Which of the following is an important nursing action when converting an IV infusion to a saline lock?

Flush the IV catheter to confirm patency.

It is essential to attach the primed saline lock adapter to the extension tubing and to flush the tubing with normal saline to confirm patency.


A nurse finds a patient's IV insertion site red, warm, and slightly edematous. Which of the following actions should the nurse perform first?

Discontinue the IV line.

The patient has classic signs of phlebitis, an inflammation of the vein. The IV line must be discontinued immediately to reduce the risk of thrombophlebitis and embolism.


A nurse has just inserted a peripheral IV catheter for a continuous infusion. To secure the catheter, the nurse should

leave the connection between the hub and the tubing uncovered.

This makes it possible to replace the tubing without removing the dressing.


A nurse has just initiated a peripheral IV infusion of 5% dextrose in water. How often should the nurse plan to replace the primary infusion tubing?

A. Every 24 hours
B. Every 48 hours
C. Every 72 hours
D. Every 96 hours

Every 96 hours

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Infusion Nurses’ Society recommend changing the IV tubing no more than every 92 hours unless the tubing has been contaminated, punctured, or obstructed.


A nurse who has just initiated an IV infusion explains to the patient that complications are possible and that she will monitor the infusion regularly. The nurse should teach the patient that which of the following findings is an indication of early infiltration?


Coolness is a classic sign of infiltration, along with swelling, pallor, and possibly tenderness. Infiltration is a leakage of IV solution out of the intravascular compartment into the surrounding tissue.