Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry: Carbohydrates Flashcards

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created 7 years ago by Nikki_Seymour
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Cellulose is produced by ______, and it’s major function is _________.

A. Plants; energy storage

B. Animals; as a structural component

C. Animals; energy storage

D. Plants; as a structural component

E. None of the above

D. Plants; as a structural component


Which polysaccharide has only B-1,4 glycosidic linkages?

A. Amylose

B. Amylopectin

C. Glycogen

D. Cellulose

E. Starch

D. Cellulose

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Classify the molecule shown according to the location of its carbonyl group and the number of carbon atoms.

A. Ketopentose

B. Aldopentose

C. Aldotetrose

D. Aldotriose

E. Ketotriose

B. Aldopentose


Fructose can be classified as a (an)

A. Aldoketose

B. Ketohexose


D. Ketopentose

E. Aldohexose

B. Ketohexose


Starch is produced by,_______ and its major function is, _______.

A. Animals; as a structural component

B. Plants; energy storage

C. Plants; as a structural componenet

D. Animals; energy storage

E. None of the above

B. Plants; energy storage


Match the following:

A. Maltose. B. Fructose C. Reducing sugar

D. Glucose E. Galactose

6) a monosaccharide that is sweeter than sucrose and found in honey and fruits.

7) a disaccharide composed of two molecules of glucose.

8) a carbohydrate that can be oxidized to produce an acid molecule or its corresponding anion.

9) a monosaccharide which is a componenet of milk sugar.

10) a monosaccharide that functions as the transport form of carbohydrates in blood.

6) B. Fructose

7) A. Maltose

8) C. Reducing sugar.

9) E. Galactose

10) D. Glucose


A glycosidic bond is,

A. A bond formed between an anomeric carbon atom and any -OR group

B. All of the above

C. A bond between any two carbohydrate molecules

D. A bond between anomeric carbon atoms on two separate monosaccharides.

E. None of the above.

A. A bond formed between an anomeric carbon atom and any -OR group


Glycogen is produced by ______ and its major function is, ________.

A. Animals; energy storage

B. Plants; energy storage

C. Animals; as a structural componenet

D. Plants; as a structural component

E. None of the above

A. Animals; energy storage


The bond connections the two monosaccharides in maltose is a (an) ______ linkage.

A. 1,2 anomeric

B. B-1,4 glycosidic

C. B-1,6 glycosidic

D. a-1,4 glycosidic

E. a-1,6 glycosidic

D. a-1,4 glycosidic


Ribose can be classified as a (an)

A. Ketohexose

B. Aldoketose

C. Aldopentose

D. Aldohexose

E. Ketopentose

C. Aldopentose


Left and right-handed mirror image molecules are know as

A. Diastereomers

B. Structural isomers

C. Enantiomers

D. Cis-trans isomers

E. Anomers

C. Enantiomers


The reaction in which a disaccharide is broken down into its component monosaccharides is,

A. Reduction

B. Oxidation

C. Glycoside formation

D. Enediol formation

E. Hydrolysis

E. Hydrolysis

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The molecular formula of the common disaccharides in human biochemistry is,



A carbohydrate can be defined as a molecule:

A. Whose name ends in “-ase”

B. That is an aldehyde or ketone and that has more than one hydroxyl group.

C. Composed of amine groups and carboxylic acid groups bonded to a carbon skeleton.

D. Composed of carbon atoms boned to water molecules.

E. Composed mostly of hydrocarbons and soluble in non-polar solvents

B. That is an aldehyde or ketone and that has more than one hydroxyle group.


How many stereoisomers of an aldopentose can exist?

A. 2

B. 8

C. 16

D. 4

E. 32

B. 8


A sugar present in honey is a 50/50 ratio with glucose is,

A. Monnose

B. Fructose

C. Glucose

D. Maltose

E. Sucrose

B. Fructose