Stastitics 1342 Exam 1 Flashcards

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created 7 years ago by Crazy_Horse
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Does the level of octane in gasoline affect gas​ mileage? To answer this​ question, an automotive engineer obtains 7575 cars. Twenty dash five twenty-five of the cars are​ compact, 2525 are full​ size, and 2525 are sport utility vehicles​ (SUVs). Design an experiment for the engineer.

What type of experimental design should the engineer​ use?

A. Matched Pair

B. Randomized block design

C. Completely randomized design

D.​ Case-control

B. Randomized block design


To determine her heart rate​, Charlotte divides up her day into three​ parts: morning,​ afternoon, and evening. She then measures her heart rate at 3 randomly selected times during each part of the day

A. Stratified
B. Systematic
C. Simple random
D. Cluster
E. Convenience

A. Stratified


Does the level of octane in gasoline affect gas​ mileage? To answer this​ question, an automotive engineer obtains 90 cars. Thirty of the cars are​ compact, 30 are full​size, and 30 are sport utility vehicles​ (SUVs). Design an experiment for the engineer.

A. Randomized block design
B. Completely randomized design
C. Case-control
D. Matched pair

A. Randomized block design


The survey has bias.​ (a) Determine the type of bias.​ (b) Suggest a remedy.A polling organization conducts a study to estimate the percentage of households that have more than have more than one computer. It mails a questionnaire to 1083 randomly selected households across the country and asks the head of each household if he or she has more than one computer. Of the 1083 house holds​ selected, 4545 responded.

Which of these best describes the bias in the​ survey?

A. Sampling bias

B. Response bias

C. Nonresponse bias

D. Undercoverage bias

How can the bias be​ remedied?

A. The polling organization should try contacting households that do not respond by phone or​ face-to-face.

B. The polling organization should only select households in a single state.

C. The polling organization should mail the questionnaire to a greater number of households.

D. The polling organization should mail the questionnaire to each person in the households.

C. Nonresponse bias

A. The polling organization should try contacting households that do not respond by phone or​ face-to-face.