chapter4-5 Flashcards

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If E and F are not disjoint​ events, then​ P(E or ​F)equals=

P(E) + P(F) - P(E and F)


Suppose an experiment consists of rolling a fair die ten times and recording the number of sevens obtained. If event E is defined as getting at least one​ 7, how would you describe the complement of​E?

The complement of event E is the event that no sevens are obtained.


Three cards are drawn without replacement from a standard​ deck, and the number of kings is noted. Does this constitute a binomial​ experiment? Why or why​ not?

​No, because the probability of getting a king is not the same for each of the three draws.


any collection of outcomes from a probability experiment.



The probability of obtaining x successes in n independent trials of a binomial experiment is given by ​P(x)equals=Subscript n Baseline Upper C Subscript x Baseline p Superscript x Baseline left parenthesis 1 minus p right parenthesis Superscript n minus xnCxpx(1−p)n−x​, where p is the probability of success. *What does the n−x represent in the​formula?

the number of failures


Suppose a fair die is rolled ten times and the result is recorded each time. Does this constitute a binomial​ experiment?

​No, because there are more than two outcomes for each trial.


Three cards are drawn with replacement from a standard​ deck, and the number of kings is noted. Does this constitute a binomial​ experiment?

​Yes, because there are three independent draws. For each draw there are two outcomes​(king and not​ king) and a constant probability of getting a king.


random variable has either a finite or countable number of values



If E represents any event and Upper E Superscript cEc represents the complement of​ E, then Upper P left parenthesis Upper E Superscript c right parenthesis equalsPEc=



Twenty percent of adults in a particular community have at least a​ bachelor's degree. Suppose x is a binomial random variable that counts the number of adults with at least a​ bachelor's degree in a random sample of 100 adults from the community. Which of the following probability statements indicates the probability that at least 30 adults have at least a​ bachelor's degree?

P(x greater than or equal to 30)


Use symbols to describe the event that a college student is female or has financial aid.



Two events E and F are​ __________ if the occurrence of event E in a probability experiment does not affect the probability of event F.



Consider the binomial probability distribution function Upper P left parenthesis x right parenthesis equals StartFraction 25 exclamation mark Over x exclamation mark left parenthesis 25 minus x right parenthesis exclamation mark EndFraction 0.6 Superscript x Baseline 0.4 Superscript 25 minus xP(x)=25!x!(25−x)!0.6x0.425−x. What is the probability of​ success?



The Addition Rule​ P(E or ​F)=​P(E)+​P(F) applies only to which type of​ events?



Determine whether the distribution is a discrete probability distribution

​No, because the probabilities do not sum to 1.


The notation​ __________ is used for the binomial random variable which counts the number of successes in n independent trials of an experiment.



is a numerical measure of the outcome of a probability experiment

random variable


of a probability experiment is the collection of all possible outcomes

sample space


is used for the number of trials in a binomial experiment.



Suppose that in a certain​ community, the probability of a randomly selected individual having red hair is 0.08 and the probability of a randomly selected individual being​ left-handed is 0.15. What additional information would be needed to find the probability of randomly selecting an individual in this community who has red hair or is​ left-handed?

We would need to know the percentage of individuals in the community who have red hair and are​ left-handed.


Use symbols to describe the event that a college student is female and has financial aid.

A (upsidown U) B


If a sample of 100 people is chosen from a town of​ 100,000 people without​ replacement, is it reasonable to assume that events are​ independent

Yes. Because the sample size is less than​ 5% of the population​ size, it is reasonable to treat the events as independent.


Suppose two events E and F are disjoint. What is​ P(E and​ F)?



Explain how to find the mean of a discrete random variable.

To find the mean of a random​ variable, multiply each value of the random variable by its probability and then add those products.


Twenty percent of adults in a particular community have at least a​ bachelor's degree. Suppose x is a binomial random variable that counts the number of adults with at least a​ bachelor's degree in a random sample of 100 adults from the community. Which of the following probability statements indicates the probability that fewer than 30 adults have at least a​ bachelor's degree?

P(x less than 30)


Identify the requirements for a discrete probability distribution.

The sum of the probabilities must equal one. Each probability must be between zero and one inclusive.


What does it mean to say that the trials in a binomial experiment are independent of each​ other?

The outcome of one trial does not affect the outcomes of the other trials.


What is the mean of a probability​ distribution?

The mean is the expected value of the random variable


How many trials are in the​ experiment?



Which of the following statements is not true about binomial probability​ distributions?

As the probability of success​ increases, the probability distribution for a binomial variable becomes bell shaped.


Suppose you are trying to calculate the probability that someone passes statistics on the first attempt given that they received an A in their previous math course. Which probability do you divide by when using conditional probability​ rule?

the probability that someone received an A in their previous math course


When a constant is added​ (or subtracted) to each value of a random​ variable, which measures do not increase​ (or decrease) by that same​ amount?

measures of spread


The probability that a randomly selected adult in a particular community is a smoker is​ 20%. The probability that a randomly selected adult in the community is a​ smoker, given that the adult earns more than​ $75,000 per​ year, is​ 10%. Are the events​ "is a​ smoker" and​ "earns more than​ $75,000 per​year" independent? Explain.

​No, because the probability of smoking is different for people who earn over​ $75,000 per​year, the events are not independent.


How would you find the probability that a man in this age category does NOT die of cancer during the course of the​ year?



Which of the following is not a valid explanation of the Law of Large​ Numbers

These statements are all valid


If two events E and F are​ independent, then​ P(E and ​F)=

P(E) x P(F)


is used for the probability of failure on any trial in a binomial experiment.



If two events E and F are not​ independent, then​ P(E and ​F)equals=

P(E) x P(F/E)


Cards are drawn with replacement from a standard deck until a king is drawn. Does this constitute a binomial​ experiment

No, because there is not a fixed number of trials.


When considering events resulting from a single​ trial, if one event is the complement of another​event, must those two events be​ disjoint

Yes; There is no overlap between an event occurring and the event not occurring. They are completely separate and disjoint.


Suppose you want to know how likely it is that a student graduates with a​ Bachelor's degree in 4 years if they were in the top​ 10% of their high school graduating class. Which of the following probabilities will answer your​ question

​P(earn BS​ degree|top 10%)


is used for the probability of sucess on any trial in a binomial experiment



Explain how to read the notation​ P(E|F).

the probability of E given F


Which terms are used to describe events that have no outcomes in​ common

disjoint or mutually exclusive


The binomial probability distribution is a ​ __________ probability distribution that describes probabilities for experiments in which there are two​ __________ outcomes.


mutually ecxlusive


Use symbols to describe the event that a college student is female given that​ he/she has financial aid.



random variable has infinitely many values which can be plotted on a number line in an uninterrupted fashion.



Describe the event C|A in words.

A college student finishes​ his/her undergraduate degree in four years given that the student is female.


Suppose that a binomial random variable X is counting the number of patients with cancer at a particular hospital. How will​ "success" be defined in this​ situation?

Success would be defined as selecting a patient at the hospital who has cancer.


Describe how the value of n affects the shape of the binomial probability histogram.

As n​ increases, the binomial distribution becomes more​ bell-shaped.


How would you find the probability that no men out of​ 1,000 of this age will die of cancer during the course of the​ year?



How would you find the probability that at least 1 man out of​ 1,000 of this age will die of cancer during the course of the​ year?



Which of the following is not a criterion for the binomial​ distribution?

The trials must be dependent.


Twenty percent of adults in a particular community have at least a​ bachelor's degree. Suppose x is a binomial random variable that counts the number of adults with at least a​ bachelor's degree in a random sample of 100 adults from the community. If you are using the binomial probability​ formula, which of the following is the most efficient way to calculate the probability that at most 98 adults have a​ bachelor's degree, ​P(xless than or equals≤​98)?



Use symbols to describe the event that a college student finishes​ his/her undergraduate degree in four years if​ she/he does not have financial aid
