1) When Thomas Hunt Morgan crossed his red-eyed F₁ generation flies
to each other, the F₂ generation included both red- and white-eyed
flies. Remarkably, all the white-eyed flies were male. What was the
explanation for this result?
A) The gene involved is on the Y chromosome.
B) The gene
involved is on the X chromosome.
C) The gene involved is on an
autosome, but only in males.
D) Other male-specific factors
influence eye color in flies.
E) Other female-specific factors
influence eye color in flies.
Answer: B
2) Sturtevant provided genetic evidence for the existence of four
pairs of chromosomes in Drosophila in which of these ways?
A) There are four major functional classes of genes in
B) Drosophila genes cluster into four distinct
groups of linked genes.
C) The overall number of genes in
Drosophila is a multiple of four.
D) The entire Drosophila
genome has approximately 400 map units.
E) Drosophila genes
have, on average, four different alleles.
Answer: B
3) Which of the following is the meaning of the chromosome theory of
inheritance as expressed in the early 20th century?
A) Individuals inherit particular chromosomes attached to genes.
B) Mendelian genes are at specific loci on the chromosome and in
turn segregate during meiosis.
C) Homologous chromosomes give
rise to some genes and crossover chromosomes to other genes.
No more than a single pair of chromosomes can be found in a healthy
normal cell.
E) Natural selection acts on certain chromosome
arrays rather than on genes.
Answer: B
4) Thomas Hunt Morgan's choice of Drosophila melanogaster has been
proven to be useful even today. Which of the following has/have
continued to make it a most useful species?
I. its four pairs of chromosomes
II. a very large number
of visible as well as biochemically mutant phenotypes
III. easy
and inexpensive maintenance
IV. short generation time and large
number of offspring
A) I and IV only
B) II and III only
C) I, II, and
III only
D) II, III, and IV only
E) I, II, III, IV, and V
Answer: E
5) A woman is found to have 47 chromosomes, including three X
chromosomes. Which of the following describes her expected phenotype?
A) masculine characteristics such as facial hair
enlarged genital structures
C) excessive emotional instability
D) normal female
E) sterile female
Answer: D
6) Males are more often affected by sex-linked traits than females
A) male hormones such as testosterone often alter the effects of
mutations on the X chromosome.
B) female hormones such as
estrogen often compensate for the effects of mutations on the X
C) X chromosomes in males generally have more
mutations than X chromosomes in females.
D) males are hemizygous
for the X chromosome.
E) mutations on the Y chromosome often
worsen the effects of X-linked mutations.
Answer: D
7) SRY is best described in which of the following ways?
A) a gene present on the X chromosome that triggers female
B) an autosomal gene that is required for the
expression of genes on the Y chromosome
C) a gene region present
on the Y chromosome that triggers male development
D) an
autosomal gene that is required for the expression of genes on the X
E) a gene required for development, and males or
females lacking the gene do not survive past early childhood
Answer: C
8) In cats, black fur color is caused by an X-linked allele; the
other allele at this locus causes orange color. The heterozygote is
tortoiseshell. What kinds of offspring would you expect from the cross
of a black female and an orange male?
A) tortoiseshell females;
tortoiseshell males
B) black females; orange males
orange females; orange males
D) tortoiseshell females; black
E) orange females; black males
Answer: D
9) Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait in
humans. Two people with normal color vision have a color-blind son.
What are the genotypes of the parents?
A) XcXc and XcY
XcXc and XCY
C) XCXC and XcY
and XCY
Answer: E
10) Cinnabar eyes is a sex-linked recessive characteristic in fruit
flies. If a female having cinnabar eyes is crossed with a wild-type
male, what percentage of the F₁ males will have cinnabar eyes?
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
E) 100%
Answer: E
11) Calico cats are female because
A) the males die during
embryonic development.
B) a male inherits only one of the two
X-linked genes controlling hair color.
C) the Y chromosome has a
gene blocking orange coloration.
D) only females can have Barr
E) multiple crossovers on the Y chromosome prevent
orange pigment production.
Answer: B
12) In birds, sex is determined by a ZW chromosome scheme. Males are
ZZ and females are ZW. A recessive lethal allele that causes death of
the embryo is sometimes present on the Z chromosome in pigeons. What
would be the sex ratio in the offspring of a cross between a male that
is heterozygous for the lethal allele and a normal female?
2:1 male to female
B) 1:2 male to female
C) 1:1 male to
D) 4:3 male to female
E) 3:1 male to female
Answer: A
13) Sex determination in mammals is due to the SRY region of the Y
chromosome. An abnormality of this region could allow which of the
following to have a male phenotype?
A) Turner syndrome, 45, X
B) translocation of SRY to an autosome of a 46, XX individual
C) a person with an extra X chromosome
D) a person with
one normal and one shortened (deleted) X
E) Down syndrome, 46, XX
Answer: B
14) In humans, clear gender differentiation occurs, not at
fertilization, but after the second month of gestation. What is the
first event of this differentiation?
A) formation of
testosterone in male embryos
B) formation of estrogens in female
C) anatomical differentiation of a penis in male embryos
D) activation of SRY in male embryos and masculinization of the
E) activation of SRY in females and feminization of the gonads
Answer: D
15) Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is caused by a gene on the
human X chromosome. The patients have muscles that weaken over time
because they have absent or decreased dystrophin, a muscle protein.
They rarely live past their 20s. How likely is it for a woman to have
this condition?
A) Women can never have this condition.
B) One-half of the
daughters of an affected man could have this condition.
One-fourth of the children of an affected father and a carrier mother
could have this condition.
D) Very rarely would a woman have
this condition; the condition would be due to a chromosome error.
E) Only if a woman is XXX could she have this condition.
Answer: D
16) Women (and all female mammals) have one active X chromosome per
cell instead of two. What causes this?
A) modification of the XIST gene so that it is active only on
one X chromosome, which then becomes inactive
B) activation of
the Barr gene on one of the two X chromosomes that then inactivates
C) crossover between the XIST gene on one X chromosome and a
related gene on an autosome
D) inactivation of the XIST gene on
the X chromosome derived from the male parent
E) the removal of
methyl (CH3) groups from the X chromosome that will remain active
Answer: A
17) Which of the following statements is true of linkage?
The closer two genes are on a chromosome, the lower the probability
that a crossover will occur between them.
B) The observed
frequency of recombination of two genes that are far apart from each
other has a maximum value of 100%.
C) All of the traits that
Mendel studied–seed color, pod shape, flower color, and others–are due
to genes linked on the same chromosome.
D) Linked genes are
found on different chromosomes.
E) Crossing over occurs during
prophase II of meiosis.
Answer: A
18) How would one explain a testcross involving F₁ dihybrid flies in
which more parental-type offspring than recombinant-type offspring are
A) The two genes are closely linked on the same chromosome.
B) The two genes are linked but on different chromosomes.
C) Recombination did not occur in the cell during meiosis.
D) The testcross was improperly performed.
E) Both of the
characters are controlled by more than one gene.
Answer: A
19) What does a frequency of recombination of 50% indicate?
The two genes are likely to be located on different chromosomes.
B) All of the offspring have combinations of traits that match
one of the two parents.
C) The genes are located on sex
D) Abnormal meiosis has occurred.
Independent assortment is hindered.
Answer: A
20) What is the reason that linked genes are inherited together?
A) They are located close together on the same chromosome.
B) The number of genes in a cell is greater than the number of
C) Chromosomes are unbreakable.
D) Alleles
are paired together during meiosis.
E) Genes align that way
during metaphase I of meiosis.
Answer: A
21) Three genes at three loci are being mapped in a particular
species. Each has two phenotypes, one of which is markedly different
from the wild type. The unusual allele of the first gene is inherited
with either of the others about 50% of the time. However, the unusual
alleles of the other two genes are inherited together 14.4% of the
time. Which of the following describes what is happening?
A) The
genes are showing independent assortment.
B) The three genes are
C) The first gene is linked but the other two are not.
D) The first gene is assorting independently from the other two
that are linked.
E) The first gene is located 14.4 units apart
from the other two.
Answer: D
22) The centimorgan (cM) is a unit named in honor of Thomas Hunt
Morgan. To what is it equal?
A) the physical distance between
two linked genes
B) 1% frequency of recombination between two
C) 1 nanometer of distance between two genes
D) the
distance between a pair of homologous chromosomes
E) the
recombination frequency between two genes assorting independently
Answer: B
23) Recombination between linked genes comes about for what reason?
A) Mutation on one homolog is different from that on the other
B) Independent assortment sometimes fails because
Mendel had not calculated appropriately.
C) When genes are
linked they always "travel" together at anaphase.
Crossovers between these genes result in chromosomal exchange.
E) Nonrecombinant chromosomes break and then re-join with one another.
Answer: D
24) Why does recombination between linked genes continue to occur?
A) Recombination is a requirement for independent assortment.
B) Recombination must occur or genes will not assort
C) New allele combinations are acted upon by
natural selection.
D) The forces on the cell during meiosis II
always result in recombination.
E) Without recombination there
would be an insufficient number of gametes.
Answer: C
25) Map units on a linkage map cannot be relied upon to calculate
physical distances on a chromosome for which of the following reasons?
A) The frequency of crossing over varies along the length of the
B) The relationship between recombination frequency
and map units is different in every individual.
C) Physical
distances between genes change during the course of the cell cycle.
D) The gene order on the chromosomes is slightly different in
every individual.
E) Linkage map distances are identical between
males and females.
Answer: A
26) Which of the following two genes are closest on a genetic map of
A) b and vg
B) vg and cn
C) rb and cn
D) cn and b
E) b and rb
Answer: E
27) If nondisjunction occurs in meiosis II during gametogenesis, what
will be the result at the completion of meiosis?
A) All the
gametes will be diploid.
B) Half of the gametes will be n + 1,
and half will be n - 1.
C) 1/4 of the gametes will be n + 1, 1/4
will be n - 1, and 1/2 will be n.
D) There will be three extra
E) Two of the four gametes will be haploid, and two
will be diploid.
Answer: C
28) One possible result of chromosomal breakage is for a fragment to
join a nonhomologous chromosome. What is this alteration called?
A) deletion
B) transversion
C) inversion
E) duplication
Answer: D
29) A nonreciprocal crossover causes which of the following products?
A) deletion only
B) duplication only
D) deletion and duplication
E) duplication
and nondisjunction
Answer: D
30) In humans, male-pattern baldness is controlled by an autosomal
gene that occurs in two allelic forms. Allele Hn determines
nonbaldness, and allele Hb determines pattern baldness. In males,
because of the presence of testosterone, allele Hb is dominant over
Hn. If a man and woman both with genotype HnHb have a son, what is the
chance that he will eventually be bald?
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 33%
D) 50%
E) 75%
Answer: E
31) Of the following human aneuploidies, which is the one that
generally has the most severe impact on the health of the individual?
A) 47, +21
B) 47, XXY
C) 47, XXX
D) 47, XYY
E) 45, X
Answer: A
32) A phenotypically normal prospective couple seeks genetic
counseling because the man knows that he has a translocation of a
portion of his chromosome 4 that has been exchanged with a portion of
his chromosome 12. Although he is normal because his translocation is
balanced, he and his wife want to know the probability that his sperm
will be abnormal. What is your prognosis regarding his sperm?
A) 1/4 will be normal, 1/4 will have the translocation, and 1/2
will have duplications and deletions.
B) All will carry the same
translocation as the father.
C) None will carry the
translocation since abnormal sperm will die.
D) His sperm will
be sterile and the couple might consider adoption.
E) 1/2 will
be normal and the rest will have the father's translocation.
Answer: A
33) Abnormal chromosomes are frequently found in malignant tumors.
Errors such as translocations may place a gene in close proximity to
different control regions. Which of the following might then occur to
make the cancer worse?
A) an increase in nondisjunction
B) expression of
inappropriate gene products
C) a decrease in mitotic frequency
D) death of the cancer cells in the tumor
E) sensitivity
of the immune system
Answer: B
34) An inversion in a human chromosome often results in no
demonstrable phenotypic effect in the individual. What else may occur?
A) There may be deletions later in life.
B) Some abnormal
gametes may be formed.
C) There is an increased frequency of
D) All inverted chromosomes are deleted.
E) The
individual is more likely to get cancer.
Answer: B
35) What is the source of the extra chromosome 21 in an individual
with Down syndrome?
A) nondisjunction in the mother only
B) nondisjunction in the father only
C) duplication of the
D) nondisjunction or translocation in either parent
E) It is impossible to detect with current technology.
Answer: D
36) Down syndrome has a frequency in the U.S. population of ~1/700
live births. In which of the following groups would you expect this
frequency to be significantly higher?
A) people in Latin or
South America
B) the Inuit and other peoples in very cold
C) people living in equatorial areas of the world
D) very small population groups
E) No groups have such
higher frequency.
Answer: E
37) A couple has a child with Down syndrome. The mother is 39 years
old at the time of delivery. Which of the following is the most
probable cause of the child's condition?
A) The woman inherited
this tendency from her parents.
B) One member of the couple
carried a translocation.
C) One member of the couple underwent
nondisjunction in somatic cell production.
D) One member of the
couple underwent nondisjunction in gamete production.
E) The
mother had a chromosomal duplication.
Answer: D
38) In 1956 Tijo and Levan first successfully counted human
chromosomes. What is the reason it took so many years to do so?
A) Watson and Crick's structure of DNA was not done until 1953.
B) Chromosomes were piled up on top of one another in the
C) Chromosomes were not distinguishable during
D) A method had not yet been devised to halt mitosis
at metaphase.
E) Chromosomes were piled up on top of one another
in the nucleus, chromosomes were not distinguishable during
interphase, and a method had not yet been devised to halt mitosis at metaphase.
Answer: E
39) At which phase(s) is it preferable to obtain chromosomes to
prepare a karyotype?
A) early prophase
B) late telophase
C) anaphase
D) late anaphase or early telophase
late prophase or metaphase
Answer: E
40) What is a syndrome?
A) a characteristic facial appearance
B) a group of traits, all of which must be present if an
aneuploidy is to be diagnosed
C) a group of traits typically
found in conjunction with a particular chromosomal aberration or gene
D) a characteristic trait usually given the
discoverer's name
E) a characteristic that only appears in
conjunction with one specific aneuploidy
Answer: C
41) Which of the following is known as a Philadelphia chromosome?
A) a human chromosome 22 that has had a specific translocation
B) a human chromosome 9 that is found only in one type of cancer
C) an animal chromosome found primarily in the mid-Atlantic area
of the United States
D) an imprinted chromosome that always
comes from the mother
E) a chromosome found not in the nucleus
but in mitochondria
Answer: A
42) At what point in cell division is a chromosome lost so that,
after fertilization with a normal gamete, the result is an embryo with
45, X?
I. an error in anaphase I
II. an error in anaphase II
III. an error of the first postfertilization mitosis
an error in pairing
A) I or II only
B) II or IV only
C) III or IV only
D) I, II, or III only
E) I, II, III, or IV
Answer: E
43) Which of the following is true of aneuploidies in general?
A) A monosomy is more frequent than a trisomy.
B) 45 X is
the only known human live-born monosomy.
C) Some human
aneuploidies have selective advantage in some environments.
Of all human aneuploidies, only Down syndrome is associated with
mental retardation.
E) An aneuploidy resulting in the deletion
of a chromosome segment is less serious than a duplication.
Answer: B
44) A gene is considered to be non-Mendelian in its inheritance
pattern if it seems to "violate" Mendel's laws. Which of the
following would be considered Mendelian?
A) a gene whose
expression varies depending on the gender of the transmitting parent
B) a gene derived solely from maternal inheritance
C) a
gene transmitted via the cytoplasm or cytoplasmic structures
a gene transmitted to males from the maternal line and from fathers to
E) a gene transmitted by a virus to egg-producing cells
Answer: D
45) Genomic imprinting is generally due to the addition of methyl
(–CH3) groups to C nucleotides in order to silence a given gene. If
this depends on the sex of the parent who transmits the gene, which of
the following must be true?
A) Methylation of C is permanent in
a gene.
B) Genes required for early development stages must not
be imprinted.
C) Methylation of this kind must occur more in
males than in females.
D) Methylation must be reversible in
ovarian and testicular cells.
E) The imprints are transmitted
only to gamete-producing cells.
Answer: D
46) Correns described that the inheritance of variegated color on the
leaves of certain plants was determined by the maternal parent only.
What phenomenon does this describe?
A) mitochondrial inheritance
B) chloroplast inheritance
C) genomic imprinting
infectious inheritance
E) sex-linkage
Answer: B
47) Mitochondrial DNA is primarily involved in coding for proteins
needed for electron transport. Therefore, in which body systems would
you expect most mitochondrial gene mutations to be exhibited?
the immune system and the blood
B) the excretory and respiratory
C) the skin and senses
D) the nervous and muscular
E) the circulation system
Answer: D
48) A certain kind of snail can have a right-handed direction of
shell coiling (D) or left-handed coiling (d). If direction of coiling
is due to a protein deposited by the mother in the egg cytoplasm, then
a Dd egg-producing snail and a dd sperm-producing snail will have
offspring of which genotype(s) and phenotype(s)?
A) 1/2 Dd:1/2 dd; all right coiling
B) all Dd; all right
C) 1/2 Dd:1/2 dd; half right and half left coiling
D) all Dd; all left coiling
E) all Dd; half right and half
left coiling
Answer: A
49) Which of the following produces a Mendelian pattern of
A) genomic imprinting
B) a mitochondrial gene
C) a chloroplast gene mutation
D) viral genomes
that inhabit egg cytoplasm
E) a trait acted upon by many genes
Answer: E
50) Suppose that a gene on human chromosome 18 can be imprinted in a
given pattern in a female parent but not in a male parent. A couple in
whom each maternal meiosis is followed by imprinting of this gene have
children. What can we expect as a likely outcome?
A) All sons
but no daughters will bear their mother's imprinting pattern.
All daughters but no sons will bear their mother's imprinting pattern.
C) All sons and daughters will have a 50% chance of receiving
the mother's imprinting pattern.
D) All the children will bear
their mother's imprinting pattern but only daughters will then pass it
E) Each of the children will imprint a different chromosome.
Answer: D

This a map of four genes on a chromosome (See Image)
51) Between which two genes would you expect the highest
frequency of recombination?
A) A and W
B) W and E
E and G
D) A and E
E) A and G
Answer: E

52) In a series of mapping experiments, the recombination frequencies
for four different linked genes of Drosophila were determined as shown
in Figure 15.2. What is the order of these genes on a chromosome map?
A) rb-cn-vg-b
B) vg-b-rb-cn
C) cn-rb-b-vg
E) vg-cn-b-rb
Answer: D

53) The pedigree in Figure 15.3 shows the transmission of a trait in
a particular family. Based on this pattern of transmission, the trait
is most likely
A) mitochondrial.
B) autosomal recessive.
C) sex-linked dominant.
D) sex-linked recessive.
autosomal dominant.
Answer: A
A man who is an achondroplastic dwarf with normal vision marries a
color-blind woman of normal height. The man's father was 6 feet tall,
and both the woman's parents were of average height. Achondroplastic
dwarfism is autosomal dominant, and red-green color blindness is
X-linked recessive.
54) How many of their daughters might be expected to be
color-blind dwarfs?
A) all
B) none
C) half
one out of four
E) three out of four
Answer: B
A man who is an achondroplastic dwarf with normal vision marries a
color-blind woman of normal height. The man's father was 6 feet tall,
and both the woman's parents were of average height. Achondroplastic
dwarfism is autosomal dominant, and red-green color blindness is
X-linked recessive.
55) What proportion of their sons would be color-blind and of
normal height?
A) none
B) half
C) one out of four
D) three out of four
E) all
Answer: B
A man who is an achondroplastic dwarf with normal vision marries a
color-blind woman of normal height. The man's father was 6 feet tall,
and both the woman's parents were of average height. Achondroplastic
dwarfism is autosomal dominant, and red-green color blindness is
X-linked recessive.
56) They have a daughter who is a dwarf with normal color
vision. What is the probability that she is heterozygous for both
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
E) 100%
Answer: E

A plantlike organism on the planet Pandora can have three recessive
genetic traits: bluish leaves, due to an allele (a) of gene A; a
feathered stem, due to an allele (b) of gene B; and hollow roots due
to an allele (c) of gene C. The three genes are linked and recombine
as follows:
A geneticist did a testcross with an organism that had been
found to be heterozygous for the three recessive traits and she was
able to identify progeny of the following phenotypic distribution (+ =
wild type): (See Image)
57) Which of the following are the phenotypes of the parents in
this cross?
A) 2 and 5
B) 1 and 6
C) 4 and 8
D) 3 and 7
E) 1 and 2
Answer: C

A plantlike organism on the planet Pandora can have three recessive
genetic traits: bluish leaves, due to an allele (a) of gene A; a
feathered stem, due to an allele (b) of gene B; and hollow roots due
to an allele (c) of gene C. The three genes are linked and recombine
as follows:
A geneticist did a testcross with an organism that had been
found to be heterozygous for the three recessive traits and she was
able to identify progeny of the following phenotypic distribution (+ =
wild type): (See Image)
58) In which progeny phenotypes has there been recombination
between genes A and B?
A) 1, 2, 5, and 6
B) 1, 3, 6, and 7
C) 2, 4, 5, and 8
D) 2, 3, 5, and 7
E) in all 8 of them
Answer: A

A plantlike organism on the planet Pandora can have three recessive
genetic traits: bluish leaves, due to an allele (a) of gene A; a
feathered stem, due to an allele (b) of gene B; and hollow roots due
to an allele (c) of gene C. The three genes are linked and recombine
as follows:
A geneticist did a testcross with an organism that had been
found to be heterozygous for the three recessive traits and she was
able to identify progeny of the following phenotypic distribution (+ =
wild type): (See Image)
59) If recombination is equal to distance in centimorgans (cM),
what is the approximate distance between genes A and B?
A) 1.5
B) 3 cM
C) 6 cM
D) 15 cM
E) 30 cM
Answer: B

A plantlike organism on the planet Pandora can have three recessive
genetic traits: bluish leaves, due to an allele (a) of gene A; a
feathered stem, due to an allele (b) of gene B; and hollow roots due
to an allele (c) of gene C. The three genes are linked and recombine
as follows:
A geneticist did a testcross with an organism that had been
found to be heterozygous for the three recessive traits and she was
able to identify progeny of the following phenotypic distribution (+ =
wild type): (See Image)
60) What is the greatest benefit of having used a testcross for
this experiment?
A) The homozygous recessive parents are obvious
to the naked eye.
B) The homozygous parents are the only ones
whose crossovers make a difference.
C) Progeny can be scored by
their phenotypes alone.
D) All of the progeny will be
E) The homozygous recessive parents will be unable
to cross over.
Answer: C

A geneticist did a testcross with an organism that had been found to
be heterozygous for the three recessive traits and she was able to
identify progeny of the following phenotypic distribution (+ = wild
type): (See Image)
61) The greatest distance among the three genes is between a and
c. What does this mean?
A) Gene a is closest to b.
Genes are in the order: a–b–c.
C) Gene a is not recombining with
D) Gene a is between b and c.
E) Distance a–b is equal
to distance a–c.
Answer: D