saftey Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by cbradshaw24
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If a patient received 0.02 Gy during a 10-minute fluoroscopic examination, what was the dose rate?

A 0.2 mGy/min B 2.0 mGy/min C 5 mGy/min D 200 mGy/min

B 2.0 mGy/min


The annual dose limit for medical imaging personnel includes radiation from

  1. occupational exposure
  2. background radiation
  3. medical x-rays

A 1 only B 1 and 2 only C 2 and 3 only D 1, 2, and 3

A 1 only


Q 231.48:The most efficient type of male gonadal shielding for use during fluoroscopy is

A flat contact

B shaped contact (contour)

C shadow

D cylindrical

B shaped contact (contour)


The x-ray unit of exposure defines which of the following?

A Sievert

B air kerma

C Gyt

D Becqueral

air kerma


What is the minimum requirement for lead aprons, according to 21 CFR?

A 0.05 mm Pb B 0.50 mm Pb C 0.25 mm Pb D 1.0 mm Pb

0.25 mm Pb


If a patient received 0.02 Gy during a 10-minute fluoroscopic examination, what was the dose rate?

A 0.2 mGy/min B 2.0 mGy/min C 5 mGy/min D 200 mGy/min

2.0 mGy/min


What is the annual TEDE limit for radiation workers?

A 5 mSv B 500 mSv C 5,000 mSv D 50 mSv

D 50 mSv


Radiation output from a diagnostic x-ray tube is measured in which of the following units of measurement?

A Gyt B Sv C Gya D Bq



How much protection is provided from a 100-kVp x-ray beam when using a 0.50-mm lead-equivalent apron?

A 40% B 75% C 88% D 99%



According to NCRP regulations, leakage radiation from the x-ray tube must not exceed

A 10 mGya/hr B 1 mGya/hr C 10 mGya/min D 1 mGya/min

B 1 mGya/hr


The measure of the rate at which energy is transferred from ionizing radiation to soft tissue is termed

A the characteristic effect B Compton scatter C linear energy transfer D the photoelectric effect

C linear energy transfer


If the exposure rate to an individual standing 7.0 feet from a source of radiation is 0.5 mGy/hr, what will be the dose received after 20 minutes at a distance of 3.0 feet from the source?

A 0.07 mGy B 0.21 mGy C 0.90 mGy D 2.72 mGy

B 0.90 mGy


With milliamperes (mA) increased to maintain fluoroscopic output intensity, how is the ESE affected as the source-to-skin distance (SSD) is increased?

A The ESE increases. B The ESE decreases. C The ESE remains unchanged. D ESE is unrelated to SSD.

B The ESE decreases.


What is the established annual occupational dose-equivalent limit for the lens of the eye?

A 10 mSv B 50 mSv C 150 mSv D 250 mSv



What is the approximate entrance skin exposure (ESE) for the average AP pelvis radiograph?

A 0.1 mGy B 1.5 mGy C 3.0 mGy D 4.0 mGy
