Biology Ch. 6 Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by simpsonheather
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College: First year, College: Second year, College: Third year
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The smallest cell structure that would most likely be visible with a standard research- grade light microscope is a...

a. mitochondrion

b. microtubule

c. ribosome

d. microfilament



The advantages of light microscopy over electron microscopy is that...

light microscopy allows one to view dynamic processes in living cells.


In the fractionation of homogenized cells using centrifugation, the primary factor that determines whether a specific cellular component ends up in the supernatant or the pellet is the ...

size and weight of the component


What is the reason that a modern transmission electron microscope (TEM) can resolve biological images to the subnanometer level, as opposed to tens of nanometers achievable for the best super-resolution light microscope?

C) Electron beams have much shorter wavelengths than visible light.


What technique would be most appropriate to use to observe the movements of condensed chromosomes during cell division?

A) standard light microscopy


A newspaper ad for a local toy store indicates that an inexpensive toy microscope available for a small child is able to magnify specimens nearly as much as the more costly microscope available in your college lab. What is the primary reason for the price difference?

The toy microscope magnifies a good deal, but has low resolution and therefore poor quality images.


7) All of the following are part of a prokaryotic cell EXCEPT _____.

D) an endoplasmic reticulum


8) Cell size is limited by _____.

C) surface to volume ratios


Which of the following is a major difference between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?

B) Eukaryotic cells have more intracellular organelles than prokaryotes.


You have a cube of modeling clay in your hands. Which of the following changes to the shape of this cube of clay will decrease its surface area relative to its volume?

C) Round the clay up into a sphere.


11) Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to two different domains. What are the domains?

B) Bacteria and Archaea


Which structure is common to plant and animal cells?



13) Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell?



14) In a bacterium, we will find DNA in _____.

the nucleoid


Which organelle or structure is absent in plant cells?



What is the function of the nuclear pore complex found in eukaryotes?

A) It regulates the movement of proteins and RNAs into and out of the nucleus.


Which of the following macromolecules leaves the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell through pores in the nuclear membrane?



Which of the following statements correctly describes some aspect of protein secretion from prokaryotic cells?

Proteins secreted by prokaryotes are synthesized on ribosomes bound to the cytoplasmic surface of the plasma membrane.


Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing which of the following molecules?



The nuclear lamina is an array of filaments on the inner side of the nuclear membrane. If a method were found that could cause the lamina to fall into disarray, what would you most likely expect to be the immediate consequence?

a change in the shape of the nucleus


A cell with a predominance of free ribosomes is most likely _____.

primarily producing proteins in the cytosol


Which organelle often takes up much of the volume of a plant cell?



A cell with an extensive area of smooth endoplasmic reticulum is specialized to _____.

synthesize large quantities of lipids


Which structure is NOT part of the endomembrane system?



The Golgi apparatus has a polarity, or sidedness, to its structure and function. Which of the following statements correctly describes this polarity?
A) Transport vesicles fuse with one side of the Golgi and leave from the opposite side.
B) Proteins in the membrane of the Golgi may be sorted and modified as they move from one side of the Golgi to the other.
C) Lipids in the membrane of the Golgi may be sorted and modified as they move from one side of the Golgi to the other.
D) All of the listed responses correctly describe polarity characteristics of the Golgi function.

D) All of the listed responses correctly describe polarity characteristics of the Golgi function.


The difference in lipid and protein composition between the membranes of the endomembrane system is largely determined by the _____.
A) transportation of membrane lipids among the membranes of the endomembrane system by small membrane vesicles
B) function of the Golgi apparatus in sorting and directing membrane components
C) modification of the membrane components once they reach their final destination
D) synthesis of different lipids and proteins in each of the organelles of the endomembrane system

B) function of the Golgi apparatus in sorting and directing membrane components


Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins that may be exported from the cell?
A) rough ER
B) plasmodesmata
C) Golgi vesicles
D) free cytoplasmic ribosomes

A) rough ER


Tay-Sachs disease is a human genetic abnormality that results in cells accumulating and becoming clogged with very large, complex, undigested lipids. Which cellular organelle must be involved in this condition?
A) the endoplasmic reticulum
B) the Golgi apparatus
C) the lysosome
D) mitochondrion

C) the lysosome


The liver is involved in detoxification of many poisons and drugs. Which of the following structures is primarily involved in this process and, therefore, abundant in liver cells?
A) rough ER
B) smooth ER
C) Golgi apparatus
D) nuclear envelope

B) smooth ER


Which of the following produces and modifies polysaccharides that will be secreted?
A) lysosome
B) mitochondrion
C) Golgi apparatus
D) peroxisome

C) Golgi apparatus


What is the most likely pathway taken by a newly synthesized protein that will be secreted by a cell?
A) ER → Golgi → nucleus
B) Golgi → ER → lysosome
C) ER → Golgi → vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane
D) ER → lysosomes → vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane

C) ER → Golgi → vesicles that fuse with plasma membrane


Asbestos is a material that was once used extensively in construction. One risk from working in a building that contains asbestos is the development of asbestosis caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. Cells will phagocytize asbestos, but are not able to degrade it. As a result, asbestos fibers accumulate in _____.
A) mitochondria
B) ribosomes
C) peroxisomes
D) lysosomes

D) lysosomes


Which of the following is NOT true? Both chloroplasts and mitochondria _____.
A) have their own DNA
B) have multiple membranes
C) are part of the endomembrane system
D) are capable of reproducing themselves

C) are part of the endomembrane system


Which organelle is the primary site of ATP synthesis in eukaryotic cells?
A) lysosome
B) mitochondrion
C) Golgi apparatus
D) peroxisome

B) mitochondrion


Thylakoids, DNA, and ribosomes are all components found in _____.
A) chloroplasts
B) mitochondria
C) lysosomes
D) nuclei

A) chloroplasts


In a plant cell, DNA may be found _____.
A) only in the nucleus
B) only in the nucleus and chloroplasts
C) in the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts
D) in the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, and peroxisomes

C) in the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplast


In a liver cell detoxifying alcohol and some other poisons, the enzymes of the peroxisome remove hydrogen from these molecules and _____.
A) combine the hydrogen with water molecules to generate hydrogen peroxide
B) use the hydrogen to break down hydrogen peroxide
C) transfer the hydrogen to the mitochondria
D) transfer the hydrogen to oxygen molecules to generate hydrogen peroxide

D) transfer the hydrogen to oxygen molecules to generate hydrogen peroxide


The evolution of eukaryotic cells most likely involved _____.
A) endosymbiosis of an aerobic bacterium in a larger host cell—the endosymbiont evolved into mitochondria
B) anaerobic archaea taking up residence inside a larger bacterial host cell to escape toxic oxygen—the anaerobic bacterium evolved into chloroplasts
C) an endosymbiotic fungal cell evolving into the nucleus
D) acquisition of an endomembrane system and subsequent evolution of mitochondria from a portion of the Golgi

A) endosymbiosis of an aerobic bacterium in a larger host cell—the endosymbiont evolved into mitochondria


Where are proteins produced other than on ribosomes free in the cytosol or ribosomes attached to the ER?
A) in the extracellular matrix
B) in the Golgi apparatus
C) in mitochondria
D) in the nucleolus

C) in mitochondria


Suppose a cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, and mitochondria. It could be a cell from _____.
A) a bacterium
B) an animal but not a plant
C) nearly any eukaryotic organism
D) a plant but not an animal

C) nearly any eukaryotic organism


Cyanide binds with at least one molecule involved in producing ATP. If a cell is exposed to cyanide, most of the cyanide will be found within the _____.
A) mitochondria
B) peroxisomes
C) lysosomes
D) endoplasmic reticulum

A) mitochondria


Suppose a young boy is always tired and fatigued, suffering from a metabolic disease. Which of the following organelles is most likely involved in this disease?
A) lysosomes
B) Golgi apparatus
C) ribosomes
D) mitochondria

D) mitochondria


Motor proteins provide for molecular motion in cells by interacting with what types of cellular structures?
A) membrane proteins of the inner nuclear envelope
B) free ribosomes and ribosomes attached to the ER
C) components of the cytoskeleton
D) cellulose fibers in the cell wall

C) components of the cytoskeleton


Which of the following contain the 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules, consisting of nine doublets of microtubules surrounding a pair of single microtubules?
A) motile cilia and primary (nonmotile) cilia
B) flagella and motile cilia
C) basal bodies and primary (nonmotile) cilia
D) centrioles and basal bodies

B) flagella and motile cilia


Vinblastine, a drug that inhibits microtubule polymerization, is used to treat some forms of cancer. Cancer cells given vinblastine would be unable to _____.
A) form cleavage furrows during cell division
B) migrate by amoeboid movement
C) separate chromosomes during cell division
D) maintain the shape of the nucleus

C) separate chromosomes during cell division.


Amoebae move by crawling over a surface (cell crawling), which involves _____.
A) growth of actin filaments to form bulges in the plasma membrane
B) setting up microtubule extensions that vesicles can follow in the movement of cytoplasm
C) reinforcing the pseudopod with intermediate filaments
D) cytoplasmic streaming

A) growth of actin filaments to form bulges in the plasma membrane


Researchers tried to explain how vesicular transport occurs in cells by attempting to assemble the transport components. They set up microtubular tracks along which vesicles could be transported, and they added vesicles and ATP (because they knew the transport process requires energy). Yet, when they put everything together, there was no movement or transport of vesicles. What were they missing?
A) an axon
B) contractile microfilaments
C) endoplasmic reticulum
D) motor proteins

D) motor proteins


Cilia and flagella bend because of _____.
A) conformational changes in ATP that thrust microtubules laterally
B) a motor protein called radial spokes
C) the quick inward movements of water by osmosis.
D) a motor protein called dynein

D) a motor protein called dynein


Spherocytosis is a human blood disorder associated with a defective cytoskeletal protein in the red blood cells (RBCs). What do you suspect is the consequence of such a defect?
A) abnormally shaped RBCs
B) an insufficient supply of ATP in the RBCs
C) an insufficient supply of oxygen-transporting proteins in the RBCs
D) adherence of RBCs to blood vessel walls, causing plaque formation

A) abnormally shaped RBCs


Cytochalasin D is a drug that prevents actin polymerization. A cell treated with cytochalasin D will still be able to _____.
A) divide in two
B) contract muscle fibers
C) extend pseudopodia
D) move vesicles within a cell

D) move vesicles within a cell


Cells require which of the following to form cilia or flagella?
A) tubulin
B) laminin
C) actin
D) intermediate filaments

A) tubulin


Which of the following statements about the cytoskeleton is true?
A) The cytoskeleton of eukaryotes is a static structure most resembling scaffolding used at construction sites.
B) Although microtubules are common within a cell, actin filaments are rarely found outside of the nucleus.
C) Movement of cilia and flagella is the result of motor proteins causing microtubules to move relative to each other.
D) Chemicals that block the assembly of the cytoskeleton would have little effect on a cell's response to external stimuli.

Movement of cilia and flagella is the result of motor proteins causing microtubules to move relative to each other


The cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and plant cells and the extracellular matrix of animal cells are all external to the plasma membrane. Which of the following is a characteristic common to all of these extracellular structures?
A) They must block water and small molecules to regulate the exchange of matter and energy with their environment.
B) They must provide a rigid structure that maintains an appropriate ratio of cell surface area to volume.
C) They are constructed of polymers that are synthesized in the cytoplasm and then transported out of the cell.
D) They are composed of a mixture of lipids and nucleotides.

C) They are constructed of polymers that are synthesized in the cytoplasm and then transported out of the cell.


A mutation that disrupts the ability of an animal cell to add polysaccharide modifications to proteins would most likely cause defects in its _____.
A) nuclear matrix and extracellular matrix
B) mitochondria and Golgi apparatus
C) Golgi apparatus and extracellular matrix
D) nuclear pores and secretory vesicles

C) Golgi apparatus and extracellular matrix


The extracellular matrix is thought to participate in the regulation of animal cell behavior by communicating information from the outside to the inside of the cell via which of the following?
A) gap junctions
B) the nucleus
C) DNA and RNA
D) integrins

D) integrins


Plasmodesmata in plant cells are most similar in function to which of the following structures in animal cells?
A) desmosomes
B) gap junctions
C) extracellular matrix
D) tight junctions

B) gap junctions


Ions can travel directly from the cytoplasm of one animal cell to the cytoplasm of an adjacent cell through _____.
A) plasmodesmata
B) tight junctions
C) desmosomes
D) gap junctions

D) gap junctions


In plant cells, the middle lamella _____.
A) allows adjacent cells to adhere to one another
B) prevents dehydration of adjacent cells
C) maintains the plant's circulatory system
D) allows for gas and nutrient exchange among adjacent cells

A) allows adjacent cells to adhere to one another


Where would you expect to find tight junctions?
A) in the epithelium of an animal's stomach
B) between the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the rough endoplasmic reticulum
C) between plant cells in a woody plant
D) in the plasma membrane of prokaryotes

A) in the epithelium of an animal's stomach


H. V. Wilson worked with sponges to gain some insight into exactly what was responsible for holding adjacent cells together. He exposed two species of differently pigmented sponges to a chemical that disrupted the cell-cell interaction (cell junctions), and the cells of the sponges dissociated. Wilson then mixed the cells of the two species and removed the chemical that caused the cells to dissociate. Wilson found that the sponges reassembled into two separate species. The cells from one species did not interact or form associations with the cells of the other species. How do you explain the results of Wilson's experiments?
A) The two species of sponge had different enzymes that functioned in the reassembly process.
B) The molecules responsible for cell-cell adhesion (cell junctions) were irreversibly destroyed during the experiment.
C) The molecules responsible for cell-cell adhesion (cell junctions) differed between the two species of sponge.
D) One cell functioned as the nucleus for each organism, thereby attracting only cells of the same pigment.

C) The molecules responsible for cell-cell adhesion (cell junctions) differed between the two species of sponge.


Gaucher disease is the most common of lipid storage diseases in humans. It is caused
by a deficiency of an enzyme necessary for lipid metabolism. This leads to a collection of
fatty material in organs of the body including the spleen, liver, kidneys, lungs, brain, and
bone marrow.
Using your knowledge of the structure of eukaryotic cells, identify the statement below
that best explains how internal membranes and the organelles of cells would be involved
in Gaucher disease.
A) The mitochondria are most likely defective and do not produce adequate amounts of
ATP needed for cellular respiration.
B) The rough endoplasmic reticulum contains too many ribosomes which results in an
overproduction of the enzyme involved in carbohydrate catalysis.
C) The lysosomes lack sufficient amounts of enzymes necessary for the metabolism of
D) The Golgi apparatus produces vesicles with faulty membranes that leak their contents
into the cytoplasm of the cell.

C) The lysosomes lack sufficient amounts of enzymes necessary for the metabolism of