14.1 Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by cbradshaw24
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What is the main artery of the systemic circulation?

A. Brachiocephalic artery

B. Pulmonary artery

C. Aorta

D. Celiac trunk



Which of the following terms describes a lateral movement away from the midsagittal plane of the body?

A. Abduction B. Adduction C. Circumduction D. Flexion

A. Abduction


Which of the following reasons would NOT require an acute abdominal series?

A. A child swallowing a penny B. Perforated hollow viscus C. Intestinal obstruction D. Abdominal infection

a child swallowing a penny


A patient hurts in the left anterior part of the thorax. Which oblique would show this area best?

A. LAO B. RAO C. RPO D. Lateral



What is the name of the opening in the proximal end of the stomach?

A. Sphincter of Oddi B. Pyloric portion C. Cardiac orifice D. Hiatus

B. Pyloric portion


Which kidney is placed parallel to the image receptor when a 30 degree RPO radiograph is taken?

A. Right B. Left C. Both are parallel D. Both are perpendicular



Which decubitus position is preferred for demonstrating air and fluid levels in the abdomen?

A. Dorsal decubitus B. Ventral decubitus C. Right lateral decubitus D. Left lateral decubitus

Left lateral decubitus


Which of the following organs have folds that are referred to as haustra?

A. Stomach B. Large intestine C. Gallbladder D. Small intestine

large intestine


In the hypersthenic patient, how does the stomach lie?

A. Low and vertical B. Low and horizontal C. High and vertical D. High and horizontal

High and horizontal


Which of the following is NOT an accessory organ of the digestive system?

A. Pancreas B. Gallbladder C. Liver D. Spleen



An upper G.I. series on a hypersthenic patient would require what kind of an adjustment of the central ray?

A. 2" higher than normal B. 2" lower than normal C. More medial than normal D. No adjustment would be needed

A. 2" higher than normal


What is the name of a plane that lies at a right angle to the midsagittal plane?

A. Oblique plane B. Vertical plane C. Horizontal plane D. Sagittal plane

Sagittal plane


Where is the trachea situated in relationship to the esophagus?

A. Lateral B. Anterior C. Posterior D. Inferior



Which position of the chest has the patient standing erect and leaning backward to rest his/her shoulders against the image receptor?

A. Posterior oblique B. Apical lordotic C. Intrathoracic D. Mediastinal tilt

B. Apical lordotic


Which of the following are well visualized by a double-contrast barium enema?

A. Peptic ulcers B. Colon polyps C. G.I. bleeders D. Hemorrhoids

colon polyps


What term is used to describe the front half of the body, a structure or an organ?

A. Superior B. Palmar C. Anterior D. Dorsal



The technical name for "lung cancer" is which of the following?

A. Bronchogenic carcinoma B. Pleural sarcoma C. Bronchialoma D. Dyspnea

. Bronchogenic carcinoma


What is it called when fluid collects in the pleural space?

A. Pleural effusion B. Hemothorax C. Pneumothorax D. Pneumogram

A. Pleural effusion


What does the root word "thromb" mean?

A. Nucleus B. Protein C. Round D. Clot



Which of the following is a reliable method for checking for rotation on a PA chest radiograph?

A. Mediastinal shift B. Compare size of lungs C. Symmetry of sternoclavicular joints D. Elevation of costophrenic angles

D. Elevation of costophrenic angles


A patient with a possible perforated ulcer would require which of the following procedures?

A. U.G.I. with thin barium B. U.G.I. with thick barium C. U.G.I with Gastrografin D. U.G.I with air contrast

U.G.I with Gastrografin


A double contrast enema consists of which of the following?

A. AP and PA abdominal radiographs B. A second examination of the large intestine C. A double volume large intestine examination D. Air and barium exam of the large intestine

D. Air and barium exam of the large intestine


To place the hand with the palm up describes which of the following movements?

A. Rotate B. Pronate C. Supinate D. Circumduct



When a patient is lying on his abdomen, he is said to be in which position?

A. Proximal B. Lateral C. Prone D. Supine



The term "tachycardia" is defined as what?

A. High blood pressure B. Stopping of the heart C. Rapid heart rate D. Inflammation of the heart

rapid heart rate


Why are the shoulders rotated forward when radiographing the chest in a PA projection?

1. To remove the scapulae from the lung fields
2. To get the chest closer to the image receptor
3. To allow a deeper inspiration
A. 1 only B. 2 only C. 1 & 3 only D. 1, 2 & 3

1. To remove the scapulae from the lung fields


What do you call the most proximal portion of the small intestine?

A. Duodenum B. Jejunum C. Ileum D. Sigmoid



Which of the following positions would the patient be in during the insertion of an enema tip?

A. Sims' position B. Trendelenburg position C. Fowler's position D. Prone position



A chronic dilatation and distention of the bronchi with subsequent infection is known as what?

A. Bronchioles B. Bronchiectasis C. Hemoptysis D. Abscess

B. Bronchiectasis


Which of the following terms describes a movement toward the midsagittal plane of the body?

A. Extension B. Flexion C. Abduction D. Adduction

D. Adduction


Which of the following is supplied by the superior mesenteric artery?

A. Small intestine B. Spleen C. Liver D. Pancreas

A. Small intestine


What do you call the lower, outer margin of the lung, at the junction of the ribs and diaphragm?

A. Base B. Basilar angle C. Costophrenic angle D. Pleural junction

Costophrenic angle

Costo = ribs, phrenic = diaphragm. The costophrenic angle is the junction of the ribs and diaphragm


What do you call an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum?

1. Gastritis
2. Enteritis
3. Peptic ulcer

peptic ulcer


"Heart attack" is a descriptive term for which of the following clinical conditions?

A. Chest pain B. Rapid heart rate C. Occluded coronary artery D. Difficulty breathing

Occluded coronary artery


What is the name of a growth that extends into a cavity from the mucosal lining, often on a stalk?

A. Diverticulum B. Polyp C. Fistula D. Stricture



The portal system transports blood to which of the following organs?

A. Spleen B. Kidneys C. Intestines D. Liver



Which of the following ducts results from the union of the cystic and common hepatic ducts?

A. Gallbladder duct B. Pancreatic duct C. Common bile duct D. Thoracic duct

common bile


The majority of food digestion takes place in which of the following organs?

A. Stomach B. Duodenum C. Small intestine D. Large intestine

small intestine


Which set of conditions would allow the diaphragm to descend to its most inferior position?

A. Patient supine, expiration B. Patient supine, inspiration C. Patient erect, expiration D. Patient erect, inspiration

D. Patient erect, inspiration


What is the medical name for a twisting or kinking of the bowel?

A. Ileus B. Diverticulosis C. Volvulus D. Intussusception

C. Volvulus


Which of the following would NOT be found in the urinary system?

A. Nephron B. Glomerulus C. Adrenal D. Calyx

C. Adrenal


What term is used to describe the back half of the body, a structure or an organ?

A. Inferior B. Plantar C. Posterior D. Ventral

C. Posterior


The clavicle articulates with which of the following?

A. Scapula and humerus B. Scapula and sternum C. Humerus and sternum D. Sternum and spine

B. Scapula and sternum


What is it called when part of the stomach slips through the diaphragm into the thorax?

A. Esophagitis B. Hiatal hernia C. Diaphragmatic weakening D. Gastric bulge

B. Hiatal hernia


Which of the following describes an inflammation of the abdominal cavity lining?

A. Peritonitis B. Gastritis C. Enteritis D. Diverticulitis

A. Peritonitis


Which of the following structures serves as a common passageway for both food and air?

A. Trachea B. Esophagus C. Pharynx D. Nasal cavity

C. Pharynx


What does the root word "vas" mean?

A. Atrium B. Heart C. Vessel D. Chest



Which of the following is another name for a kidney stone?

A. Pyelonephritis B. Cystitis C. Renal calculus D. Hematuria

s C. Renal calculus


The thyroid cartilage of the larynx is at the level of which cervical vertebra?

A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8



Which of the following positions/projections would best demonstrate a hiatal hernia?

A. AP B. Lateral C. RAO D. LAO



Which of the following is the technical name for high blood pressure?

A. Phlebitis B. Stenosis C. Aneurysm D. Hypertension

D. Hypertension