Psych Ch 10 & 11 Flashcards

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Which of the following defines when a problem behavior becomes a disorder?

A) Behavior causes functional impairment and personal distress

B) All of the options provided are necessary for something to be considered a disorder

C) Deviation from the statistical norm

D) Deivation from the social norm



Which of the following defines the diathesis-stress model?

A) Explains that dysfunctional state occur when a person is unable to fulfill school or work obligations, sustain social relationships, or take care of oneself or children.

B) A model suggesting that biological predispositions play the largest component in determining whether a psychological disorder will develop.

C) A mechanism for explaining how psychological disorders can develop, wherein a predisposition and stress are both necessary elements.

D) Explains that the origin of psychological problem is within the person, not an expected response to an event.



Which of the following terms means the likely course over time or outcome of a disease?

A) Predisposition

B) Prevalence

C) Prognosis

D) Etiology



What is the approximate 12-month prevalence rate of psychological disorders in college students, age 19-25?

A) 70%

B) 5%

C) 45%

D) 20%



Another word for diathesis is ______.

A) Predisposition

B) Prevalence

C) Prognosis

D) Stressor



In order for a pattern of thoughts or behaviors to be considered a psychological disorder which of the following must be true?

A) It must be a deviation from the social norm.

B) It must be a deviation from the statistical norm.

C) It must stem from an external cause.

D) It must cause personal distress and functional impairment



Merida’s brother has autism. When they are on the playground together, she sees other kids making fun of him and excluding him from kickball. This is an example of

A) Prevelance.

B) Prognosis.

C) Stigma.

D) Diathesis.



Panic disorder is defined by which of the following?

A) Excessive irrational fear of a specific object or situation that interferes with a person’s everyday functioning

B) Chronic anxiety that has developed after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event

C) Severe and persistent fear of being embarrassed, humiliated, or negatively evaluated in social or performance situations

D) a disorder characterized by frequent and recurring panic attacks



José's doctor tells him that his anxiety might be caused by errors in thinking that lead him to interpret ambiguous information negatively. His doctor is proposing which of the following as the cause of his problem?

A) Trauma

B) Genetics

C) Cognitive bias

D) Neurochemical imbalance



Which of the following is a personality trait characterized by nervousness, sensitivity, and excitability?

A) High-strung temperament

B) Cognitive distortion

C) Attributional style

D) High levels of GABA



Dimitri's dog is afraid of the local park. Dimitri tries to change this fear by giving his dog treats every time they go for a walk and get near the park. What technique is Dimitri using to change his dog's fear

A) Counterconditioning

B) Biomedical therapy

C) Cognitive therapy




Which of the following is characterized by chronic, low-grade depression?

A) Mania

B) Bipolar disorder

C) Dysthymia m

D) Major depression



Which of the following would be considered a sociocultural diathesis that might explain why someone might develop a mood disorder?

A) Attributional style

B) Heritability

C) Cognitive distortion

D) Stress from discrimination in the workplace



Amber failed her math test. She blames herself, thinks that there is no way to improve her grade, and is worried that now she will never get into her nursing school. Amber is demonstrating an internal, stable, global ________ style.

A) Ruminative

B) Attributional

C) Stressful

D) Heritable



Whenever Rafael is in class he immediately starts thinking that his professor doesn't like him and that other people think he is dumb. These are examples of

A) Automatic negative thoughts.

B) Ruminative coping.

C) Neurochemical deficiencies.

D) Cognitive restructuring.



Kesha's therapist tells her that because her major depression has not responded to medication or other treatment approaches she recommends a procedure that delivers small doses of electric current through the brain, creating a brief seizure. Which treatment method is her therapist describing?




D) tricyclics



Jackson hears voices coming from the walls of his house. They are telling him to hurt himself. He is experiencing which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia?

A) Flat affect

B) Hallucinations

C) Apathy

D) Delusions



Anna speaks in a monotone voice and avoids eye contact. She is displaying which of the following symptoms of schizophrenia?

A) Delusions

B) Flat affect

C) Hallucinations

D) Disorganized speech



Which of the following describes the structural brain abnormality often found in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia?

A) Diminished activity in the frontal lobes and enlarged ventricles

B) A missing hippocampus

C) Reduced levels of dopamine

D) Enlarged occipital and parietal lobe



The Assertive Community Treatment approach for schizophrenia involve which of the following?

A) Intenstive hospitalization for a prolonged period of time.

B) A team of professionals who typically meet with the patient in his/her home.

C) A focus on biomedical treatment alone.



What is the prognosis for someone with schizophrenia?

A) Individuals who develop schizophrenia can never fully recover.

B) About 75% of individuals who develop schizophrenia will experience near-normal adjustment.

C) One quarter of individuals who experience an episode of schizophrenia recover completely.



Which of the following is true regarding mental health on college campuses?

A) Nearly half of college students will experience a mental health issue each year.

B) The majority of college students who experience a psychological illness seek treatment.

C) The number of college students with serious psychological problems has declined in recent years.

D) Psychological disorder are rare among college students as they typically develop later in life.



What is correlational research?

A) Focuses on how a behavior of one group of people varies in relation to a behavior of another group of people

B) Focuses on what is going on at each age

C) Can determine the cause, uses random assignment of participants to groups

D) Design that compares the behavior of one age group at multiple points across time

E) Design that compares the behavior of multiple age groups at one point in time



What is descriptive research?

A) Focuses on how a behavior of one group of people varies in relation to a behavior of another group of people

B) Focuses on what is going on at each age

C) Can determine the cause, uses random assignment of participants to groups

D) Design that compares the behavior of one age group at multiple points across time

E) Design that compares the behavior of multiple age groups at one point in time



What is experimental research?

A) Focuses on how a behavior of one group of people varies in relation to a behavior of another group of people

B) Focuses on what is going on at each age

C) Can determine the cause, uses random assignment of participants to groups

D) Design that compares the behavior of one age group at multiple points across time

E) Design that compares the behavior of multiple age groups at one point in time



What is longitudinal research?

A) Focuses on how a behavior of one group of people varies in relation to a behavior of another group of people

B) Focuses on what is going on at each age

C) Can determine the cause, uses random assignment of participants to groups

D) Design that compares the behavior of one age group at multiple points across time

E) Design that compares the behavior of multiple age groups at one point in time



What is cross-sectional research?

A) Focuses on how a behavior of one group of people varies in relation to a behavior of another group of people

B) Focuses on what is going on at each age

C) Can determine the cause, uses random assignment of participants to groups

D) Design that compares the behavior of one age group at multiple points across time

E) Design that compares the behavior of multiple age groups at one point in time



In which of Piaget's stages of development is a child capable of reasoning about hypothetical situations?

A) Sensorimotor

B) Preoperational

C) Formal operational

D) Concrete operational



The way primary influences like teachers and parents interact with each other would be a part of which of Brofenbrenner's systems?

A) Macrosystem

B) Microsystem

C) Exosystem

D) Mesosystem



In Balte's Lifespan Perspective, which concept states that development is flexible, we can adapt to changes across the lifespan?

A) Historical context

B) Multiple causes

C) Plasticity

D) Multiple directions



Which of the following is considered old age?

A) 40 and beyond

B) 80 and beyond

C) 60s and beyond

D) 40s to 70s



Holly's daughter could produce about 3 words at her first birthday. Now, at age 2 she has a vocabulary of approximately 100 words. Developmental psychologists would refer to this as a _____ change.

A) Qualitative

B) Psychological

C) Physical

D) Quantitative



Jacob brings his three-year-old daughter in for a research study on how children from age 3 to 5 develop understanding of numbers. He is told that his child will either be assigned to an experimental or control group and that he will need to bring her back to the lab every six months for the next two years. Which type of study is Jacob's daughter participating in?

A) Correlational

B) Cross-sectional

C) Descriptive

D) Longitudinal



Which of the following is the 1st stage of the fertilized egg cell in prenatal development?

A) Zygote

B) Placenta

C) Embryo

D) Fetus



The life-support system for developing embryo and fetus is known as the _______.

A) Myelin

B) Placenta

C) Zygote

D) Fetus



The period from age 40 to age 59 is known as

A) Menarche

B) Young adulthood

C) Senior years

D) Midlife



Which cognitive ability enables us to believe that things exist even if they cannot be seen?

A) Conservation

B) Object permanence

C) Egocentrism

D) Scaffolding



Elena is participating in an experiment. The experimenter first shows her five pennies stacked on top of one another and places this next to five other pennies spread out on the table. Elena says that the second arrangement has more. Elena is likely in which stage of cognitive development according to Piaget?

A) Concrete operational

B) Sensorimotor

C) Formal operational

D) Preoperational



Marta is a first grade teacher. She believes that the interpersonal relationships she forms with her students are important because they affect the development of thinking. She would favor which of the following?

A) Vygotsky's Social-cultural theory

B) Ainsworth's Attachment theory

C) Piaget's Stage theory

D) Information Processing theory



Which parenting style involves high degrees of warmth but low levels of control?

A) Indifferent

B) Authoritarian

C) Authoritative

D) Permissive



What is the name for experimental set up designed by Ainsworth to study attachment which involves the mother leaving the room and a research assistant attempting to comfort the child until the mother returns? A) Systems test

B) Attachment paradigm

C) Psychosocial Dilemma

D) Strange Situation



Lucy is upset when her mother leaves the room but does not really know how to react when she returns. She can't decide if she wants her or is angry. She even tries to hit her mom. Lucy is displaying which type of attachment style?

A) Ambivalent

B) Secure

C) Disorganized

D) Avoidant



Theo's parents let him eat whatever he wants for dinner even if he chooses cookies and ice cream. They are displaying which style of parenting?

A) Indifferent

B) Authoritative

C) Authoritarian

D) Permissive



Mikayla's parents tell her that she is not allowed to have a cell phone. When she asks why they say, "Because we said so!" They are displaying which style of parenting?

A) Permissive

B) Authoritative

C) Authoritarian

D) Uninvolved



Which of the following is one of the four main concepts in the Life-span Perspective, stating that change occurs in more than one direction meaning that gains and losses occur across the lifespan?

A) Multiple causes

B) Historical context

C) Plasticity

D) Multiple directions



Two year old Abby knows that she has parents that she can turn to if she needs help with something. Erikson would say that she is successful in dealing with which of the following dilemmas?

A) Trust vs. mistrust

B) Intimacy vs. isolation

C) Identity vs. role confusion

D) Integrity vs. despair



Padma is trying to decide what she wants to be when she grows up. She considers what she likes and dislikes about school as well as what her parents would like for her. She is dealing with which of the following dilemmas?

A) Identity vs. role confusion

B) Trust vs. mistrust

C) Intimacy vs. isolation

D) Generativity vs. stagnation