A&P Chapter 7 Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by Gladys_Berenice_Gaona
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Paranasal sinuses are found in which of these facial bones?

A) maxillae

B) zygomatic bones

C) vomer

D) nasal conchae

Answer: A


The pelvic girdle does not include the ___________.

A) femur

B) Ilium

C) Ischium

D) pubis

Answer: A


The ethmoid bone is composed of all of the following except?

A) inferior nasal concha

B) cribriform plate

C) crista galli

D) superior nasal concha

Answer: A


Thoracic vertebrae differ from the other vertebrae in that they have _______.

A) transverse foramina

B) costal facets

C) no transverse processes

D) no intervertebral discs

Answer: B


The pituitary gland is house in the ___________.

A) sella turcica of the sphenoid bone

B) vomer

C) foramen lacerum

D) sinuses of the ethmoid bone

Answer: A


Which of the following is not a movement that can occur between vertebrae?

A) rotation

B) flexion and extension

C) lateral flexion

D) supination

Answer: D


Which bone forms the prominence of the cheek?

A) temporal bone

B) sphenoid bone

C) palatine bone

D) zygomatic bone

Answer: D


What is the major function of the intervertebral discs?

A) prevent hyperextension

B) prevent hyperextension of the spine

C) absorb shock

D) string the vertebrae together

Answer: C


Which vertebra does not have a body?

A) last cervical

B) axis

C) last lumbar

D) atlas

Answer: D


Which of the following is true about paranasal sinuses?

A) paranasal sinuses open into the oral cavity

B) paranasal sinuses contain passages acting as one-way valves

C) paranasal sinuses enhance the resonance of the voice and lighten the skull

D) paranasal sinuses are found in the maxillary, ethmoid, and lacrimal bones

Answer: C


Which forms the largest portion of the coxal bone?

A) ilium

B) pelvic

C) pubis

D) ischium

Answer: A


Which of the following bones is not weight bearing?

A) femur

B) fibula

C) tibia

D) talus

Answer: B


The antebrachium is composed of which of the following two bones?

A) the scapula and the clavicle

B) the radius and the ulna

C) the humerus and the clavicle

D) the humerus and the radius

Answer: B


Which bone acts as a movable base for the tongue?

A) palatine

B) hyoid bone

C) zygomatic bone

D) mandible

Answer: B


Which portion of the fibula articulates with the talus?

A) lateral malleolus

B) medial malleolus

C) head

D) calcaneus

Answer: A


Which bone is in direct contact with the first metatarsal?

A) cuboid

B) calcaneus

C) lateral cuneiform

D) medial cuneiform

Answer: D


Which of the following is the abnormal curve often seen in pregnant woman as they attempt to preserve their center of gravity toward the end of the pregnancy?

A) hunchback

B) scoliosis


D) lordosis

Answer: D


The hyoid bone is unique because it __________.

A) is the only bone formed by the fusion of right and left halves

B) is composed of three bones joined together

C) is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone

D) is the only irregular bone found in the neck

Answer: C


The superior nasal concha is part of which bone?

A) ethmoid

B) maxilla

C) sphenoid

D) vomer

Answer: A


The superior orbital fissure is formed in the sphenoid bone, whereas the inferior orbital fissure is formed between the sphenoid and __________.

A) palatine

B) ethmoid

C) lacrimal

D) maxilla

Answer: D