AT-3396 Final - Chpt 11 Flashcards

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what bursa is injured most in wrestlers?

prepatellar bursa


what effect does internal rotation of the tibia have on Q-angle?

decreases Q-angle


what condition is also known as camels hump?

patella alta


what malalignment causes the patella to be hypermobile?

genu recurvatum


what condition is known as "camel's hump"?

patella alta


a WB situation that increases internal rotation of both the femur and the tibia, has what effect on the patella?

makes the patella track laterally


if effusion is present, what effect does it have on patella tracking?

decreases the firing pattern of vastus medialis and lateralis and decreases the ability to track


which one of these conditions will predispose someone to have patellofemoral pain?

a. ASIS levels are off

b. femur length (longer or shorter than normal)

c. tibial length (longer or shorter than normal)

d. anatomical leg length discrepancy

ASIS levels are off


what would a patient complain of if they have chondromalacia patella?

a grinding feeling while walking up and down stairs


what condition would you expect an athlete to have if they say they changed shoes just three weeks ago?

patellofemoral pain


what would be a result of changing to a shoe with more cushion, which would increase patellofemoral malalignment?

a. more support to the medial longitudinal arch causing a decrease in internal tibial rotaion in the stand phase of gait

b. more cushion decreases the ground reaction forces during the stance phase of gait

c. less support to the medial longitudinal arch increases internal rotation of the tibia during the stance phase of gait

d. less support to the lateral longitudinal arch increases external rotation of the tibia during the stance phase of gait

less support to the medial longitudinal arch increases internal rotation of the tibia during the stance phase of gait


what injury is indicated by a (+) apprehension test?

subluxation of the patella


an athlete goes down on the field, you get out there and the athlete states her knee is hurting. you know the athlete has received 3 cortisone injections in the last 6 months. Which injury may you initial suspect knowing that information?

patella tendon rupture


an athlete reports to the ATR with knee pain. upon evaluation you notice the athlete's patella's are high-riding and sitting laterally. what patella alignment problem does the athlete have?

frog-eyed patella


which patella alignment problem would an athlete have with a genetically shorter patella tendon?

patella baja


when performing a patellar tilt assessment, a patella that tilts more than how many degrees is considered hypermobile?

15 degrees


at what position of knee flexion does the largest amount of patellofemoral articulation occur?

90 degrees


the patella's anatomical design allows for all but which of the following?

a. increase mechanical efficiency of the quadriceps muscle group
b. protection of the anterior portion of the knee joint
c. absorption and transmission of reaction forces
d. an increase strength of the quadriceps muscle group

an increase in strength of the quadriceps muscle group


all but which of the following are true about the patella and its articulations?

a. the lateral border of the femoral trochlea forms a strong barrier against lateral patella movement
b. patella tracking is improved when the leg is not weight-bearing
c. during flexion, the patella increases its angle of lateral tilt
d. when the knee is fully extended the knee is vulnerable to dislocation forces

patella tracking is improved when the leg is non-weight bearing


which of the following helps to maintain the patella's position and originates off the Vastus lateralis tendon and the IT band?

a. lateral retinaculum
b. medial retinaculum
c. medial patella femoral ligament
d. lateral patella femoral ligament

lateral retinaculum


which of the following is the primary restraint against lateral patella displacement, especially in the inferior direction?

a. lateral retinaculum
b. medial retinaculum
c. medial patella femoral ligament
d. lateral patella femoral ligamentMedial patella femoral ligament

medial patella femoral ligament


which bursa lies deep at the distal end of the quadriceps femoris muscle group and is an extension of the joint capsule?

deep suprapatellar bursa


which bursa is located between the patella tendon and the tibia?

deep infrapatellar bursa


which of the following lower extremity postures places an increased compression force on the lateral patellar facets?

a. genu varum
b. genu vagum
c. genu recurvartum
d. foot pronation

genu varum


which of the following lower extremity postures places additional pressure on the superior articular facets?

genu recurvatum


which of the following is not true when considering Q angle?

a. the Q angle typically decreases as the knee is flexed

b. taller people tend to have lower Q angles than shorter people
c. Q-angle helps quantify the line of pull of the quadriceps and patella tendon
d. Q-angle is the relationship between the long axis of the patella and the tibial tuberosityQ angle is the relationship between the long axis of the patella and the tibial tuberosity

Q-angle is the relationship between the long axis of the patella and the tibial tuberosity


patellar tendonopathies most often of an insidious onset and are common in all but which of the following activities?

a. jumping
b. running
c. weightlifting
d. swimming



which of the following occurs at the insertion of the patella tendon into the inferior pole of the patella and is caused by a stress fracture or avulsion due to repetitive forces?

sinding larsen-johansson disease


which of the following describes a normal fold of the fibrous membrane that projects into the joint cavity?

synovial plica


increased Q-angle causes all but which of these resultive forces and biomechanical changes?

a. compressive forces on the odd and medial facets
b. lateral tracking of the patella
c. compressive forces on the lateral facets
d. stretching of the medial patella restraints

compressive forces on the odd and medial facets


what patellar malalignment results in increased patella mobility, deceased quadriceps strength and increased patellofemoral compressive forces?

a. patella alta

b. patella baja

c. frog-eyed patella

d. squinting patella

patella alta


what patellar malaligment results in decreased patellar glide and decreased tibial femoral ROM?

a. patella alta

b. patella baja

c. frog-eyed patella

d. squinting patella

patella baja


what patellar malalignment has the patella positioned medially, which can result in increased Q angle and tight medial retinaculum?

squinting patella


5 cardinal signs of inflammation

loss of function


name Santa's reindeer
