Art history 1380 quiz 4 Flashcards

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created 8 years ago by kjalger
updated 8 years ago by kjalger
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Which of the following factors contributed to the new, more humane conception of Christ in Gothic thought and sculpture?

Devotion to Mary as his mother


What is the subject of the tympanum over the central portal (ie. the main entrance) on the West façade of Chartres?

The Second Coming of Christ


Why are the West façade portals called the “royal portals”?

The jamb figures represent Biblical Kings and Queens


How is the Christ on the West façade of Chartres represented differently than the Christ at Autun or other Romanesque churches?

The Chartres Christ is carved in higher relief


The sculpture of the jamb figures at Chartres reflect the Gothic period’s great interest in



What are some of the subjects represented in the archivolts at Chartres?

(a) signs of the zodiac, (c) labors of the month and (d) Ancient Greek Philosophers


Where is the “Beau Dieu” represented at Chartres?

Trumeau on the South Portal


To trace the development in the Gothic representation of the human figure, put the jambs at Chartres in their correct relative chronological order:

Biblical Kings and Queens, Abraham and Isaac, Annunciation & Visitation


What changes do we see in the later jamb figures at Chartres compared to the earlier ones?

All of the above: The figures are increasingly more independent from architecture, The latest figures interact with each other to create narrative scenes, Some of the later figures stand in an almost contrapposto-like pose, and the clothing/drapery becomes more Classicizing and flowing


Who or what is the “Beau Dieu”?

Christ as a gentle teacher


What are some of the classicizing features found in Gothic sculpture as seen at Chartres?

All of the above: Contrapposto-like stance, greater naturalism than in the Romanesque period, flowing clothing similar to the wet-drapery technique


It is possible to see differences in the Gothic representation of figures at Chartres because

The figures were carved at different times as the parts of the church were built


Subject matter found in the sculpture of Chartres Cathedral includes

all of the above: (a) saints, (b) Hebrew figures, (c) stories from the life of Christ, and (d) stories from the Hebrew Bible


Chartres was an important church in part because

(a) it housed a relic of Mary's blouse and (c) the Scholastics gathered there


A sign that Mary was becoming more important during the Gothic period than she was in earlier Christian belief is evident at Chartres in

events in which she was a major character are included in some of the tympana