Ch.5 HW (Q not sure about; wrong; hair and nails) Flashcards

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created 9 years ago by jsuntho2
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hair and nails Q#:



Why might soap that has an alkaline base not be healthy for some patients to use daily?

The base will neutralize the acid on the skin that retards the growth of bacteria.

The removal of the normal microbiota of skin will leave the person exposed to opportunistic pathogens.

The base will neutralize the acid on the skin that retards the growth of bacteria, and the removal of the normal microbiota of skin will leave the person exposed to opportunistic pathogens.

The base will cause damage to the epidermis if used daily.

The base will neutralize the acid on the skin that retards the growth of bacteria, and the removal of the normal microbiota of skin will leave the person exposed to opportunistic pathogens.


In general, skin cancer is least likely to develop in which of the following locations?




back of the hand


b/c hair protects from UV


Our skin helps us to regulate our body temperature by causing shivering. Is this statement true or false?


b/c Shivering is a muscular response that increases our body temperature when we are cold.


The function of the root hair plexus is to ________.

serve as a source for new epidermal cells for hair growth after the resting stage has passed

allow the hair to assist in touch sensation

cause apocrine gland secretion into the hair follicle

bind the hair root to the dermis

allow the hair to assist in touch sensation

b/c: they are hair follicle receptors


The major regions of a hair shaft include all of the following except ________.




external root sheath

external root sheath

b/c chief regions of hair are:




In alopecia, new hair growth stops because cell division is inhibited in the_________.

epithelialroot sheath


hair matrix

hair follicle receptor

hair matrix

Cell division in the hair matrix produces the cells that will form the hair fiber and the inner root sheath. The hair matrix epithelium is one of the fastest growing cell populations in the human body.

(MEM: Whoa, Keanu Reeves is in his 50's yet he's hardly balding; maybe he paid his way out from $ made in the matrix hhahahaha)


In a woman that has hirsutism, ________.

the keratin filaments in hair undergo cell division to thicken the hair

androgens stimulate vellus hair to become terminal hair

the cuticles in the visible portions of hair shafts undergo extensive cell division

none of the above

androgens stimulate vellus hair to become terminal hair

b/c incr. in adrogens= incr. in hair growth like that of men (vellus hair to terminal hair)

(MEM: her suit (hirsutism) makes her look like a man)


New portions of a nail are produced at the nail bed. Is this statement true or false?




Which of the following best explains the fact that eyebrows do NOT grow as long as the hair on the head?

The hair of the eyebrows does not have a cuticle, but the hair on the head does have a cuticle. T

he hair follicles of the eyebrows are active for only a few months before becoming inactive; the hair follicles in the scalp are active for years before becoming inactive.

The hair follicles of the eyebrows do not have a hair matrix; the hair follicles in the scalp do have a hair matrix.

The hair follicles of the eyebrows exhibit a resting phase, but the hair follicles in the scalp do not.

The hair follicles of the eyebrows are not responsive to androgens; hair follicles in the scalp are responsive to androgens.

The hair follicles of the eyebrows are active for only a few months before becoming inactive; the hair follicles in the scalp are active for years before becoming inactive.

b/c The hair follicles in the scalp remain active for up to ten years, while those of the eyebrow are only active for up to four months before becoming inactive.