Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist: A Positive Care Approach: Chapter 20 Genitourinary procedure definitions Flashcards

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created 9 years ago by fudgey65
updated 9 years ago by fudgey65
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Also called congenital nephroblastoma, what is the most common pediatric tumor of the abdomen that affects the kidney

Wilms’ Tumor Excision
Transverse skin incision
Class I: Clean


What is a total or subtotal removal of the kidney

A generous flank incision is used


What is the removal of the kidney, adrenal gland, perirenal fat, upper ureter, and Gerota’s fascia, en bloc

Radical nephrectomy
Typically abdominal incision


What is performed to obtain a specimen for biopsy, remove small cancers, remove calculi that have caused damage to the surrounding parenchymal tissue, or to treat a traumatic injury

Partial nephrectomy


If the pleural cavity is entered (intentionally or accidentally), what insertion becomes necessary

Chest tube insertion


What is performed for small malignancies, chronic obstructive disorders, benign tumors, or removal of a kidney to be used for transplant.

Simple nephrectomy (Open)- Subcostal flank incision
Laparoscopic Simple Nephrectomy
Class 1 clean


What are the three are common diseases that require a kidney transplant.

•Polycystic kidney disease (PKD)
•Diabetic nephropathy
•End-stage renal disease (ESRD)


In order, the best living donors are

Identical twins, parents, and siblings


What procedure provides an internal view of the structures

GU Endoscopy
Urinary tract endoscopy is commonly referred to as cystoscopy


What is excision the name of the procedure for excision of the calculus from the renal pelvis

Flank incision


What is performed to examine the urethra, bladder, ureteral orifices, and bladder neck; in the male the prostate is examined

Cystoscopy with Overview of TURBT
•Class I: Clean
•Class II: Clean-contaminated


What is removal of the bladder

Cystectomy/Ileal Conduit


In a male patient, what is the procedure called when the bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles and lymph nodes are removed

Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit—Male Patient
Abdominal incision
•Class I: Clean (bladder portion of procedure)
•Class II: Clean-contaminated (ileum and ureter portion of procedure)


What may be performed to assist a female patient with incontinence issues, by lifting the tissue around the urethra with a stitch and fastening it to the bone in front of the and to the tissue behind the abdominal wall

Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz [MMK] procedure
Pfannenstiel incision
•Class I: Clean


What elevates the base of the bladder by eliminating redundant and weakened vaginal tissue



What procedure may be recommended to women who have been unsuccessfully treated for stress urinary incontinence via surgical elevation and stabilization techniques

Suburethral Sling (Pubovaginal Sling)(Bladder sling)
Tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) is a polypropylene-meshed tape


What is a surgery used to treat urinary problems due to an enlarged prostate.

Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP)
Class II: Clean-contaminated or Class V: Unclassified


What is the removal of the prostate with the use of a robot

Laparoscopic Prostatectomy with Robot
•Wound Class I: Clean


What is performed to treat adenomas that are too large to be removed endoscopically or to remove malignancy

Suprapubic Prostatectomy
Pfannenstiel or vertical suprapubic incision
•Class II: Clean-contaminated


What allows for a focused release of high doses of radiotherapy as compared to external radiotherapy

Percutaneous Implantation of Radioactive Seeds in the Prostate Gland
•Class II: Clean-contaminated


What is is an abnormal accumulation of serous fluid around the testis contained within the tunical vaginalis, and the procedure to correct it

•A hydrocele
Hydrocelectomy - anterior scrotal incision
•Class I: Clean


What is a surgery to move an undescended (cryptorchid) testicle into the scrotum and permanently fix it there

Inguinal oblique incision
•Class I: Clean


What procedure involves the removal of the testicle and epididymis

Simple orchiectomy
Anterolateral scrotal incision
•Class I: Clean


What procedure is performed for testicular cancer, it involves the removal of the entire contents of the hemiscrotum, tunica vaginalis, and spermatic cord

Radical orchiectomy
Anterolateral scrotal incision
•Class I: Clean


What is the removal of the prepuce

Ventral or dorsal slit followed by a circumferential freehand cut
•Class II: Cleancontaminated


What is the congenital condition when the urethral opening occurs on the underside (ventral) of the penis, anywhere along the penile shaft, on the corona, or on the perineum of the male or in the vagina of the female, and the procedure to correct it

Hypospadias (Repair)


What is the procedure to repair the urethral opening when it occurs on the underside (ventral) of the penis

Hypospadias Repair (male patient)
Circumferential incision
•Class I: Clean


What is the developmental absence of the anterior wall of the urethra and opening of the urethra somewhere on the dorsum of the penis, and the procedure to correct it

Epispadias (Repair)
Circumferential incision


What are the three types of epispadias:

•Balanic: Urethral opening is on the dorsum of the glans
•Penile: Urethral opening is on the shaft of the penis
•Penopubic: Urethral opening is on the proximal ends of the penile shaft or in the penopubic area.


What is the treatment of male impotence

Insertion of Inflatable Penile Prosthesis
Midline incision (penile base into scrotum)
•Class I: Clean


What is performed for penile cancer, either a partial or total, when radiation or chemo is not working

Elliptical incision - base of penis
•Class II: Clean-contaminated