A&p ch 10 Flashcards

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created 9 years ago by Jokhmaiboi05
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Scissors demonstrate which type of lever?

A) a first-class lever
B) a second-class lever
C) a third-class lever
D) a fourth-class lever
Answer: A



A muscle that provides the major force for producing a specific movement is called ________.

A) a synergist
B) an agonist
C) an antagonist
D) a fixator
Answer: B



When the term biceps, triceps, or quadriceps forms part of a muscleʹs name, you can assume that

A) the muscle has two, three, or four origins, respectively

B) the muscle is able to change direction twice, three times, or four times faster than other
muscles, respectively

C) the muscle has two, three, or four functions, respectively

D) the muscle has two, three, or four insertions, respectively
Answer: A



The names of muscles often indicate the action of the muscle. When the term levator is part of
the descriptive term for a muscleʹs action, this means that ________.

A) the muscle flexes and rotates a region

B) the muscle is a fixator and stabilizes a bone or joint

C) the muscle elevates and/or adducts a region

D) the muscle functions as a synergist
Answer: C



The extensor carpi radialis brevis ________.

A) extends and abducts the wrist and is short

B) extends and adducts the wrist and has a small tendon

C) supinates the forearm and is a superficial muscle

D) extends the thumb and is a deep muscle
Answer: A



The muscles that are found at openings of the body are collectively called ________.

A) convergent muscles
B) circular muscles
C) parallel muscles
D) divergent muscles
Answer: B



Which of the following muscles is involved in crossing one leg over the other while in a sitting

A) the gastrocnemius
B) the sartorius
C) all of the hamstrings
D) the quadriceps femoris
Answer: B



Which of the following muscles inserts by the calcaneal tendon?

A) the semitendinosus
B) the sartorius
C) the tibialis anterior
D) the gastrocnemius
Answer: D



A muscle group that works with and assists the action of a prime mover is a(n) ________.

A) antagonist
B) fixator
C) synergist
D) protagonist
Answer: C



Which of the following is not a member of the hamstrings?

A) gracilis
B) semitendinosus
C) semimembranosus
D) biceps femoris
Answer: A



A nursing infant develops a powerful sucking muscle that adults also use for whistling called
the ________.

A) platysma
B) masseter
C) zygomaticus
D) buccinator
Answer: D



Spasms of this straplike muscle often result in wryneck or torticollis.

A) serratus anterior
B) zygomaticus
C) platysma
D) sternocleidomastoid
Answer: D



Which of these is not a way of classifying muscles?

A) muscle location
B) the type of muscle fibers
C) the type of action they cause
D) muscle shape
Answer: B



In flexing the forearm at the elbow, the ________.

A) biceps brachii acts as antagonist
B) triceps brachii acts as antagonist
C) brachioradialis acts as antagonist
D) coracobrachialis acts as antagonist
Answer: B



Orbicularis oris ________.

A) closes, purses, and protrudes the lips

B) pulls the lower lip down and back

C) draws the eyebrows together

D) allows blinking, squinting, and various other protective mechanisms for the eye
Answer: A



Which of the following muscles is most involved in abduction?

A) deltoid
B) subscapularis
C) teres major
D) latissimus dorsi
Answer: A



Which of the following muscles is a flexor of the thigh?

A) tibialis posterior
B) vastus lateralis
C) adductor magnus
D) gluteus maximus
Answer: C



Paralysis of which of the following would make an individual unable to flex the knee?

A) hamstring muscles
B) gluteal muscles
C) brachioradialis
D) soleus
Answer: A
