A&p ch 8 Flashcards

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created 9 years ago by Jokhmaiboi05
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1) A fibrous joint that is a peg-in-socket is called a ________ joint.

A) syndesmosis
B) suture
C) synchondrosis
D) gomphosis
Answer: D



2) The cruciate ligaments of the knee ________.

A) tend to run parallel to one another

B) are also called collateral ligaments

C) prevent hyperextension of the knee

D) assist in defining the range of motion of the leg
Answer: C



3) If a patient was suffering from bursitis, this condition would be designated as inflammation of
a(n) ________.

A) sesamoid bone found at a joint
B) cavity within a long bone
C) small sac containing fluid
D) articular cartilage
Answer: C



4) An immovable joint found only between skull bones is called a ________.

A) suture
B) condyle
C) cartilaginous joint
D) synovial joint
Answer: A



6) A joint united by dense fibrocartilaginous tissue that usually permits a slight degree of
movement is a ________.

A) suture
B) syndesmosis
C) symphysis
D) gomphosis
Answer: C



7) On the basis of structural classification, which joint is fibrous connective tissue?

A) symphysis
B) synchondrosis
C) pivot
D) syndesmosis
Answer: D



8) Connective tissue sacs lined with synovial membranes that act as cushions in places where
friction develops are called ________.

A) menisci
B) bursae
C) ligaments
D) tendons
Answer: B



9) Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are ________.

A) amphiarthroses
B) synarthroses
C) diarthroses
D) synovial joints
Answer: A



10) Which of these joint types affords uniaxial movement?

A) gliding
B) hinge
C) ball and socket
D) pivot
Answer: B



11) ________ are cartilaginous joints.

A) Syndesmoses
B) Sutures
C) Synchondroses
D) Gomphoses
Answer: C



12) The gliding motion of the wrist is accomplished because of the ________ joint.

A) hinge
B) plane
C) pivot
D) condyloid
Answer: B



14) Bending your head back until it hurts is an example of ________.

A) flexion
B) extension
C) hyperextension
D) circumduction
Answer: C



18) Fibrous joints are classified as ________.

A) pivot, hinge, and ball and socket
B) symphysis, sacroiliac, and articular
C) hinge, saddle, and ellipsoidal
D) sutures, syndesmoses, and gomphoses
Answer: D



19) In symphysis joints the articular surfaces of the bones are covered with ________.

A) hyaline cartilage
B) synovial membranes
C) fibrocartilage
D) tendon sheaths
Answer: A



22) Menisci refer to ________.

A) cavities lined with cartilage
B) small sacs containing synovial fluid
C) semilunar cartilage pads
D) tendon sheaths
Answer: C



24) When one is moving a limb away from the median plane of the body along the frontal plane, it
is called ________.

A) abduction
B) adduction
C) inversion
D) dorsiflexion
Answer: A



28) Compared to the shoulder, displacements of the hip joints are ________.

A) common due to the weight-bearing the hip endures

B) rare because of the ligament reinforcement

C) common in all people who are overweight

D) rare because the rotator cuff stabilizes the hip joint
Answer: B



34) When a ballerina points the toes, it is known as ________.

A) circumduction
B) plantar flexion
C) pronation
D) protraction
Answer: B
