A&P II Chapter 28 Flashcards

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created 10 years ago by Cody_Feazell
Quiz 1
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The epididymis is a _____ and it functions to _____.

tightly coiled tube on the outside of the testis; store immature sperm as they mature


The structure of a testis can be described as composed of

lobules that are filled with seminiferous tubules.
B) seminiferous tubules lined with germinal epithelium that produces sex cells.
C) seminiferous tubules that unite to form the rete testis, which joins the epididymis.
D) All of the above.


Which of the following terms is correctly defined?

Cryptorchidism is the failure of testes to descend into the scrotum.


Which of the following structures are unpaired?

prostate gland


Undifferentiated spermatogenic cells are called

Feedback: Spermatogonia are undifferentiated spermatogenic.


Sperm cells are stored primarily in the



The acrosome of a sperm cell contains

Feedback: The acrosome contains hyaluronidase for egg penetration.


Which of the following cells are diploid?

Feedback: Primary spermatocytes are diploid (46 chromosomes).


Final maturation of sperm cells occurs in the



Seminal vesicles produce

Feedback: Seminal vesicles produce fructose-rich fluid.


The normal number of spermatozoa per milliliter of semen is

75,000,000 to 400,000,000


During spermatogenesis, which of the following undergoes a meiotic division to produce haploid cells?

primary spermatocytes


The function of the cremaster muscle is to

Feedback: The function of the cremaster muscle is to elevate the testes during exposure to cold.


The form (stage) of developing male gamete located nearest to the basement membrane of a seminiferous tubule is the

Feedback: The form (stage) of developing male gamete located nearest to the basement membrane of a seminiferous tubule is the spermatogonium.


Leydig cells are located

Feedback: Leydig cells are interstitial cells in spaces between adjacent seminiferous tubules.


The immune system does NOT normally attack spermatogenic cells because

Feedback: The immune system does NOT normally attack spermatogenic cells because spermatogenic cells are protected by the blood-testis barrier.


The process of crossing-over, or recombination, of genes occurs during

meiosis I.


All of the following are part of the spermatic cord EXCEPT the

testicular artery.
B) lymphatic vessels.
C) ductus deferens.
D) ejaculatory duct.
Feedback: All of the following are part of the spermatic cord EXCEPT the ejaculatory d


The function of fructose in semen is to

provide an energy source for ATP production by sperm.


The seminal vesicles are located

Feedback: The seminal vesicles are located posterior and inferior to the urinary bladder, in front of the rectum.


Which of the following does NOT manufacture products that become part of semen?

Feedback: The penis does not manufacture product that are part of the semen.


The amount of testosterone in the blood is increased by

Feedback: The amount of testosterone in the blood is increased by LH causing the interstitial cells to release testosterone.


If the testes fail to descend, a male is infertile because sperm cell formation is prevented by

Feedback: Sperm cell formation would be prevented by the body's relatively high body temperature.


The hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sexual characteristics is

Feedback: Testosterone is responsible for developing and maintaining male secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair.


Male reproductive functions are controlled mainly by hormones from the hypothalamus,

Feedback: Male reproductive functions are controlled mainly by hormones from the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, and testes.


The interstitial cells of the testes produce

Feedback: Androgens are produced by the interstitial cells of the testes.


Testosterone is produced by

interstitial cells of the testes.


Maintenance of the male secondary sex characteristics is the direct responsibility of



A function of FSH in the male is to

Feedback: A function of FSH in the male is to increase spermatogenesis.


In the male, LH causes

Feedback: LH causes testosterone production.


The principal androgen is

Feedback: Testosterone is the principal androgen.


Egg cells are transported in the female reproductive tract by the ____, whereas sperm are transported in the male reproductive tract by the _____.

Feedback: Egg cells are transported in the female reproductive tract by the action of ciliated epithelium in the uterine tubes, whereas sperm are transported in the male reproductive tract by the movements of their tails.


Of the events listed below, the first step in oogenesis is a

primary oocyte divides to form a secondary oocyte and a first polar body.


Which of the following terms is/are correctly defined?

Feedback: Ovulation, vestibule, and orgasm are all correctly defined.


A Pap smear is used to detect the presence of abnormal cells in the



In females, what structure is located anterior to the vagina?

pubic symphysis


The tubular portion of the uterus that extends downward into the upper part of the vagina is the

Feedback: The cervix of the uterus extends downward into the vagina.


The female structure that is the homolog of the male penis is the

Feedback: The clitoris is made of erectile tissue.


The first meiotic division in oogenesis occurs

before ovulation.


The female structure that is homologous to the testis is the



The glycoprotein layer between the oocyte and the granulosa cells of an ovarian follicle is called the

Feedback: The zona pellucida is a gel-like layer between the oocyte and the granulose cells.


The uterus is located between the

Feedback: The uterus is located between the urinary bladder and the rectum.


The folds of the peritoneum attaching the uterus to either side of the pelvic cavity are called the

Feedback: The broad ligaments attach the uterus to either side of the pelvic cavity.


The epithelium of the vaginal mucosa is

Feedback: The epithelium of the vaginal mucosa is stratified squamous.


The female perineum

Feedback: The perineum is divided into two triangles, contains the external genitalia, and also may tear during childbirth.


The major hormonal changes that occur in the maternal body during pregnancy are

placental tissues secrete high amounts of estrogen and progesterone.


In the menstrual cycle, estrogen functions to _____, whereas progesterone functions to _____.

Feedback: In the menstrual cycle, estrogen functions to stimulate uterine wall development, whereas progesterone functions to stimulate the uterine lining to become more glandular.


The hormone commonly measured in a pregnancy test is

Feedback: The hormone commonly measured in a pregnancy test is HCG.


One of the more common causes of female infertility is failure of ovulation due to hyposecretion of hormones from the

anterior pituitary gland.


Women athletes sometimes experience disturbances in their menstrual cycles because of

Feedback: Women athletes sometimes experience disturbances in their menstrual cycles because of decreased secretion of GnRH.


During pregnancy

Feedback: During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone cause expansion of the ducts system and secretory units of the breasts, estrogen and progesterone stimulate development of milk-producing glands, and milk production is stimulated by the presence of prolactin.


The hormone oxytocin aids the birth process by stimulating

Feedback: The hormone oxytocin aids the birth process by stimulating uterine wall contractions.


The hormones mainly responsible for maintaining the uterine wall during the last 5-6 months of pregnancy are

Feedback: The hormones mainly responsible for maintaining the uterine wall during the last 5-6 months of pregnancy are placental estrogen and progesterone.


Menopausal females often experience unpleasant symptoms, such as "hot flashes," as a result of

a decrease in estrogen concentration.


During the menstrual cycle, LH is at its highest levels

Feedback: During the menstrual cycle, LH is at its highest levels just prior to ovulation.


During the menstrual cycle, progesterone would be at its highest levels

Feedback: During the menstrual cycle, progesterone would be at its highest levels late in the postovulatory phase.


During the menstrual cycle, the endometrium would be at its thickest

Feedback: During the menstrual cycle, the endometrium would be at its thickest late in the postovulatory phase.


During the menstrual cycle, progesterone is produced by

the corpus luteum.


The part of the female reproductive system that is shed during menstruation is the

Feedback: The part of the female reproductive system that is shed during menstruation is the endometrium.


The main function of progesterone during the menstrual cycle is to

Feedback: The main function of progesterone during the menstrual cycle is to thicken the endometrium.


If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum

Feedback: If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum degenerates into the corpus albicans.


Following ovulation, a human egg cell can survive and be fertilized for approximately

Feedback: Following ovulation, a human egg cell can survive and be fertilized for approximately 24 hours.


Just prior to ovulation, the anterior pituitary gland releases a relatively large quantity of

Feedback: Just prior to ovulation, the anterior pituitary gland releases a relatively large quantity of LH.


The hormone mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics is
