SCM - Chapter 5 Flashcards

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created 10 years ago by xtinenguyen
supply chain management - service and manufacturing operations
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​"Managing the entire organization so that it excels in all dimensions important to the​ customer, including product​ development, marketing and supply​ chain" is the definition of

total quality management


The American Society for Quality has a two part definition of quality. One perspective on quality is​ "a product or service free from​ deficiencies; the product performs as​ intended." This is the​ ____________ perspective on quality.



Which of the following statements regarding control charts is​ best?

control charts are used to distinguish whether the process is operating normally or requires attention


The standard that extends the benefits of quality management to all parties that are interested in or affected by a​ business's operations

ISO​ 9004:2009


Regardless of whether the traditional view of the total cost of quality or the zero defects view of the total cost of quality is​ taken,

as the defect level​ increases, the failure costs increase


__________ is the dimension of quality that addresses the additional characteristics of the product or service beyond the base operating features.



In the Dittenhoefer Fine China​ case, a worker found that the plates had around 2.4 microns of coating applied. Manufacturing was able to correct the problem and save these​ plates, but no one knew how many plates had been shipped before the problem was discovered.The plates that were already shipped before the problem was corrected resulted in which of the following type of quality​ costs?

external failure


Which of the following is a principle of TQM that assumes there will always be room for​ improvement, no matter how well an organization is​ doing?

continuous improvement


Which of the following is NOT one of the seven core ideas of​ TQM?

value perspective


In the Dittenhoefer fine china​ case, a worker set the polymer coating machine to 190 degrees to clean the machine and forgot to reset the temperature for production. Dittenhoefer destroyed the​ 2,400 defective plates prior to delivery to the customer.The destruction of​ 2,400 plates resulted in which of the following type of quality​ costs?

internal failure


Companies focused on improving quality hire Six Sigma Black Belts to work on identifying the root cause of problems and implementing solutions. Hiring Black Belts to keep defects from occurring to begin with results in which of the following type of quality​ costs?



The American Society for Quality has a two part definition of quality. One perspective on quality is​ "the characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs of the​ customer, also known as fitness for​ use." This is the​ ____________ perspective on quality.



The operations manager made sure that all processes were producing output exactly the way the design engineers had drawn it up. Which view of quality is in​evidence?

the conformance perspective


Chris plots a point on the control chart and notices that it lies just outside the upper control limit. Which of the following statements is​ best?

the process may actually be in control


The ISO 9000 family of standards focuses more on practices than outcomes.



Total quality management​ (TQM) and Six Sigma are​ equivalent, the latter is simply the latest name for the same set of techniques pioneered by W Edwards Deming.
