While working in a summer job in a museum, you encounter a drawer containing specimens with labels indicating that they belong to a new species of the genus Pseudonymous . The species has not yet been named, so you gather data from the specimens and write a formal description of the species, and give the species the name Pseudonymous neonominatus . You are engaging in...
Which grouping is a taxon?
genus, phylum, domain, (all of the above)
Which is the correct species name for humans?
Homo sapiens
If properly assembled, which taxon ought to be a clade?
class, supergroup, order (all the above)
Which tree is considered worst by the criterion of parsimony?
the one with the least steps (least arrows)
Molecular clocks are based on..
neutral mutations on the molecular level accumulate at an approximately constant rate in an evolutionary lineage
How does the phenomenon of horizontal gene transfer muddle the concept of monophyletic groups?
monophyletic groups are based on the concept that particular group of species descended from a common ancestor. When horizontal gene transfer occurs, not all of the genes in a species ere inherited from the common ancestors
Convergent evolution results in..
none of the above (synapomorphies, symplesiomorphies, molecular homologies, anatomical homologies )
During which eon did life emerge?
You use radiometric dating to test the rock layer that a fossil was found in to determine its age. You find that 150 mol of lead-207 are present alongside 10nmol of uranium-235. How old is the fossil?
approximately 2.84 billion years
What are stromatolites?
layered structures of cyanobacteria and calcium carbonate, both living and fossilzed
Which organism is most likely to end up in the fossil record?
a populous snail species found in coastal habitat
Which environmental factor has stayed approximately constant since the formation of earth?
none of the above (climate / temperature, atmospheric oxygen, position of continents)
What is the leading hypothesis for the origin of eukaryotes?
endocytosis in which an archer engulfed an retained a bacterium, ultimately resulting in endosymbiosis and modern eukaryotes
Prior to the current position of the continents, most land was position in such a manner that two supercontinents existed, these were known as...
Laurasian and Gondwana
Use the following data to answer the questions below: in a population of four–o’clock plants, you count 20 red–flowered individuals (homozygous for the red flower allele), 360 pink– flowered individuals (heterozygotes) and 1620 white–flowered individuals (homozygous for the white–flower allele).
What is the allele frequency of the white flower allele?
Use the following data to answer the questions below: in a population of four–o’clock plants, you count 20 red–flowered individuals (homozygous for the red flower allele), 360 pink– flowered individuals (heterozygotes) and 1620 white–flowered individuals (homozygous for the white–flower allele).
What should the genotype frequency of the red-flowered individuals in the population be, if the population is in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium?
Use the following data to answer the questions below: in a population of four–o’clock plants, you count 20 red–flowered individuals (homozygous for the red flower allele), 360 pink– flowered individuals (heterozygotes) and 1620 white–flowered individuals (homozygous for the white–flower allele).
How many red-flowered individuals should the population have, if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium?

Which condition of the hardy-weinberg equilibrium model is being violated?
None. (natural sel. is occuring, genetic drift is occuring, mating is nonrandom)
- Life is thought to have originated in four overlapping stages.
What is the correct sequence of these stages?
- Polymerization into larger molecules.
- Polymers enclosed in membranes acquired cellular properties.
- Polymers became enclosed in membranes.
- Prebiotic production of nucleotides and amino acids.
4, 1, 3, 2
Which macromolecule has been proposed to be the first to be found in protobionts due to its ability to store information, catalyze chemical reactions, and potential for self-replication?
Miller & Urey's experiments, involving a combination of CH4, H2O, H2, and NH3, and electrical charges, were a test of which hypothesis for the formation of organic molecules on the early earth?
reducing atmosphere hypothesis
What is true of a fossil that is classified as a "transitional form" ?
it has some of the traits of its ancestors an some of the traits of its descendants
An important message from the work of Malthus that influenced Charles Darwin was..
only a fraction of any population will survive and reproduce
what scenario best illustrates the process of natural selection?
a population of mosquitoes develops resistance to a pesticide
Genes encoding the alpha polypeptide chains and the gamma polypeptide chain of the blood protein hemoglobin are derived from a common gene ancestor and both proteins occur in humans (Homo sapiens) as well as chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). The sequence similarity between the alpha chain gene and the gamma chain gene would best be described as __________, while the sequence similarity of each gene in comparison between humans and chimpanzees would be best described as _____________.
paralogous ; orthologous
What mechanism leads to changes in allele frequencies due to random sampling bias?
genetic drift
which phenomenon tends to increase genetic variation in a population, while also tending to decrease the genetic variation among populations?
gene flow
Under the ___________, species are identified based on their unique habitat requirements
ecological species concept
Which scenario is likely to result in sympatric divergence ?
All of the above scenarios
which of the following situations would be most likely to produce a new species?
A group of polyploid individuals arises by an abnormal mitosis. The polyploids can only produce viable offspring by mating with each other.
A population of mountain goats are split because of the formation of a glacier. After 500 years, the glacier melts and the 2 goat populations are free to move between the 2 areas. Under what conditions might a hybrid zone occur?
reproductive isolation is incomplete
How would you best explain the correlation between an increase in Hox genes and an increase in animal body complexity?
An increase in the number of Hox genes allows for greater specialization in different body regions.
The idea that most of the genetic variation found in populations is not subject to natural selection is the basis of:
the neutral theory of evolution
When a species consisting of a single large population slowly evolves over many generations into a single new species, this an example of
A group which includes a common ancestor and all of the species that were derived from it would be called a...
Can two different species that are members of the same clade have more than one common ancestor? Choose the MOST correct answer and explanation.
Yes. Although two species in the same clade have only one most recent common ancestor, they also have a number of older common ancestors that occurred earlier in their evolutionary history.
The early Earth atmosphere is thought to have lacked which of the following gases?
Protobionts are thought to be the first nonliving structures that evolved into living cells. A critical characteristic of a protobiont that is found in both modern day prokaryotes and eukaryotes is
a boundary membrane that separates external from internal environments
chemical selection occurs...
when a chemical within a mixture has increased compared to other chemicals in the picture due to a unique property
The phenomenon in which one region of the body grows faster than another among different species is called...
An important shift in thought that preceded Darwin’s development of evolutionary theory was...
the increased acceptance of evidence of uniformitarianism in the field of geology
which population is least likely to experience adaptation?
organisms which reproduce by asexual reproduction and have low DNA replication error rates
Which eon preceded organisms?
Which grouping is most inclusive?
Which period did not end coincident with a major mass extinction event?
In comparing the development of the unwebbed foot of the chicken and webbed foot of a duck, what differences are there in the expression of BMP4 and gremlin?
environmental changes can lead to the modification of traits
Which is not a cellular form found in eukaryotes?
All of the above (unicellular, colonial, filamentous, multicellularity)
which domain contains the organism which resulted in chloroplasts?
which phylum contains the organism which resulted in mitochondria ?
why is "protista" no longer considered a valid taxon?
that grouping of organisms is paraphyletic
what is the function of a heterocyte?
nitrogen fixation
which is true regarding ester bonds in phospholipids?
ester bonds are a character common to both Bacteria and Eukarya
what is the significance of ether bonds in phospholipids?
help Archaea to resist extreme environments
which character is common to bacteria and eukarya?
ester linkages
what is the term for thin, thread-like, flexible spiral shaped bacterial cells?
A bacterium which is pink following a correctly performed Gram-staining procedure is..
Gram-negative and has a thin layer of peptidoglycan
bacteria which can grow in the presence or absence of oxygen are called
aerotolerant anaerobes or facultative anaerobes
which supergroup includes members which have a feeding groove in cell surface?
which supergroup includes members which have hairy flagella?
a plastid with 4 membranes suggests that it originated by ..
tertiary endosymbiosis
Gametophytes produce..
gametes by mitosis
which is not a common feature of archaea and eukarya?
no answer ; histone, ribosomal proteins, DNA polymerases, RNA polymerases are all common features
You perform a Gram stain on isolates taken from several patients. Which isolate do you recommend be treated using penicillin?
Gram-positve bacillus
which group has members involved in nitrogen fixation?
cyanobacteria and proteobacteria
cyanobacteria have which type of nutrition?
which is not one of Koch's postulates?
DNA sequence of the isolate must be deposited in GenBank as a reference sample
Which supergroup includes members which have saclike membranous vesicles under the cell membrane?
which supergroup includes members which typically have filose pseudopodia?
none (excavata, opisthokonta, alveolata, stramenopila)
the clade that includes only the land plants and their closest green algal relative is ..
which phylum has double fertilization?
which character is not an adaptation to life on land of all land plants ?
none of the above
in which phylum is the sporophyte generation dominant ?
which phylum has seeds?
none (hepatophyta, anthocerophyta, lycophyta, pteridophyta)
which whorl and flower structures are not correctly matched?
androceium - carpels / pistils
Which is a symplesiomorphy (shared primitive character) of Kingdom Plantae?
which is diploid?
which is not a character adapted for dispersal ?
all of the above (seeds, spores, pollen, fruits)
if you view a rose bush without flowers, you are seeing the..
in which phylum would you expect to find vascular tissue?
which mechanism does not increase genetic diversity?
which phylum would you be least likely to encounter during your live-action role playing of Lawrence of Arabian in the Arabian Desert?
Which phylum’s members contributed to global cooling resulting in a reduction of its own suitable habitat and species numbers and permitting the rise of species groups better suited to a drier habitat and climate, thereby ending the Carboniferous period?
plants permitted which of the following ?
development of soil, and colonization of land by animals
which is a symplesiomorphy of the seed-bearing plant?
vascular tissue
which phylum of spermatophytes is the most diverse in terms of number of existing species?
which group of gymnosperms is the most diverse in terms of number of existing species?
If you see a plant with six petals, six stamens and three carpels, what other characters would you expect to observe on the plant?
one cotyledon
which class of secondary plant compounds contributes to preventing UV damage?
which class of secondary plant compounds contributes to preventing damage from animal herbivory by affecting the nervous system of animals ?
clusters of flowers are known as..
the pollen-receptive structure of a flower is the ..
which group co-evolved and diversified in conjunction with land plants?
fungi, insects, vertebrates (all of the above)
which group is least diverse in extant species?
the alternation of generations seen in plants is also known as a
sporic life cycle
you obtain spores from a fern and plant them where they can germinate and grow into a ..
Movement by alternating contractions of longitudinal and circular muscles against the antagonistic action of a coelom acting as a hydrostatic skeleton is typical of...
Spiral cleavage would be expected to be observed in..
rotifera, bryozoa, arthropoda (all of the above)
which pair of clades and synapomorphies are mismatched?
none of the above
tagmatization is observed in ...
Metamerism is observed in...
Arthropoda and annelida
which clade has flagella but lacks cell walls?
what is characteristic of the AM fungi ?
endomycorrhizal mutualistic symbiotic relationships with plants
Sexual reproduction in fungi may include a delay between karyogamy and plasmogamy, during which time fungal cells are...
which taxon is acoelomate?
which pair is most closely related?
Arthropoda and Nematoda
what characteristic would not be likely associated with the Bilateria?
Which character would likely appear earliest in the evolution of the Bilateria?
Which set of characters are likely to be observed in Polyplacophora?
determinate development and spiral cleavage
for which clade is the mushroom the typical fruiting body?
which clade is implicated in the worldwide decline in amphibian populations?
which clade is least likely to experience nitrogen limitation?
which clades share most recent common ancestry?
echinodermata and chordata
which is not a synapomorphy of Vertebrata?
no answer (hollow nerve cord, notochord, arch & slits, radial cleavage are all symplesiomorphies)
For which taxon is the water vascular system a synapomorphy?
which clade does not exhibit tagmatization?
a hydrostatic skeleton is present in...
nematoda and annelida
which is a synapomorphy of phylum mollusca?
which is a member of the Lophotrochozoa?
which is the sister group to Metazoa?
Which is not characteristic of animalia?
muticellularity, extracellular matrix, and chemoheterotrophy are all characteristics of animalia
which share most recent common ancestry?
rotifera and platyhelminthes
in which group would you expect to find mesoderm?
A pseudocoelom and presence of longitudinal muscles with locomotion by sinusoidal thrashing is typical of...
which supergroup is fungi classified as?
none of the above
Gas exchange is accomplished by simple diffusion across the body wall in...
an eye anatomically analogous to the vertebrate eye evolved in..
which is a member of Ammniota?
none of the above
which is a symplesiomorphy of chordata?
radial cleavage
which is a member of the clade tetrapods?
which is not a member of the amniota?
a 4-chambered heart is seen in..
mammalia, crocodilia, aves (all of the above)
which is not an adaptation to life on land?
buccal pumping
in which taxon would ommatidia be observed?
which is not a characteristic of Ctenophora?
which pair of terms is mismatched?
asexual reproduction -- heterokaryotic
The comparison between Parazoa and Eumetazoa is best described by which of the following statements?
The various kinds of cells of Parazoa do not form permanent associations into tissues or organs whereas Eumetazoa possess true, stable tissues.
which ecological role/life history strategy is not observed among the fungi ?
primary producer
Traditional phylogenies based on morphology and modern phylogenies based on molecular data disagree on the phylogenetic informational value of which character for determining relationships among animal phyla?
acoelomate/ pseudocoelomate/ coelomate condition
If you conducted an experiment in which you took a complete animal and strained it through a fine-mesh cloth so that all its cells separated, then you placed all the cells together and they reunited to form a new animal, to which phylum would that animal likely belong? (This was an actual experiment.)
Phylum Porifera
Which character of Phylum Porifera is suggestive of evidence for relatedness with the protists thought to share most recent common ancestry with Animalia?
which group does not include phylum nematoda?
In which taxon is the absence of cephalization in adults a secondarily derived characteristic?
Which vertebrate group would you expect to possess a full set of pharyngeal arches in the adult stage?
which pair of clades has most recent common ancestry ?
Fungi & Nuclearia
which clade does not include phylum Chordata?
no answer (deuterostomia, metazoa, opisthokonta, eumetazoa all include chordata )
If two morphologically dissimilar organisms share a large proportion of similar genomic DNA, it suggests which of the following conclusions?
The two taxa are more closely related than previous conclusions based on morphology.
On average, which type of interaction would you expect to be relatively long in duration and to have high lethality?
On average, which type of interaction would you expect to be short in duration and to have low lethality?
what is the most common life strategy?
The type of species interaction between two species where one is positively affected and the other is not affected is referred to as an...
The situation in which two noxious species evolve to closely resemble each other is...
Mullerian mimicry
"Lekking” is associated with which type of mating system?
what is adiabatic cooling ?
Increasing elevation leads to a decrease in air pressure and cooling of air.
patterns of species change and succession are one focus of
community ecology
The biome one would expect to find with with rainfall typically 250-450 cm per year and with temperatures averaging approximately 20-30°C is...
tropical rainforest
The immediate causes of/ explanations for behaviors, such as increases in production of testosterone causing increases in aggression, are called __________ causes.
Lions in east African safari parks learn to ignore the presence of safari vehicles. This form of learning is
Pavlov’s experiments with ringing a bell while feeding dogs, resulting in the dogs salivating at the ringing of the bell, even in the absence of food, is an example of...
classical conditioning
Modifications of previous behavior based on experience represent
The mate–guarding hypothesis is an explanation for...
Optimal foraging as a form of efficient behavior would ultimately be favored by
natural selection
Airborne chemicals used to attract mates are called...
Sexual dimorphism in body size where females are larger than males is expected in...
The coefficient of relatedness of a human (Homo sapiens) to a grandparent is...
Lakes with elevated dissolved nutrients and low water clarity are called ______.
In which of the following regions would you expect to find temperate forests?
45–55°N and 45–55°S
According to Hamilton’s rule (C<rB), a person should die to save the life of
more than 8 first cousins
You are conducting a mark–recapture study to estimate the population size of the Mexican staring frog of Southern Sri Lanka (Bufo mexicana–asiatica). If the number of individuals marked in a first catch = 50, the number of marked recaptures in a second catch = 10, and the total number of individuals in the second catch = 70, what is the estimated total population size?
What is the value of I0?
What is the value of n4 ?
what is the value of d0 ?
The population described by the life table has what type of survivorship curve?
type II
Parasitism is often a ____________ factor affecting populations.
Inclement weather events are often a ____________ factor affecting populations.
Competition is often a ____________ factor affecting populations.
Growth slows down when populations reach carrying capacity because of
competition and resource limitation
Which model of population growth includes the effect of density–dependent resource limitation?
dN/dt = rN [(K–N)/K]
Pine trees shed many needles, which release tannins/ tannic acid into the soil, reducing its suitability for many plant species to grow there, resulting in...
Many leguminous plant species are r–selected and good early colonists of disturbed areas. Additionally, legumes form mutualistic symbiotic relationships with the nitrogen–fixing bacteria Rhizobium. Which model of community succession would you expect to be associated with initial colonization by legumes?
Which of these types of islands is predicted to have the intermediate equilibrium species richness under the MacArthur – Wilson Equilibrium Theory of Island Biogeography?
small island near mainland and large island far from mainland
Three forested swamps were inventoried for tree species. Trees were identified and counted along a randomly–placed line transect until a sample size of 100 trees was reached. Use the data in the table above to determine which statement(s) are false.
community A has the greatest species richness of all the communities
Using the data in the table above, what is the Shannon diversity index value for Community A?
Using the data in the table above, what is the species richness for Community A?
Using the data in the table above, what is the Jost–transformed Shannon diversity index value for Community A?
Which chemical is not present in the atmosphere in gaseous phase?
Which part of the nitrogen cycle involves the process of reducing nitrogen from nitrate (NO3-) to molecular nitrogen (N2)?
Given a population size of 500 individuals and a net reproductive rate of 1.2, the population size in the next generation should be...
Given a population size of 500 individuals and a per capita rate of increase of 1.2, the change in the population size in the next generation should be...
Given a population size of 500 individuals and a per capita rate of increase of 1.2, the population size in the next generation should be...
Given a population size of 500 individuals, a per capita rate of increase of 1.2 and a carrying capacity of 1000, the change in population size in the next generation should be...
Which statement regarding biogeochemical cycling is false?
phosphorus availability is largely dependent on biological processes
Which explanation explains all observed patterns of species richness?
none of the above; there is no single universal explanation for observed patterns of species richness
The type of species interaction between two species where is negatively affected and the other is seemingly not affected by the interaction is referred to as an...
- The type of species interaction between two species where neither is affected, either to their respective benefit or detriment, is referred to as an...
Robert MacArthur studied different species of songbirds and found that they did not compete strongly, despite living in the same tree canopies, because they specialized on different areas of the canopy, a phenomenon known as...
resource partitioning
in an experiment using Paramecium , cause found if p. caudatum population was driven to extinction
competitive exclusion principle