Chapter 8 The United States of North America, 1787-1800 Flashcards

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The Mingo Creek settlers were protesting:

E) An internal consumption tax on whiskey.


Which of the following is NOT true of the Mingo Creek issue? A) Poor farmers and squatters versus land speculators B)Government failure to defeat the Indians C)Mingo Creek Democratic Society, a Jeffersonian pro-French Group D)Washington's supporting the rebels E)The Mingo Creek protesters supported the French Revolution

D)Washington's supporting the rebels


Which of the following was NOT an outcome of the Mingo Creek protest?

A)Federal power prevailed over community. B) Whiskey Rebellion leaders were executed. C)Washington warned against an excessive "localism" D)Widespread resistance continued E)No substantial revenue was collected

B) Whiskey Rebellion leaders were executed.


The "nationalists," who pressed for a strengthened union of the states in the aftermath of the American Revolution were LEAST likely to be:

A) Creditors B) Merchants C) Conservatives D) The elites of society E) Small farmers

E) small farmers


The delegates who were in Philadelphia in 1787 included all of the following EXCEPT

A)Slave owners B)Revolutionary War officers C)Craftsmen and artisans D)Land speculators E)Veterans

C)Craftsmen and artisans


What would be formed under the provisions of the Virginia Plan?

B) A bicameral legislature would be organized according to state population.


Approval of the Great Compromise at Philadelphia constitutional convention guaranteed:

E) Representation based on population in the House and by state in the Senate.


In the ratification debate, a Federalist would have agreed with which of the following statements:

C)A strong national government is less susceptible to control by single faction intent on limiting the rights of others.


It is clear that the most important influence on popular voting for state delegates for the state ratification conventions of the Constitution was:

E) One's position on economic issues debated since the Revolution.


The first amendments were quickly added to the newly ratified Constitution to:

D)Reassure those who feared the power of the national government to restrict citizen's rights.


The delegates to the Federal Convention decided that the president should be elected in order to:

E)Preserve the power of the president versus the power of Congress.


The MOST important piece of legislation passed by the first session of Congress was the:

A)Coercive Act of 1789

B)Report on the Public Credit 1790

C)Bill moving the federal capital to Washington DC

D) Judiciary Act of 1789

E) Alien and Sedition Acts

D) Judiciary Act of 1789


In Ware v. Hylton and Hylton v. U.S., the Supreme Court handed down decisions that:

Upheld the power of the Supreme Court and national congress


In his first "Report on the Public Credit," Alexander Hamilton proposed:

E)That the federal government assume remaining state Revolutionary War debts


Under the impact of the Hamilton economic program:

The health of the United States' economy improved significantly.


The debate in Washington's administration over whether the United States should suspend the alliance it had signed with the French in 1778 reflected basic disagreement over

A) The United States' role in international affairs and the nation's economic future.


Reactions to this French ambassador's actions in the United States actually reflected a way of expressing opposition to the Washington administration as well as the larger issue of defining the international policies of the new United States.

E)"Citizen" Edmond Genet


The Intercourse Act of 1790 established the precedent in relations between the United States government and the Indian tribes of

D) Using treaties to establish and maintain relations between the two.


Which of the following was NOT part of the growth and reassertion of Spain in North America up to the 1780's?

A)Acquiring French claims to Lousiana

B)Expansion into California

C) Seizing the Gulf Coast during the American Revolution

D)Building forts on the Great Lakes

E)Liberal reforms to bolster the economy of its American holdings

D)Building forts on the Great Lakes


The significance of British construction of Fort Miami was that it was:

A)Well within American territory in the 1783 Treaty


Which one of the following was NOT a frustration that prompted Westeners to challenge the national government's legal authority in 1794?

A) Activity of land speculation companies in the West.

B)The government's inability to keep the British out of the northern fur trade

C)The government's inability to subdue the Indians

D)Passage of a federal excise tax on whiskey

E)The government failure to arrange unencumbered use of the Mississippi River

A) Activity of land speculation companies in the West.


Which of the following has the LEAST in common with the other four?

A)Battle of Fallen Timbers

B)Treaty of Greenville

C)Little Turtle

D)Anthony Wayne

E)Arthur St. Clair

E)Arthur St. Clair


Washington established the precedent of executive privilege when he refused to:

B)Allow House members to review the diplomatic correspondence related to the signing of Jay's Treaty


Which of the following was NOT a provision of Jay's Treaty?

A)Assignment of most-favored nation status to both nations in trade matters

B)Compensation for runaway slaves who fought with the British

C)British withdrawal from American soil by 1796

D)Limited American trade with the British East and West Indies

E)The signing of an alliance between the United States and Great Britain

E)The signing of an alliance between the United States and Great Britain


Pinckney's Treaty helped resolve the debate over Jay's Treaty by:

B) Opening the Mississippi to American shipping


Which one of the following was NOT opposed by Washington in his farewell address?

A)Sectional loyalty

B)American disinterest in Europe

C)Political ties to England

D)American economic ties to England

E)Party politics

B)American disinterest in Europe


The irony of both Madison's and Hamilton's views on factions is that they

E)Did the most to organize and solidify factions


Political supporters of Thomas Jefferson used the name Democratic Republicans to emphasize that the Federalists were

B) Pro-monarchy


Although faced with with a vice-president loyal to the opposition party and a cabinet that still consulted the retired Alexander Hamilton, John Adam's presidency benefited from

The impact of the XYZ Affair on Americans


Passage of the Naturalization Act, the Alien Act, the Alien Enemies Act, and the Sedition Act by Federalists in 1798 reflected their primary intent to

D) Defeat the Republican opposition in Congress


A response to the problem that emerged in the election of 1800, the Twentieth Amendment

A) Created separate ballots for president and vice president


The Revolution of 1800 included this transformation in political participation:

C) Universal white manhood suffrage was passed in four states


Who of the following has LEAST in common with the other three?

A)Benjamin West

B)John Singleton Copley

C)Charles Willson Peale

D)John Trumbull

E)Philip Freneau

E)Philip Freneau


The paintings of Charles Willson Peale and John Trumbull dealt with

E)American nationalists scenes


Relative to population, the United States had more of these than any other country



Writers like Mercy Otis Warren wrote:

A)Political works supporting the Anti-Federalists


The most important best-selling author of the American Revolutionary era was

A)Thomas Paine


Susanna Haswell Rowson's book, Charlotte Temple, illustrated

B)The rise in demand for books appealing to women


Which of the following populations is NOT correctly matched to the area?


B)Spanish North America/25,000

C)Indian peoples/1000,000

D)United States/5.3 million

E)All are mismatched

C)Indian peoples/1000,000


To the residents of Mingo Creek, George Washington was

A)A symbol of a new and strong federal government


In dealing with the Mingo wisky rebels, President Washington

C)Sent an army as large as he had commanded in the Revolution


Which of the following was NOT an issue raised by Mingo rebels?

A)Extent of federal government's authority

B)Place of the West in politics

C)Meaning of the Revolution

D)Issue of continuing slavery

E)The security of the western frontier

D)Issue of continuing slavery


The power of John Adams as president was undercut by:

E) The continuing loyalty of his cabinet to Alexander Hamilton


Which one of the following groups was LEAST likely to be nationalist?



C)Continental Army officers





Which one of the following groups was the LEAST likely to be a leader or delegate to the Constitutional Convention?

A)College graduates

B)Artisans and Farmers


D)Plantation and slave owners

E)Veteran officers of the American revolution

B)Artisans and Farmers


The Virginia Plan was to the larger states with nationalist aims as the _____Plan was to the smaller states.



C)Rhode Island


E)New Jersey

E)New Jersey


One of the compromises at the Convention was over the slave population and was settled by the "three-fifths" rule. This meant :

D)Five slaves equaled three freemen in population representation


Which one of the following was NOT an author of The Federalist?

A)Thomas Jefferson

B)James Madison

C)Alexander hamilton

D)John Jay

A)Thomas Jefferson


The Federalist was a series of essays designed to win support for:

B) The ratification of the Constitution


Which of the following is the RESULT of the others?

A)Writing of the Federalist essays

B)Ratification of the Constitution

C)Promise of a Bill of Rights

D)Annapolis Convention

E)The support of commercial interests

B)Ratification of the Constitution


Ratified in 1798, the Eleventh Amendment to the Constitution:

A)Declared that no state could be sued by citizens of another state


The placement of the national capital on the boundaries of Virginia and Maryland came about in a compromise to obtain enough votes to:

E)Pass Hamilton's Assumption Plan


To defend his National Bank's constitutionality, Hamilton proposed this argument:

E) Loose construction


When Edmond Genet came to enlist American aid for France, he was most likely to get support from this group:



The Intercourse Act of 1790 was an attempt to solve problems in trade with:

C)Indian tribes


As a result of reaction to the XYZ Affair Americans

E) Increased the size of the army


The Virginia and Kentucky Resolves were an attempt to counter the Alien and Sedition Acts by defending

A) The rights of the states


Which one of the following was NOT a Jeffersonian concept?

D)An industrially-based national economy


One of the basic values of the Federalists that can be inferred from their support of the Constitution was that they wanted:

A) A strong central government


Which one of the following gives the correct sequence of events?

A)Mint Act, First Bank of U.S., First census

B)XYZ, Citizen Genet, French Revolution begins

C) Sedition Act, Indian Intercourse Act, Judiciary Act

D) Whiskey Rebellion, Bank of U.S., Fries Rebellion

E)Annapolis Convention, Constitutional Convention, Bill of Right

E)Annapolis Convention, Constitutional Convention, Bill of Right


In 1789, Pres. Washington was inaugurated in:

E) New York City


The Whiskey Rebellion, the Battle of Fallen Timbers and the Jay Treaty all occurred in:



In 1798, Americans became involved in a "Quasi-War" with:

E) France


The Anti-federalists opposed to ratification of the Constitution were most likely to be found in:

C) Remote and Backcountry sections


During the 1770's, Americans most prominently settled in new territories located in:

C) The Backcountry


Which river had LEAST westward settlement by 1790?

A) Tennessee

B) Mississippi

C) Savannah

D) Ohio

E) St. Lawrence

E) St. Lawrence


By 1800, these two new states were added as a result of American settlement patterns:

B) Kentucky and Tennessee


As a result of Pinckney's Treaty, the Spanish

E) Accepted the Mississippi River and 31st parallel as borders


The provisions of Pickney's Treaty that related to the Mississippi River were of great importance because:

A) The river provided a transportation route for western agricultural products through New Orleans to vastly expand markets.


Federalist strength in the election of 1800 was greatest in:

E) New England


Issues that figured prominently in the 1800 election campaign included all of the following except:

A) religion

B) the slave trade

C) the French Revolution

D) public order

E) sectionalism

B) the slave trade


Which of the following was the result of the other four?

A) Kentucky and Virginia Resolves

B) "Quasi-War" with France

C) Alien and Sedition Acts

D) XYZ Affair

E) abuse of power by the federalists

A) Kentucky and Virginia Resolves


This event occurred the same year that Washington was inaugurated as president:

C) Beginning of the French Revolution


Lists the events in chronological order?

A) Jay's Treaty

B) Battle of Fallen Timbers

C) Indian Intercourse Act

D) Pinckney's Treaty

Battle of Falling Timbers, Indian Intercourse Act, Jay's Treaty, Pickney's Treaty


The Federalist was published in:



Federalist majorities tended to be in coastal areas because these were more:

C) commercial


The line of settlement in the Backcountry mainly followed the:

Ohio River


The Old Southwest claimed by the Spanish before 1795 covered areas that were mainly the future states of:

Alabama and Mississippi


These states and/or areas were the stronghold of the Federalists in the 1800 election.

New England, the middle coast and territories