Patient Care in Imaging Technology: Chapter 2 Patient Assessment and Communication - Test Flashcards

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created 11 years ago by Annabelle
updated 11 years ago by Annabelle
sonography, medical, allied health services, radiological & ultrasound technology
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All persons have basic needs that must be met. Match the situations listed below with the that is not being satisfied:
A patient is waiting alone on a gurney in a corridor. Everyone rushes by without offering explanations or communicating.

A) Physiological need
B) Safety and security
C) Love & belonging need
D) self-esteem need
E) self-actualization

C) Love & belonging need


All persons have basic needs that must be met. Match the situations listed below with the that is not being satisfied:
A middle-aged patient who is having a lower gastrointestinal (GI) series has an involuntary evacuation of the barium on the examination table.

A) Physiological need
B) Safety and security
C) Love & belonging need
D) self-esteem need
E) self-actualization

D) self-esteem need


All persons have basic needs that must be met. Match the situations listed below with the that is not being satisfied:
For this imaging procedure, no food was allowed after dinner the previous evening. The examination is scheduled for 8 a.m.; however, it is now 11 a.m. and the patient is still waiting for care.

A) Physiological need
B) Safety and security
C) Love & belonging need
D) self-esteem need
E) self-actualization

A) Physiological need


All persons have basic needs that must be met. Match the situations listed below with the that is not being satisfied:
A young mother is studying music in her leisure time.

A) Physiological need
B) Safety and security
C) Love & belonging need
D) self-esteem need
E) self-actualization

E) self-actualization


All persons have basic needs that must be met. Match the situations listed below with the that is not being satisfied:
A child is taken from her parents into the imaging department for examination. The parents are told to wait outside.

A) Physiological need
B) Safety and security
C) Love & belonging need
D) self-esteem need
E) self-actualization

B) Safety and security


Define critical thinking

critical thinking - Assessing one's thinking in order to make it clearer, more accurate, or more defensible


List and define the modes of thinking.

Recall - To remember or to bring back to mind
Habit - Customary performance or practice
Inquiry - To put to question; to examine
Creativity - The power to invent something new or original


An elderly woman loses her spouse of 40 years. Shortly after his death, she becomes ill and requires a surgical procedure. One might consider that her illness might be related to:

A) Relief
B) Fear
C) Stress
D) Hope

C) Stress


The student radiographer is preparing for an anatomy examination. He is certain that the instructor will ask him to identify the bones of the skull. What type of answer will this question demand?

A) Synthesis
B) Analysis
C) Recall
D) Inquiry
E) Creativiety

C) Recall


Learning the profession of radiologic technology requires ______________, ______________, and ______________ skills.

Learning the profession of radiologic technology requires critical thinking, problem solving, and therapeutic communication skills.


A return demonstration of an imaging examination by the radiologic technology student requires:

A) Synthesis
B) Inquiry
C) Effective skill
D) Psycho-motor skill

D) Psycho-motor skill


A radiologic technologist who has been working in his profession for a number of years is assigned to perform an imaging examination that he has performed many times. The modes of thinking that will take precedence in this instance will be:

A) Habit
B) Recall
C) Inquiry
D) Creativity

A) Habit


How a patient feels about his health care experience is strongly related to:

A) The expense of the procedure
B) The time of the visit
C) The knowledge level of the health care worker
D) The communication skills of the health care worker caring for him
E) The diagnosis

D) The communication skills of the health care worker caring for him


Sadie South has just been informed that she has been accepted into the radiologic technology program at Utopia University. She is very pleased about this, but she begins to worry about her ability to succeed in the program. She is concerned about her manner of speaking, her ability to help others, and her appearance. One might say that Ms. South has:

A) Low self-esteem
B) An identity crisis
C) Depression
D) A grief reaction
E) Poor critical thinking skill

A) Low self-esteem


List the requirements of the problem-solving process.

Data collection
Data Analysis


Mr. Ritch enters the imaging department for an examination. He informs the radiographer that he is having severe back pain and is short of breath. This data would be listed as:

A) Objective data
B) Acceptance
C) Validating
D) Subjective data
E) Irrelevant to the problem

A) Objective data


When setting a goal for accomplishing an assignment, the radiographer must include the following:

A) Objective data
B) Subjective data
C) The patient
D) The health care team
E) All of those listed above

A) Objective data


List the questions one might ask when evaluating his work with a patient.

*Were the patients needs met?

*Was the patients safety maintained during the procedure?

*Was the patients skin intact at the end or the procedure?

*Did the patient complain of pain as the procedure was implemented?

*What problems arose that were not anticipated

*What can be done differently in the future to improve work or reduce patient discomfort?

*Were high-level critical thinking skills used to successfully complete the procedure?

*was documentation done in the manner required?


Define culture

A set of beliefs and values common to a particular group of people


Define ethnicity.

A common history and origin


When assessing a patient, the aspects of this assessment must include:

A) The patient’s culture
B) The patient’s economic background
C) The patient’s psychological status
D) The patient’s physiological background
E) All of those listed above

E) All of those listed above


You are taking the history of a male patient before placing him on the examining table. He tells you that he has difficulty moving from a sitting to a standing position. The radiographer says, “You feel that you need help to stand?” This therapeutic communication technique is called:

A) Exploring
B) Silence
C) Making an observation
D) Verbalizing the implied
E) Validating

D) Verbalizing the implied


The concerns of the radiographer preparing to take a history on a patient must include:

A) Privacy and a quiet environment
B) Ensuring confidentiality
C) A professional demeanor and appearance
D) Establishment of rapport with the patient
E) All of those listed above

E) All of those listed above


True or False?

The process of grieving, though painful and difficult, is normal and cannot be avoided in the case of a significant personal loss.



Mr. Leo Lee was diagnosed with cancer 6 weeks ago and told that the disease was incurable. He has decided to seek treatment in another country that promises instant cure with natural herbs. One might conclude that Mr. Lee is in which stage of the grieving process?

A) Denial
B) Anger
C) Bargaining
D) Acceptance
E) Depression

C) Bargaining


List the skills required of a successful communicator.


ability to accept others with an open mind
interact with people in a perceptive manner


Mary Nilworth is scheduled for a magnetic resonance imaging procedure. She tells the radiographer that she is afraid that she may not be able to tolerate this examination. The radiographer states,“Don’t worry, it will be simple and over quickly.”This is an example of:

A) Verbalizing the implied and is therapeutic
B) Reflecting and is therapeutic
C) Changing the subject and is nontherapeutic
D) False reassurance and is nontherapeutic

D) False reassurance and is nontherapeutic


When the radiographer is required to instruct a patient concerning an imaging examination to be performed, he must assess which of the following:

A) The patient’s address
B) The patient’s health status
C) The patient’s marital status
D) The patient’s mode of transportation

B) The patient’s health status


Define: a living will

Expresses the patient’s wishes concerning their future medical care. These maybe altered by a competent patient at any time.Each state has different rulings concerning changes in a living will by an incompetent patient.


Define: durable power of attorney for health care.


Unlike the two previous docu-ments, this document appoints a person otherthan the physician to act as the patient’s agentand make health care decisions if the patient isunable to do so. The patient may alter this doc-ument if competent to do so. No physician cer-tification is required.


True or False?

Pain control is not within the radiographer’s scope of practice; therefore, he does not need to be concerned about it.
