According to Florida Building Code Accessibility, floor and ground surfaces shall comply with 302 and be stable, firm, and
Slip resistant
Where van parking is provided pursuant to section 502.2 for every _______________ or fraction of _______________ parking spaces required by 208.2 to comply with 502, at least one shall be a van parking space complying with 502.
The tops of tables and counters for children’s use shall be _______________ minimum inches and _______________ maximum inches above the finish floor or ground.
26, 30
_______________ is an exterior or interior way of passage provided for pedestrian travel, including but not limited to walks, hallways, courtyards, elevators, platforms lifts, ramps, stairways, and landings.
Circulation Path
Florida vertical accessibility requires _______________ level(s) in all new buildings, structures and facilities and all altered areas of existing buildings, structures and facilities to be accessible to persons with disabilities.
_______________ should be provided on both sides of stairs and ramps.
Alterations affecting primary function areas that affects or could
affect this usability of or access to an area containing a primary
function shall be made so as to ensure that, to the maximum extent
feasible, the _______________ ”to the altered area are readily
accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities,
such alterations are disproportionate to the overall
alterations in terms of cost.
Path of travel
At least _______________ % of shelf space in storage facilities shall comply with 811.
Alterations made to provide an accessible path of travel to the altered area will be deemed disproportionate to the overall alteration when the cost exceeds _______________ % of the cost of the alteration to the primary function area.
A single wheel chair space shall be _______________ inches wide minimum.
Within _______________ protruding objects on circulation paths shall not be required to comply with 307.
Areas of sports activity
Door openings shall provide a clear width of _______________ inches minimum.
At least _______________ accessible route(s) shall be provided within the site from accessible parking spaces and loading zones.
Where a wheel chair space can be entered only from the
_______________ , the wheelchair space shall be 60 inches deep
Within a site, at least one accessible route shall connect accessible buildings, accessible facilities, accessible elements, and accessible spaces that are on the same site. The only exception which this not required is if the only means of access between them is a _______________ not providing pedestrian access.
Vehicular way
With floors and ground surfaces, changes in level between 1/4 inch
high minimum and 1/2 inch maximum shall
be beveled with a slope
not steeper than
Common use circulation paths within employee work areas are not required to comply with 402 under the following circumstances:
if it is located within exterior employee work areas that are fully exposed to the weather
At least _______________ percent of all public entrances shall comply with 404.
Wheelchair toilet compartments shall be _______________ inches minimum measured perpendicular to the side wall.
In _______________ and existing intercity rail stations, existing direct connections shall not be required to comply with 404.
Key stations
Turning space shall be a space of _______________ inches diameter minimum.
Each entrance to a building shall have at least _______________ door(s), doorway(s), or gate (s) complying with 404.
If a parking facility provides 160 parking spaces, the minimum number of required accessible parking spaces is
Urinals shall be the stall-type or the wall hung type with the rim _______________ inches max above the finish floor
In rehabilitation facilities and outpatient physical therapy facilities _______________ % of patient and visitor parking spaces provided shall comply with 502.
Passenger Loading Zones -shall provide at least one passenger loading zone complying with 503 in every continuous _______________ linear feet of loading zone space, or fraction thereof.
Where multiple single user portable toilet or bathing units are clustered at a single location no more than _______________ % of the toilet units and bathing units at each cluster shall be required to comply with 603.
Entrances complying with 404 and elevators complying with 407 shall be clearly identified with
The International Symbol of Accessibility
A ramp is a walking surface that has a running slope steeper than
According to Florida Building Code Accessibility, a bank of telephones shall be considered to be _______________ or more adjacent telephones.
In assembly areas that have a seating capacity of 50 or less, the minimum number of required receivers for assistive listening systems is
_______________ % of patient and visitor parking spaces provided to
serve hospital outpatient facilities shall
comply with 502.
With floors and ground surfaces, changes greater than 1/2 inch shall be ramped and shall comply with 405 or 406
In assembly areas with a seating capacity of 301 to 500, the number of required wheelchair location is
A selling space that has 8 check-out aisles shall have a minimum number of _______________ check-out aisles required to comply with 904.3.
A swimming pool with 275 linear feet in pool wall shall have at least _______________ accessible means of entry.
Openings in floor or ground surfaces shall not allow passage of a
sphere more than _______________ inch diameter
except as allowed
in 407.4.3, 409.4.3, 410.4, 810.5.3 and 810.10.
Accessible routes shall coincide with or be located in the same area as general circulation paths. Where circulation paths are _______________ required accessible routes shall be interior.
With floors and ground surfaces, changes in level of _______________ inch high maximum shall be permitted.
With clear floor or ground space, slopes not greater than _______________ shall be permitted.
If the service entrance is the _______________ entrance to a building or to a tenancy in a facility, that entrance shall comply with 404.
The clear floor or ground space shall be _______________inches minimum by _______________ inches minimum.
30, 48
Mirrors located above lavatories or countertops shall be installed with a bottom edge of the reflecting surface _______________inches maximum above the finish floor/ground. Mirrors not located above lavatories or countertops bottom edge shall be _______________ inches max above finish floor/ground.
40, 35
Toe clearance shall extend _______________ inches maximum under the element and _______________ minimum under the element.
25, 17
Where dining surfaces are provided for the consumption of food or
drink at least _______________ % of the seating
spaces and
standing spaces at the dining surfaces shall comply with 902.
Space under an element between 9 inches and 27 inches above the finish floor or ground and shall comply be considered
Knee clearance
Where more than the minimum number of drinking fountains are provided,_______________ % of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with 602.1 thru 602.6 and _______________ % of the total number of drinking fountains provided shall comply with 602.7.
50, 50
In residential dwelling units, the height of water closets shall be
permitted to be _______________ inches minimum
_______________ inches maximum above the finish floor, measured at the
top of the seat.
17, 19
Objects with leading edges more than 27 inches and not more than 80 inches above the finish floor/ground shall protrude _______________ inches maximum horizontally into the circulation path.
The high forward reach shall be_______________ inches max and the low
reach shall be _______________ inches min
above the finish floor/ground.
48, 15
Operable parts shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. The force required to activate shall be _______________ lbs max.
Pictograms shall have a field height of _______________inches.
The running slope of walking surfaces shall be no steeper than
An accessible route with a clear width less than 60 inches shall
provide passing spaces at intervals
of _______________ feet maximum.
Thresholds, if provided at doorways, shall be _______________ inch high maximum and shall comply with 302 & 303.
Barriers at common or emergency entrances and exits of business establishments conducting business with the general public which would prevent a person from using such entrances or exists shall be
Ramp runs shall have a running slop not steeper than
The rise for any ramp run shall be _______________ inches maximum.
Parking spaces must be _______________ feet wide.
Clearance in front of bathtubs shall extend the length of the bathtub and shall be _______________ inches wide minimum.
Access aisles serving car and van parking spaces shall be _______________ inches wide minimum.
Handrails are required on ramp runs with a rise greater than _______________ inches and on certain stairways
The bottoms of handrails surfaces shall not be obstructed for more than _______________ percent of their length.
Both toe clearance and knee clearance shall be _______________inches wide minimum.
Drinking fountain spout outlets shall be _______________ inches maximum above the finish floor or ground.
Which of the following doors, doorways, and gates shall not be
required to comply with 404.2.7, 404.2.8,
404.2.9, 404.3.2, and
404.3.4 through 404.3.7?
doors/gates designed to be operated only by security personnel
Drinking Fountains for standing persons shall be _______________ inches min and 43 inches max above the finish floor/ground.
Door and gate hardware shall be 34 inches minimum and _______________inches maximum above the finish floor/ground.
The seat height of a water closet shall be _______________ inches
minimum and _______________ inches maximum above the
floor, measured at the top of the seat.
17, 19
The minimum number of drinking fountains that shall be provided is
Grab Bars shall be provided on the side wall closest to the water closet and on the rear wall. The side wall grab bar shall be_______________ Grab Bars shall be provided on the side wall closest to the water closet and on the rear wall. The side wall grab bar shall be _______________ inches long minimum.
42, 36
Where an alteration includes alterations to an entrance, and the building or facility has another entrance complying with 404 that is on an accessible route, the altered entrance shall not be required to comply with 206.4 unless required by 202.4.
Toilet compartment doors shall be located in the front partition or in the side wall or partition _______________from the water closet.
Bathtub shower spray units shall deliver water that is _______________ F maximum.
Grab bars with circular cross sections shall have an outside diameter of _______________ inches min and 2 inches max.
Space under an element between the finish floor or ground and _______________inches above the finish floor or ground shall be considered toe clearance and shall comply with 306.2.
Grab Bars shall be installed in a horizontal position,_______________ minimum and _______________ inches maximum above the finish floor measured to the top of the gripping surface, except for children.
33, 36
The letters or characters on a sign shall not be:
- Italic
- Script
- Oblique
Which of the following regarding operable parts shall not be required to comply with 309?
- Floor electrical receptacles
- HVAC diffusers
- Exercise machines
In residential dwelling at least one_______________inches wide min
section of counter shall provide a kitchen work
surface that
complies with 804.3
A continuous and unobstructed way of egress travel from any point in a building or facility that provides an accessible route to an area of refuge, a horizontal exit, or a public way is referred to as
Accessible means of egress
Pool lifts shall be located where the water level does not exceed _______________ inches.
According to Florida Building Code - Accessibility, Where glazed openings are provided in accessible rooms for operation by occupants, at least one opening shall comply with 309.
Door, gates, and side lights adjacent to doors or gates, containing one or more glazing panels that permit viewing through panels shall have the bottom of at least one glazed panel located _______________inches maximum above the finish floor.
Tempered glass doors without stiles and having a bottom rail or shoe with the top leading edge tapered at _______________ degrees minimum from the horizontal shall not be required to meet the 10 inch bottom smooth surface height requirement.