yearly, one time each year
EXAMPLE: Tomorrow, we leave on our annual vacation.
as a result of
taas oo keentay
because of something
EXAMPLE: As a result of the accident, he can no longer walk. He will have to use a wheelchair. He's just happy to be alive!
to put money into an account
EXAMPLE: My employer deposits my paycheck into my bank account on the 1st and 15th of every month.
pay off
bixin lacageed
to make the final payment
EXAMPLE: We just paid off our car loan. Now we can put that extra money toward our mortgage.
to say no
EXAMPLE: I applied for a loan at the bank, but they refused to give it to me. I won't be able to buy a new car.
to use something that belongs to someone else and give it back later
EXAMPLE: I wanted to buy a house, so I borrowed money from the bank.
credit history
taariikhda amaahda
a record of a person's debt, and payment of debt over a period of time
EXAMPLE: Before the bank would lend me money, they asked about my credit history. I gave them permission to run my credit report.
gaar ahaan
very much, more than usual
EXAMPLE: Sleep is especially important for children.
to create
EXAMPLE: I worked hard to establish a good credit history. I always paid my bills on time.
in full
si buuxda
EXAMPLE: I don't want to pay interest on my credit cards, so every month I pay the amount in full.
in order to
si ay u
so that, for the purpose of
EXAMPLE: I hope to buy a house soon and will need to take out a mortgage. I pay my bills on time every month in order to establish a good credit history.
to show that something is true
EXAMPLE: When I want to withdraw money from my bank account, I often need to prove my identity. To do this, I show them my driver's license.
sabab leh
acceptable, fair and practical
EXAMPLE: Today, a reasonable interest rate for a home loan is about 6 or 7%.
dib u bixin
to pay back money that you borrowed
EXAMPLE: I am so happy. I repaid my car loan in full. Now I have $350 extra every month that I can save for a down payment on a house!
the possibility of something bad happening
EXAMPLE: There is a risk of having an accident if you drive during a storm.
to believe that someone is good and honest
EXAMPLE: My good credit history proves that the bank can trust me. If they lend me money, I will repay it.