What is a Eukaryotic Cell?
it has a complex cell structure, they are animal and plant cells.
What is a Prokaryotic Cell?
it is small with a simple cell structure, they are bacterial cells.
What is the Nucleus?
It contains DNA in the form of chromosomes that control the cells activities.
What is DNA?
It is genetic material
What is the Cytoplasm?
It is a gel like substance where most of the body's chemical reactions happen
What is the Mitrochondria?
It is the power house of the cell and the site of cellular respiration
What is a Ribosome?
It is where proteins are made in the cell
What is the Cell Membrane?
It holds the cell together and controls what goes in and out of the cell.
What is a Rigid Cell Wall?
It gives support to the cell and is made of cellulose
What is Chloroplast?
Where Photosynthesis occurs. It contains a green substance called chlorophyll.
What is Chromosonal DNA?
It's one long circular chromosome which controls the cell's activities and replication. It floats free in the cytoplasm (not in a nucleus)
What is a Plasmid?
Small loops of extra DNA that aren't part of the chromosome.
What are Microscopes used for?
To magnify images and increase the resolution on images.
What does Resolution mean?
It is how well a microscope distinguishes between two points that are close together. It means it can increase the detail you can see
When were light microscopes invented?
the 1590s
When were electron microscopes invented?
the 1930s
Which microscope allows us to see things as tiny as plasmids or viruses?
electron microscope