English (A Christmas carol) Flashcards

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created 4 months ago by scarrse
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11th grade
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Seneca work !! s1

Scrooge is both a protagonist and antagonist. The audience come to like Scrooge more as his character changes. Scrooges character is designed to show how a person can change their ways.

Scrooge is an interesting character because although he is the main character of the text -a protagonist- he also exhibits features of an antagonist.

features of Scrooges obsession with money.

1)even on funeral day of his only friend Jacob Marley, Scrooge goes back to work straight away.

2)Scrooge does not understand how his nephew can be so happy all the time, especially when he isn't rich.

3) Scrooge believes that Christmas is a waste of time because it never does anyone any "good" (financial gain)

Seneca work

In stave 2, the ghost of Christmas past is in control. In stave 2, Scrooge starts to show a desire to change his ways through seeing the boy he used to be, the friendships, relationships he took for granted and a glimmer of the life he could be leading.

stave 3.


stave 4 (Seneca work)

stave 5.