abase (v.)
To lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem
abate (v.)
To become less intense or widespread
abbreviate (v.)
To shorten or condense a word, phrase, or text.
baleful (adj.)
Threatening harm or evil; ominous
bard (n.)
A poet, often someone who composes and recites epic poems.
belligerent (adj.)
Inclined to fight or be hostile
cacophony (n.)
A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
cadence (n.)
A rhythmic flow of sounds, often in speech or music.
cajole (v.)
To persuade someone through flattery or coaxing.
daft (adj.)
Silly, foolish, or mentally deranged.
daunting (adj.)
Intimidating or discouraging through difficulty or challenge.
dearth (n.)
A scarcity or lack of something
elocution (n.)
The art of clear and expressive speech, often involving pronunciation and intonation.
elucidate (v.)
To explain or clarify something
empathetic (adj.)
Showing understanding and sensitivity to the feelings of others.
fabulist (n.)
A teller of fables or stories that are not based on reality.
facile (adj.)
Easily achieved or accomplished, superficially simplistic.
familial (adj.)
Relating to or characteristic of a family.
winsome (adj.)
Charming, attractive, or appealing in a sweet or innocent way.
Zeitgeist (n.)
The spirit or mood of a particular period in history.