project 1- social studies - Shamsia Hassani Flashcards

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created 9 months ago by Projects
First project for social studies about Shamsia Hassani
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- First female graffiti artist from Afghanistan

- professor at Kabul University

- co founder of Berang Art Organisation

Start off with a quote from Shamsia Hassani

- an artist group that promotes contemporary culture in Afghanistan though programs, workshops, seminars, and exhibitions


- born as a refugee in Tehran, Iran in 1988

- passion for painting from a young age

- Her family returned to Kabul in 2005

- not allowed to study art at school due to her Afghan nationality

- this was after Taliban fled Afghanistan and where she studied fine art at Kabyl University


- attended a graffiti workshop put up by the artist CHU and Combat Communications in Kabul, she immediately fell in love with street art

- she did this because wanted to explore ways using art to cover up physical reminds of war


- "I was really excited. I thought we have so many wrecked walls and I could start painting them."

- lack of specialized sprays and colors in Afghanistan forced her to develop her own technique, combining brush, spray, and acrylic paint.

- "My working style has evolved slowly and gradually. The elements seen in my works are added one by one and did not appear all together suddenly. For example, the musical instrutuments that potrays women's voice, bubbles, bats, they slowly get added to work.