SS Study Guide Ch. 18 Flashcards

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created 9 months ago by EmilyPierce1
updated 9 months ago by EmilyPierce1
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Wanted to change society from being racist, violet, etc. They were radical because they wanted equal rights and no class system.

Radical Repulicans


Recreating the union by bringing back southern states. Also the name of the era in American history 1865-1877.



People a part of the federal gov that aided former slaves. Gave them education on simple skills like cooking, building, toolwork. Helped find relatives. They created schools (Freedmen’s Schools).

Freedmen's Bureau


Democratic president after Lincoln’s assassination, brought South back to the Union, impeached.

Andrew Johnson


Evolved slave codes designed to limit African American rights and stop them from voting or mixing with the white population.

Black Codes


Rights for everyone

Civil Rights


Schools for free slaves to educate them and poor white people on math and other education (basic knowledge) and also skills that you could use for a job. Made by Freedman's bureau

Freedmen's school


cycle of debt and poverty that cannot be escaped.



democrats tried to regain control and limit free slaves control by attacking them and people who supported them. Wanted to bring back the slave codes. lynching

Ku Klux Klan


a group/mob killing people without a trial.



There was a lot of products but not enough people who wanted to buy them. Caused a crash for a bit.

Panic of 1873


the Republicans compromised with the Southern Democrats on several issues.

Compromise of 1877


Describe the 13th amendment:

The 13th amendment removed all slavery


Describe the 14th amendment:

The 14th amendment states if a baby is born in the US, it is automatically a citizen of the US and is provided equal rights and protection


Describe the 15th amendment:

The 15th amendment stated that all men can vote (no matter what race, color, or ethnicity).


What are the 6 provisions of the Compromise of 1877?

1.Hayes wins.

2. Southerns got rid of federal troops from the south

3. The government would give them land grants and loans towards the construction of railroads

4. gave money to cities/states in the south to rebuild on their own

5. Hayes had to elect at least one democrat

6. had to respect african americans


Consider which provision had the great effect on ending Reconstruction. Why?

Southerners got rid of federal troops in the south (allowed govs without martial law)

the government would give them land grants and loans towards the construction of railroads (fix up ways of transportation)

gave money to cities/states in the south to rebuild on their own (they could be independent).


Describe the steps of the sharecropping debt system:

  1. Sharecropper gets land and seeds for a share of crop
  2. Sharecropper buys essentials for him and family which takes off of his paycheck
  3. Sharecropper plants and harvests
  4. Gives land owner the harvest and splits money minus the needs from the sharecropper
  5. Sharecropper is in debt from buying essentials
  6. Sharecropper has to do the same thing next year with a greater share of crops


What is a carpet bagger?

northerners that went to the south during reconstruction


Why was Andrew Johnson impeached?

he didn't follow the tenure of office act (firing officials without senates approval)