Day 25 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by Wsky98
updated 10 months ago by Wsky98
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I beg to differ/disagree

a way of saying "I do not agree" that is polite, but may sound unfriendly


Algae (n) plural




Prehistoric (adj)


describing the period before there were written records:

Tiền sử

prehistoric man/humans/animals


Penetrate (v)


penetrate verb (MOVE INTO)

to move into or through something:

Xuyên qua.

Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain.

penetrate verb (UNDERSTAND)

to study or investigate something in order to understand it:

Thâm nhập vào.

He penetrates deeper into the artist's life in the second volume of his autobiography.


Fair and square

in an honest way and without any doubt:

Sòng phẳn, công bằng và chính trực.

We won the match fair and square.


Hazardous (adj)


(of substances, materials, activities, or conditions) dangerous:

Nguy hiểm đầy rủi ro.

Hazardous waste must be properly disposed of.


Homebody (n)


a person who likes spending time at home rather than going out with friends or travelling to different places

Người thích ở nhà.

I'm a homebody, so I knew traveling would be tough.


Down-to-earth (adj)


practical, reasonable, and friendly:

Thực tế, thẳng thắn

She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.


Worrywart (n)


a person who often worries, especially about things that are not important:

Một người hay lo lắng quá nhiều, lo lắng thái quá.

Don't listen to him - he's just an old worrywart.


Know-it-all (n)


a person who thinks that they know much more than other people

Người nghĩ giỏi hơn người khác


Have/has a big mouth (n)

/ˈbɪɡ ˌmaʊθ/

If someone is or has a big mouth, they often say things that are meant to be kept secret:

Người nhiều chuyện.

He went and opened his big mouth and told them the whole story.


Social buttefly (slang)

Quen biết rộng, dễ dàng hoà nhập.


Rusty (adj)


covered with rust (= metal decay):

Bị gỉ sét.

If a skill you had is rusty, it is not as good as it was because you have not practised it:

Xuống trình, phai mục đi kĩ lăng


Leaky (adj)


Something that is leaky has a hole or crack in it that allows liquid or gas to get through:

Rò rỉ.

A leaky pipe


Clogged (adj)


blocked or filled with something:

Bị tắc nghẹn, bị đầy, bị ngập

The roads quickly became clogged with traffic.


Waterlogged (adj)


(of land) full of water and almost covered by a layer of it:

Bị ngập nước, bị úng nước.

The game was cancelled because of a waterlogged pitch.


Intersection (n)


intersection noun (LINES)

an occasion when two lines cross, or the place where this happens:

Giao nhau.

The intersection of the lines on the graph marks the point where we start to make a profit.

intersection noun (ROADS)

the place where two or more roads join or cross each other:

Ngã (a threeway intersection: Ngã ba, A fourway intersection: Ngã tư...)

Turn right at the next intersection.


Overpass (n)


a bridge that carries a road or railway over another road

Cầu vượt


Underpass (n)


a road or path that goes under something such as a busy road, allowing vehicles or people to go from one side to the other

Hầm chui


Celebrity (n)


someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business

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