Day 15 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by Wsky98
updated 1 year ago by Wsky98
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Give rise to

to cause something:

Gây ra cái gì đó.

International support has given rise to a new optimism in the company.


Cutting-edge (adj)


very modern and with all the newest features:

Tiên tiến nhất, hiện đại nhất.

cutting-edge design/technology


Detrimental (adj)


causing harm or damage:

Gây bất lợi, gây thiệt hại.

These chemicals have a detrimental effect/impact on the environment.


Contemplate (v)


to spend time considering a possible future action, or to consider one particular thing for a long time in a serious and quiet way:

Dự tính.

They were contemplating a move to California.


Modest (adj)


modest adjective (NOT LARGE)

not large in size or amount, or not great in value:

Vừa vừa.

a modest house

modest adjective (QUIETLY SUCCESSFUL)

tending not to talk about or make obvious your own abilities and achievements:

Khiêm tốn.

Although an outstanding scientist, he’s a modest man.


The best/worst yet

The best/worst until now:

Hay nhất cho tới bây h, tệ nhất cho tới bây giờ.

Of all the songs I've heard tonight, that's the best yet.


as yet

until and including this time:

Cho tới bây giờ và cả lần này.

We haven't needed extra staff as yet, but we may in the future.


have yet to

If you have yet to do something, you have not done it:

Chưa làm xong, chưa đưa ra quyết định.

They have yet to make a decision.



completely accurate or correct:

Chính xác.

"Is that a fair assessment?" "I think that's absolutely dead-on."


A case in point

an example that shows that what you are saying is true or helps to explain why you are saying it:

Bằng chứng là, điển hình là.

Lack of communication causes serious problems and their marriage is a case in point.


Sow (v)


to put seeds in or on the ground so that plants will grow:

Gieo hạt.

We'll sow this field with barley.


Controversial (adj)


causing disagreement or discussion:

Gây tranh cãi, gây bất đồng ý kiến.

The book was very controversial.


Hinder (v)


to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something:

Cản trở, ngăn cản.

High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.


Make the bed


to make a bed neat after you have slept in it:

Dọn giường.

I got up, dressed, made the bed and left.


Bed (n)


bed noun (BOTTOM)

the bottom of something, or something that serves as a base:

Đáy của cái gì đó (đáy biển), nền của cái gì đó.

The railway was built on a bed of solid rock.

bed noun (AREA OF GROUND)

a piece of ground used for growing plants outside:

Bồn hoa.

They have some beautiful flower beds in their garden.


Shrimp (n)


shrimp noun (ANIMAL)

a small sea creature with a shell, ten legs, and a long tail, or its flesh eaten as food:

Con tôm.

shrimp noun (PERSON)

a short or small person:

Một người nhỏ con và lùn.

It’s hard to believe this sculpted athlete was once a shrimp.


Coral (n)


a substance like rock, formed in the sea by groups of particular types of small animal, often used in jewellery:

San hô.

a coral bracelet/necklace


Reef (n)


a line of rocks or sand just above or just below the surface of the sea, often dangerous to ships:

Đá ngầm.

a dangerous offshore reef


Habitat (n)


the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives:

Môi trường sống.

With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.


Devote something to something/someone

to give all of something, especially your time, effort, or love, or yourself, to something you believe in or to a person:

Cống hiến, dành nhiều thời gian.

He left the Senate to devote more time to his family.