Day 3 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by Wsky98
updated 1 year ago by Wsky98
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Unwind (v)


Unwind verb (UNFASTEN)

If you unwind something that is wrapped around an object, you unfasten it, and if it unwinds, it becomes unfastened.

Vietnamese: Cởi trói.

Unwind verb (RELAX)

To relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of work or some other activity that has made you worried.

Vietnamese: Xả hơi, thư giãn.


Treadmill (n)


Treadmill noun (REPEATED WORK)

Any type of repeated work that is boring and makes you feel tired and seems to have no positive effect and no end.

Treadmill noun (EXERCISE MACHINE)

An exercise machine that consists of a moving strip or two step-like parts on which you walk without moving forward.

Vietnamese: Máy chạy bộ, công việc lập đi lặp lại gây nhàm chán


Do wonders for something/someone


To cause improvements or have a very good effect.

Tốt cho cái (ai, cái gì đó).


Specifically (adv)


Specifically adverb (FOR ONE PURPOSE)

For a particular reason, purpose, etc.

Specifically adverb (EXACTLY)

Clearly, exactly, or in detail.

Dành cho, được xài cho; Chính xác, cụ thể.


Remedy (n)


A successful way of curing an illness or dealing with a problem or difficulty.

Phương thuốc, cách điều trị đặc hiệu, lời giải.


Grief (n)


grief noun (SADNESS)

very great sadness, especially at the death of someone:

grief noun (CRITICISM)

criticism, complaints or mockery (= the act of laughing at someone) about something:

grief noun (PROBLEMS)

problems or trouble:

nổi mất mát, nổi buồn vì mất người thân; Lời chỉ trích, nhạo báng về cái gì đó; Vấn đề, rắc rối.


Abstract (adj)


abstract adjective (GENERAL)

existing as an idea, feeling, or quality, not as a material object:

abstract adjective (ART)

used to refer to a type of painting, drawing, or sculpture that uses shapes, lines, and colour in a way that does not try to represent the appearance of people or things:

Chung chung; Trù tượng.


Break out (Phrasal verb)

If something dangerous or unpleasant breaks out, it suddenly starts:

Nổ ra (dùng cho chiến tranh, đánh nhau, sự kiện khó chịu). Bùng phqts


Pursuit (n)


pursuit noun (ACTIVITY)

an activity that you spend time doing, usually when you are not working:

pursuit noun (FOLLOWING)

the act of following someone or something to try to catch him, her, or it:

pursuit noun (ATTEMPT)

the act of trying to achieve a plan, activity, or situation, usually over a long period of time:

Hoạt động; Truy đuổi, rượt đuổi; Nổ lực, cố gắng, the đuổi.


Attempt (v)


to try to do something, especially something difficult:

Cố gắng, nổ lực làm gì đó, thử làm gì đó


-scape (phong cảnh)

đi chung với Riverscape, mountainscape, oceanscape, v.v


Rural (adj)


in, of, or like the countryside:

Nông thôn




dominate verb (HAVE CONTROL)

to have control over a place or person:

dominate verb (BE IMPORTANT)

to be the largest, most important, or most noticeable part of something:

Kiểm soát; Điểm nhấn, điểm nổi bật, điểm quan trọng.


Look out over something (Phrasal verb)

to quickly examine something:

Xem xét nhanh qua, nhìn qua.


If a situation is bleak

there is little or no hope for the future:


Bleak (adj)

If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive:

Trống không, không được chào đón, vắng người.


In the distance (idiom)

Ở đằng xa


Follow a path

Đi theo con đường, men theo con đường


Cath a glimpse of something

Nhìn thấy một cái gì đó một cách bất chợt, thoáng qua


Round (v)

in a circular direction or position; around:

Đi vòng qua


Come into view

Một cái cảnh dần dần hiện ra trước mắt bạn.


Fall into (phrasal verb)

Rơi vào trạng thái một trạng thái nào đó.


Fall into ruin

Rơi vào trạng thái hư hỏng


Worth (adj)

Đáng làm

Có giá trị


Tower above

Cao hơn, giỏi hơn ai đó


Literal meaning

Nghĩa đen


Figurative meaning

Nghĩa bóng


Haggle over something


Trả giá về cái gì đó


Bring it on (phrase)

said to show that you are prepared and willing to compete in a competition or to do something difficult:

Đã sẳn sàng, thích thì chiều, chiến thôi.


Ease someone out (Phrasal verb)

to make someone leave a job or powerful position:

Loại bỏ,, bị ép thôi việc, ép từ bỏ.


Act out (Phrasal verb)

to behave badly because you are unhappy or upset, often in ways that you are not aware of:


Ask after (Phrasal verb)

to ask for information about someone, especially about their health:

Hỏi thăm.


Ask someone out (Phrasal verb)

to invite someone to come with you to a place such as the cinema or a restaurant, especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship:

Rủ đi chơi, rủ đi ăn, rủ đi hẹn hò.


Break down (Phrasal verb)

to remove something from its place by force:

Phá bỏ, đập bỏ


Break into (Phrasal verb)

to suddenly begin to do something:

Bắt đầu làm gì đó.


Break out (Phrasal verb)

If something dangerous or unpleasant breaks out, it suddenly starts:

Nổ ra (dùng cho chiến tranh, đánh nhau, sự kiện khó chịu).


Bring somebody up (Phrasal verb)

to care for a child until they are an adult, often giving them particular beliefs:

Nuôi nấng.


Bring out (Phrasal verb)

to make a shy person happier and more confident:

Động viên, cổ vũ tinh thần.


Call out (Phrasal verb)

to say something in a loud voice:

Nói lớn, nói mớ.


Call off (Phrasal verb)

to cancel

huỷ bỏ.


Carry over (Phrasal verb)

to use or do something at a later time than planned:

Hoãn lại, dời sang khung giờ, tạm hoãn.


Carry away (Phrasal verb)

to become so excited about something that you do not control what you say or do:

Phấn khích, kích động


Come in for (Phrasal verb)

to receive blame or criticism:

Bị chỉ trích, hứng chịu, chuốc lấy.


Get rid of

Dispose of

Get rid of (people,things)

to remove something that you do not want any longer:

đuổi đi, loại bỏ.

Dispose of (things only)

to get rid of something; throw out or destroy:

Loại bỏ.


Hold up (Phrasal verb)

to delay someone or something:

to steal from someone using violence or the threat of violence:

Đợi chút; ăn cắp


Hand something out (Phrasal verb)

to give something to each person in a group or place:

Phát cái gì đó cho từng người trong một nhóm.

The teacher asked her to hand out the worksheets.


Hand in (Phrasal verb)

to give something to someone in a position of authority:

Nộp cái gì đó.


Mull something over (Phrasal verb)


to think carefully about something for a long time:

Suy nghĩ, xem xét, suy xét.

I need a few days to mull things over before I decide if I'm taking the job.


Pass someone/something over (Phrasal verb)

to ignore or not give attention to someone or something:

Phức lờ, làm ngơ, không chú ý đến.

The woman alleges that her employers passed her over for promotion because she was pregnant.


Pass down (Phrasal verb)

to teach or give something to someone who will be alive after you have died:

Truyền lại, chỉ dạy.