US History Regents Prep 2023 I Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by Ccano
Geography & Colonial Period
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Proclamation Line of 1763

Border established by Great Britain in order to avoid conflicts between American colonists and Native Americans.


Natural harbors contributed to the

development of commerce.


Oceans on the east & west coasts helped the U.S. maintain

its foreign policy of neutrality during much of the 1800s.


Atlantic and Pacific Oceans most influenced U.S. foreign policy

throughout the 18th, 19th, and 20th century.


Appalachian Mountains served as

the western boundary for British colonial settlements prior to the Revolutionary War.


Early colonial settlements were similar in that

each developed near the coast line. EX) Jamestown (1607) Plymouth (1620) New Amsterdam (1625)


New England Colonies

  • Influenced by good harbors, abundant forests, rocky soil, and a short growing season.
  • Geographic factors influenced the economy of New England by promoting the growth of trade and manufacturing.
  • Developed villages with town-hall meetings.
  • Had small farms, commercial fishing, and the first American college.


Southern Colonies

  • The climate and topography of the southeastern U.S. had a major impact on the history of the U.S. before 1860 because the region provided agricultural products that were processed in the North and in Europe.
  • Developed plantations (large farms that used slave labor) because of fertile land and a long growing season.


Great Plains

The relatively flat, grassy region of the U.S. between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains.

*The states with the largest percentage of land used for agriculture are located in areas with relatively flat terrain. Known for producing grain crops (aka food).


Triangular Trade

led directly to the increased importation of enslaved Africans to the Western Hemisphere (colonies)


British Mercantilism

Economic policy used by the British in which the American Colonies served as a source of raw materials and a market to sell goods. British buy raw materials from the colonies and sell them finished products.

  • Limited manufacturing in America.
  • Limited colonies’ trade with other nations.
  • This policy would eventually become one of the reasons for the American Revolution.


Salutary Neglect

Period of time when the British ignored the colonies because they only wanted to benefit from the economic prosperity of the colonies. Led to the development of independent colonial trade practices.


French and Indian War

Caused by disputed land claims in the Ohio River valley between the French and the British (the French and Indians were on the same side). War led to the end of the period of Salutary Neglect, because of the British need to tax the American colonists in order to pay for the war. This increase in taxes became one of the major causes of the Revolutionary War (war for American independence from Great Britain).


Virginia House of Burgesses/Mayflower Compact/Town Hall Meetings

Early colonial efforts in selfgovernment. They all contributed to the development of representative democracy.


Albany Plan of Union (1754)

Early attempt to unify American colonies but under British rule. Many colonies objected to it because colonial assemblies did not want to give up their individual power.