MS2 PPT CHP 9,16,23 Flashcards

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As the nurse evaluates a laboratory report for a client scheduled for surgery which finding requires nursing intervention?

Serum potassium 2.5 mEq/L


At which time does the nurse medicate a client for pain prior for it to be considered preemptive analgesia?

As soon as a client reports the occurrence of pain


Four days after abdominal surgery while being transferred from a bed to a chair a client says to a nurse my incision feels funny all of a sudden which should the nurse do first?

Place client in the low fowler position


A clients perineal area must be examined by the primary health care provider prior to surgery in which position should the nurse place the client for this physical assessment?



A nurse is performing preoperative teaching a week before surgery the client is taking 650mg of aspirin twice a day for arthritis which instruction should the nurse expect the surgeon to have the nurse include in the preoperative teaching?

Stop taking the aspirin 5 days before surgery


Which client having emergency should the nurse anticipates to be at the highest risk for postoperative mortality?

Middle aged adult


which client does the nurse identify whose immune function is most efficient?

32 year old adult


A 40-year-old client with polycystic kidney is to receive a kidney transplant when the nurse begins to administer 2 units of leukocyte - poor packed red blood cells to treat low hemoglobin the client asks why is this has been prescribed what is the appropriate nursing response

It will decrease the risk of obtaining white blood cells from the donor that could make it harder for your transplanted kidney to function


which assessment finding alerts the nurse to determine that inflammation has progressed to the cellular level?



An older adult client with a long history of congestive heart failure is being treated for a pressure injury over the coccyx that is 4 cm wide and 5 cm long with eschar present which technique does the nurse anticipate will be used to remove the necrotic tissue?

Dressings along with a topical enzyme preparation


upon removing a dressing from a wound the nurse notices a strong odor what is the appropriate nursing action?

Clean the wound and reassess for presence of infection


A client who has been hiking in the woods comes to the ED with urticaria after administering an antihistamine as prescribed what teaching does the nurse provide?

Avoid outdoor activity