Biological Approach: Genetic Similarities Flashcards

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Behavioral Genetics

Study how both genetics and environment contribute to human behavior

  • we inherit our genetic material, DNA, from our parents
  • however, no single gene is responsible for a behavior; it simply provides a building block for it
  • but genetics alone do not affect behavior, environmental factors also influence it

Based on this principle, some people may have a genetic 'predisposition' towards a behavior, however, without the appropriate environmental stimuli, the gene is not 'turned on' and the behavior is not expressed

Due to the bidirectional nature of behavior (nature vs nurture), genetic research is based largely on correlation studies

  • as a result of this, cause and effect cannot be determined


Twin and Kinship studies

Methods used in biological psychology that allows results to study links between genes and behavior.

In general, twin studies investigate the role of nature... genes have been inherited from biological parents

and kinship studies investigate the role of nurture... environment and upbringing, regardless of who parents are


Twin Studies

Used in research to study the correlation between genetic inheritance and behavior die to common genetics shared by twins

  • compares the similarity between monozygotic twins to the similarity of dizygotic twins for a particular trait or behavior
  • Monozygotic twins share 100% of their genotype
  • Dizygotic twins only share 50%, like regular siblings
  • if Monozygotic twins are more similar to each other that dizygotic twins, we can attribute it to genetic influence.


Study Used

Bouchard and McGue (1981): Twin studies and heritability