Substance Dx Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by kkuzmi
updated 1 year ago by kkuzmi
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Alcohol Related Dx- List

  1. alcohol use dx
  2. alcohol intoxication
  3. alcohol withdrawal
  4. alcohol induced mental dx
  5. unspecified alcohol related disorder


severity specifiers for substance use disorder

  • mild= 2-3 symptoms
  • moderate= 4-5 symptoms
  • severe= 6+ symptoms


in early remission vs sustained remission specifier

early remission= none of the criteria met for 3 months but for less than 12 months

sustained remission= none of the criteria have been met for 12 months or longer (except for the craving feelings)


Alcohol use dx

  • A. problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as show by 2 of the following within a 12 mos period:
    1. alcohol often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended
    2. persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to cut down alcohol use
    3. great deal of time spent in activities necessary to obtain/use/ or recover from alcohol
    4. craving or strong desire to use alcohol
    5. recurrent alcohol use resulting in failure to fulfil major role obligations at work/school/home
    6. continued alcohol use despite having persistent/recurrent social or interpersonal problems cause by use of alcohol
    7. important social, occupational, recreational activities given up or reduced because of alcohol use
    8. recurrent alcohol use in situation in which it is physically hazardous
    9. alcohol use is continues despite knowledge of having persistent/recurrent problem that is exacerbated by alcohol
    10. tolerance as defined by either
      1. increased amounts of alcohol to achieve intoxication
      2. diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of alcohol
    11. withdrawal, manifested by either
      1. characteristic withdrawal syndrome for alcohol
      2. alcohol taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms


Caffeine-Related Dx-list

  1. caffeine intoxication
  2. caffeine withdrawal
  3. caffeine-induced mental dx
  4. unspecified caffeine related dx


Hallucinogen-Related Dx-list

  1. phencyclidine use dx
  2. other hallucinogen use disorder
  3. phencyclidine intoxication
  4. other hallucinogen intoxication
  5. hallucinogen persisting perception dx
  6. phencyclidine-induced mental dx
  7. hallucinogenre induced mental dx
  8. unspecified phencyclidine related dx
  9. unspecified hallucinogen related dx



DSM defines as "pharmacologically similar substance"-- like ketamine


Inhalant-related dx- list

  1. inhalant use dx
  2. inhalant intoxication
  3. inhalant induced mental dx
  4. unspecified inhalant related dx


opioid related dx- list

  1. opioid use dx
  2. opioid intoxication
  3. opioid withdrawal
  4. opioid induced mental dx
  5. unspecified opioid related dx


sedative-, hynotic-, or anxiolytic-related dx-list

  1. sedative-, hynotic-, or anxiolytic use dx
  2. sedative-, hynotic-, or anxiolytic intoxication
  3. sedative-, hynotic-, or anxiolytic withdrawal
  4. sedative-, hynotic-, or anxiolytic induced mental dx
  5. sedative-, hynotic-, or anxiolytic related dx


sedative-, hynotic-, or anxiolytic example

benzos, carbamates, barbiturates


stimulant related dx-list

  1. stimulant use dx
  2. stimulant intoxication
  3. stimulant withdrawal
  4. stimmulant induced mental dx
  5. unspecified stimulant related dx


tobacco related dx- list

  1. tobacco use dx
  2. tobacco withdrawal
  3. tobacco induced mental dx
  4. unspecified tobacco related dx


other (unknown) substance related dx- list

  1. other (unknown) substance use dx
  2. other (unknown) substance intoxication
  3. other (unknown) substance withdrawal
  4. other (unknown) substance induced mental dx
  5. unspecified other (unknown) substance related dx