contain (v)
to have within; to be made up of (…이 들어[함유되어] 있다)
magnificent (adj)
extremely beautiful (참으로 아름다운)
intensive (adj)
highly concentrated in a small space (집중적인(짧은 시간에 많은 일·활동을 하는))
bait (n)
something that attracts (미끼)
protective (adj)
intended to protect someone/something (보호하는, 보호용의)
frequently (adv)
often, many times (자주, 흔히)
inseparable (adj)
unable to be separated (갈라[떼어]놓을 수 없는)
participate (v)
take part in action (참가[참여]하다)
viewpoint (n)
a person's opinion (관점[시각])
guilty (adj)
responsible for breaking a law ( 죄책감이 드는, 유죄의)
captivity (n)
condition of being imprisoned (감금, 억류)
unbelievable (adj)
unlikely to be true (믿기 어려울 정도인)
visible (adj)
able to be seen (보이는, 알아볼 수 있는)
rage (n)
extreme/violent anger (격렬한 분노, 격노)
unleash (v)
cause a strong/violent force to be released (촉발시키다[불러일으키다])
tremendous (adj)
very large in amount/extremely good in quality (엄청난)
deserve (v)
to be worthy of/ have a right to ( …을 받을 만하다, [누릴 자격이 있다])
coordinate (v)
to arrange things so that they work together (조직화[편성]하다)